
miǎn chú yì wù
  • relief from obligation;exemption from a duty
  1. 这便是之后曝光的征兵遮光丑闻,他和其他演员如SongSeungHun曾经伪造免除服义务兵役的文本。

    This was after a draft-dodging scandal exposed how he and other actors like Song Seung Hun had forged documents to stay out of the mandatory millitary service .

  2. 偿还用劳力替代金钱,以免除(义务或债务)

    To discharge ( an obligation or a debt ) with labor in place of money .

  3. 从今年起用两年时间,全部免除农村义务教育阶段学生学杂费,今年在西部地区实施,明年扩大到中部和东部地区;

    This will be done in the western region this year and extended to the central and eastern regions next year .

  4. 不过,在免除缔约义务人的缔约义务的同时,缔约义务人应当履行其对相对人的协助、通知、照顾、保护及忠实等附随义务。

    However , Contracting obligor shall perform accompanying obligation like to assistant , inform care , protect its counterpart , and to be faithfully as well .

  5. 在发出通知后,该方应在该不可抗力持续期间免除该义务的履行。

    The party shall , having given notice , be excused performance of such obligations for so long as such force majeure prevents it from performing them .

  6. 在美国、英国和其他地方,学生贷款受到区别对待:不同于其他种类贷款,学贷无法通过宣告破产免除偿还义务。

    In America , Britain and elsewhere , these treat student debt as a special case : unlike other forms of debt , it cannot be wiped out .

  7. 有部分学者认为自然人破产制度是对自然债务的挑战,在免除还债义务的诱惑下,债务人借制度合法逃债会成为常态。

    Some scholars argue that individuals ' bankruptcy system is a challenge to natural debt . Under the temptation of debt exemption , legally evading debts might occur frequently .

  8. 过失相抵是当受害人对于损害的发生或扩大具有过错时,依法减轻或免除赔偿义务人的损害赔偿责任的制度。

    Error and muff cancel is the system when the victim have the error about happening or enlarging of the damage , the obligor 's damage claims duty can be lightened or relieved legally .

  9. 通过法律的方法免除纳税的义务。

    The minimization of tax liability by lawful methods .

  10. 他们免除了她的义务。

    They dispensed her from obligation .

  11. 履行偿付债务的义务他免除支付债款的义务。

    Performance obligations He was relieved of the obligation to pay his debt .

  12. 遵守此英国标准并不意味着免除自身的法律义务。

    Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations .

  13. 乙方同意在许可证到期时并不免除乙方应尽义务。

    Party B agrees that the expiration of this license shall not discarge Party B from its obligation .

  14. 免除(债务、义务等).表示原�

    pardon . To renounce anger or resentment against . To absolve from payment of ( a debt , for example ) .

  15. 它的功能在于使成员方在特殊情况下免除其承诺的义务,从而对因履行协定所造成的严重损害进行补救。

    Its function is to enable the member to be exempted from its committed obligations under special situations , so as to remedy the serious damage that might occur as a result of the implementation of the agreement .