
miǎn péi é
  • Deductible;excess;deductible excess
免赔额[miǎn péi é]
  1. 本保险单每次索赔均有100英镑的免赔额。

    There is an excess of £ 100 on each claim under this policy .

  2. 那家公司想要办理单价1,800英镑的保单,并且要求21岁以下人员承担价值500英镑的免赔额。

    The company wanted £ 1,800 for a policy with a £ 500 excess for under-21s .

  3. 免赔额和NCD赔付条件下保险索赔次数的分布超额赔款再保险又分为险位超赔再保险、事故超赔再保险和累积超赔再保险三种方式。

    The Distribution about Numbers of Claims on Homogeneous Policyholders under NCD System and Stop Loss Insurance Excess of loss reinsurance composed of per risk excess of loss , per occurrence excess of loss and stop loss reinsurance .

  4. 第三章船舶保险和船舶保赔保险索赔和理赔之比较,本章通过对索赔时效、赔偿金的支付、免赔额(Deductible)、最高赔偿限额的比较来分析二者之不同;

    Chapter III the comparison of counterclaim and claim settlement between hull insurance and protection Sindemnity : In chapter III difference between them will be compared and analyzed by virtue of analysis of counterclaim time bar , payment of compensation Deductible , compensation limitation .

  5. 每次事故物质损失免赔额。

    Deductible of material damage for any one accident & .

  6. 健康保险免赔额条款与保单限额条款的经济学分析

    The Economic Analysis about the Deductibles and Policy Limits of Health Insurance

  7. 本文研究不完全信息条件下含免赔额保险合同的确定问题。

    This paper examines the optimal deductible insurance contract under incomplete information .

  8. 利益衡量视角下的绝对免赔额制度

    The Absolute Non-Compensation System from the View of Interest Measurement

  9. 本保险单明细表或有关条款中规定的应由被保险人自行负担的免赔额;

    The deductibles stated in the Schedule to be borne by the Insured ;

  10. 每次事故的赔偿限额及免赔额。

    Limits of indemnity and deductibles in respect of each and every accident .

  11. 投保项目,投保金额,免赔额

    Insured Items , Sums insured , Deductibles

  12. 含有免赔额的最优保险效用模型

    The Optimal Utility Models for Deductible Insurance

  13. 也许你不需要一个200元的免赔额碰撞时,500元就足够了。

    Maybe you don 't need a $ 200 collision deductible when $ 500 is sufficient .

  14. 规定一定的免赔额。

    Provisions of certain deductibles .

  15. 在我看来,你前面提到的放弃免赔额条款的确起到了作用。

    It seems to me that the Waiver of Excess Clause that you quote does achieve this .

  16. 还证明了最后一层保险公司与免赔额无关。

    The bankrupcy probability of the last layer reinsurance company has nothing to do with deductible is proved .

  17. 您的保险公司将不会履行自己的部分索赔,直到您支付您的免赔额。

    Your insurance company will not honor its portion of the claim until you 've paid your deductible .

  18. 风暴造成损失的标准免赔额通常是一笔固定的数额,为500美元到1000美元。

    Standard deductibles for storm damage are usually set at a fixed sum , typically between $ 500 and $ 1,000 .

  19. 二是在不完全信息情况下,当保单外生给定时,通过博弈来分析投保人与保险人所达成的最优免赔额保险合同。

    Second , under incomplete information , playing chess to analyze the optimum contract of insurance of the insured and reinsurance .

  20. 利用再保险市场的风险分配量和风险价格的解析表达式,讨论关于保险机理、免赔额保险、风险价格和保险基金等实际问题。

    The present paper deals with several practical questions on insurance mechanism , deductible insurance , risk price and insurance reserve , etc.

  21. 一般来说,飓风造成损失的免赔额为财产价值的1%到5%。

    A typical hurricane deductible is set at between 1 per cent and 5 per cent of the value of the property .

  22. 最重要的是,它是个伟大的医保计划,降低你的保险费和免赔额。

    Most importantly , it will be great healthcare , and your premiums will come down , and your deductibles will come down .

  23. 应用此信息系统,计算比较了不同地区建筑地震损失期望的差异,分析了不同免赔额和限额的设定对保险公司赔付的影响。

    Then a GIS-based system is developed to estimate earthquake insurance premium for different zones and analyze insurance company earthquake loss for different deduction and limit .

  24. 你的保险单列有50英镑免赔额,所以你的汽车损坏修理费的首50英镑要由你付。

    You will have to pay the first 50 of the cost of repairing your damaged car as there is an excess of 50 on your policy .

  25. 而赔付上限的增加会导致保险人提高保费,并促使投保人选择较低的免赔额,从而购买更多的保险。

    While the increase in upper coverage limit will induce the insurer with CARA to increase premium , and make the insured reduce his deductible and purchase more insurance .

  26. 绝对免赔额制度涉及到多层利益,在不同利益层面上进行利益衡量是厘清利益关系的关键所在。

    The absolute non-compensation system is related with many levels of interests and the interest measurement at different level of interests is the key to clarify the interest relationship .

  27. 本文利用期望-方差效用理论,讨论了单时段市场风险资产的绝对免赔额保险中最优免赔额的存在性问题,并给出了最优免赔额、最优风险资产投资额的定价表达式。

    This paper discuss the optimal investment and insurance in such a one-period market and get the valuation of the optimal assets investment amount and the optimal amount of dismiss compensate .

  28. 但是保险公司保险单又规定了免赔额、共同保险条款、责任限额,从而使存在不当行为的董事自己承担一部分损失和费用。

    Insurers often stipulate deductible amount , coinsurance clause and limit of liability in their contracts , so as to the directors and officers carry one part of the losses and costs .

  29. 在计算每一车辆或者每名旅客的车辆以外的其他行李的损失赔偿数额时,应当扣除约定的承运人免赔额。

    In calculating the amount of compensation for the loss of or damage to the passenger 's vehicle or the luggage other than the vehicle , deduction shall be made of the agreed deductibles the carrier is entitled to .

  30. 三是从环境污染责任保险制度本身寻求解决办法,例如设置合理的免赔额、费率优惠等,鼓励企业增强对环境污染风险的防范意识,降低污染物的排放。

    The third is from the environmental pollution liability insurance system itself to find a solution , such as setting reasonable deductible and preferential rates to encourage enterprises to increase the risk of environmental pollution prevention awareness and reduce pollutant emissions .