
  • 网络leporidae;Family Leporidae;Eurymylidae;Lagomorpha
  1. 本论文主要对该动物群中的兔科化石进行研究。

    This paper aims at the study on the Leporidae fossils of Shanyanzhai mammalian fauna .

  2. 属于兔科尤其是兔属的各种哺乳动物,该属的兔类与野兔相似但有更长的耳朵和腿,并且新幼兔有活动能力且长毛。

    Any of various mammals of the family Leporidae , especially of the genus Lepus , similar to rabbits but having longer ears and legs and giving birth to active , furred young .

  3. 现代家兔起源于野生穴兔,它与山兔属的野生兔是同科而不同属的动物,学术界对家兔的起源地有外来论和原产论两种不同的观点。

    The Chinese rabbits , which originated from Oryctolagus , belong to the homologous Family but not belong to the same genus as the common hares of Lepus .