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rù xí
  • take one's seat at a banquet, ceremony, etc;take one's seat at a banquet, ceremony,etc.
入席 [rù xí]
  • [take ones seat at a banquet,ceremony,etc.] 举行宴会或仪式时各就各位

入席[rù xí]
  1. 我入席就座。

    I took my place at the table .

  2. 主人请大家入席。

    The host invited everyone to be seated .

  3. 全家人都入席了吗?我准备上菜。

    I shall be ready to dish up in a few minutes ; are the family all at the table ?

  4. 可怜的汤姆在查尔斯·米拉贝尔爵士的宴会上,终于入席不久就酩酊大醉,弄得出丑露乖,丢尽了脸皮

    Poor Tom lamentably disgraced himself at Sir Charles Mirable 's table , by premature inebriation .

  5. 她希望能够计入这两州的选票并允许其大会代表入席全国代表大会。

    She hopes to have their votes counted and their convention delegates seated .

  6. 每一位老师的入席都伴随着学生们的兴高采烈的呼声。

    With every teacher 's appearance , the students howled and cheered for them .

  7. 一切都很顺利,直到摆桌入席时却除了差子。

    All went well until it was time to spread the table for dinner .

  8. 她请客人在餐桌入席。

    She seated the guest at the table .

  9. 等大家都入席后,有位朋友提议每一个到来的客人都应该讲一个故事。

    As they sat at the table , each one was asked to tell something .

  10. 引导者带领或领路的人他引导这位老妇人入席。

    One that leads or guides . He piloted the old lady to her seat .

  11. 正餐已准备好了,你们如不马上入席这顿饭就要糟蹋掉了!

    Dinner 's ready and it 'll spoil if you don 't come straight away !

  12. 但在你们到餐厅入席之前需要先为你们分派学院。

    But before you take your seats , you must be sorted into your houses .

  13. 所以只好由这小伙子指引客人们入席了,他做这件事时显得有点太专横。

    Therefore the young man , slightly too dictatorial , directed the guests to their places .

  14. 大家立刻入席,开始大嚼。我立刻把它捆在背上。

    The guests took their seats at the table and began by making an uncommonly good meal .

  15. 分号则将分句与思想融为一体,犹如女主人不露声色地把来宾一一妥善安排入席。

    While the semicolon brings clauses and thoughts together with all the silent discretion of a hostess arranging guests around her dinner table .

  16. 香港还是我们服务的巨大市场,今晚很多入席的公司将证明这一点。

    Hong Kong is also a huge market for us for services , as many of the companies represented here tonight will testify .

  17. 他一向主张女人要随着第一道菜入席,然后,喝完第一杯酒就退席。

    It was a maxim with him , that women should come in with the first dish , and go out after the first glass .

  18. 东京奥运会已禁止外国观众入席,周三,组委会主席桥本圣子表示,有关场地客流量的决定可能要到6月才能做出。

    Fans from abroad have already been barred , and on Wednesday organizing committee president Seiko Hashimoto said a decision on venue capacity may not be made until June .

  19. 哈节活动过程共分为四个部分,顺序依次为迎神、祭神、入席宴饮与听哈、送神。

    The Ha Festival course include four sections in turn like welcome to jinns , memorial ceremony for jinns , feasting while listening to chants , and seeing off jinns .

  20. 注:透过预约中心在任何一间迪士尼饭店订房的投宿者,也可于此预约饭店餐厅之优先入席。

    Note : guests who have made a room reservation for Disney hotel through the above number , can also use it to book priority seating for the restaurants in the hotel .

  21. 软件许可:这个主题使王子的背景形象在独角兽上面在一公主入席之前跪下。好地,种类。

    Software description : about Prince not so charming , this theme has a background image of a prince kneeling before a princess sitting on top of a unicorn . well , sort of .

  22. 先入席的是几个国王,接着入席的是王子、公爵、伯爵和男爵,最后入席的是其余所有应邀而来男子。

    They were all placed in a row according to their rank and standing . First came the kings , then the grand dukes , then the princes , the earls , the barons , and the aristocracy .

  23. 半小时前我们就点菜了,可等到现在连第一道菜没有上。他一向主张女人要随着第一道菜入席,然后,喝完第一杯酒就退席。

    We have given our order half an hour ago , but are still waiting for the first course . It was a maxim with him , that women should come in with the first dish , and go out after the first glass .