
  • 网络national science conference
  1. 他们是在全国科学大会上结识的。

    They made each other 's acquaintance at the National Science conference .

  2. 1978年全国科学大会前后中国科技政策初探

    Primary discussion on Chinese Science Policy around the National Science Conference in 1978

  3. 在全国科学大会开幕式上的讲话

    Speech at the opening ceremony of the National Conference on Science

  4. 我们这次全国科学大会也是一次团结的大会。

    This National Conference on Science is likewise a demonstration of unity .

  5. 在2006年1月召开的全国科学技术大会上,我国提出了建设创新型国家的战略决策。

    In January 2006 at a national science and technology conference , our country puts forward the strategic decision to build an innovation-oriented country .

  6. 学习贯彻落实全国科学技术大会精神切实抓好十一五开局年的各项工作&在2006年全省科技工作暨党风廉政建设会议上的讲话

    Study and Implement the Gist of the National Conference of Science and Technology and Carry on the Work of the Beginning Year of the Eleventh Five-year Plan Conscientiously

  7. 全国科学技术大会提出了至2020年把我国建设成为创新型国家的奋斗目标,确立了科学技术的优先战略地位。

    And the National Conference on Science and Technology proposed a goal to change China to be an innovation-oriented country before 2020 , and established a priority strategic position of science and technology .

  8. 2006年1月召开的全国科学技术大会明确提出了坚持走中国特色自主创新道路,建设创新型国家的宏伟目标。

    The national science and technology conference , opened on Jan.2006 , clearly pointed out the ambitious goal of adhering to the road of independent innovation with Chinese characteristics and establishing an innovative country .

  9. 为了贯彻落实全国科学技术大会精神,河南省科学院将采取多种措施,深化管理体制改革,努力打造一流的创新团队,力争在自然科学领域大幅度提升自主创新能力。

    In order to fully carry out the spirits of National Science and Technology Conference , Henan Academy of Sciences will takes various measures to deepen its administration system reform , cultivate first-class innovation team and promote self-innovation capabilities in nature science .

  10. 2006年,全国科学技术大会召开研究颁布了《国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要(2006-2020)》,提出增强自主创新能力,建设创新型国家的战略目标。

    In 2006 , The " National Long-term Scientific and Technological Development Plan ( 2006-2020 ) " was promulgated by the National Science and Technology Conference , the strategic objectives of enhancing the capability of independent innovation and building an innovative country was advanced .

  11. 我院三项科技成果在全国科学技术奖励大会上受奖

    Three Achievements in Scientific Research of Our Institute Awarded in the National Promotional and Awards Conference of Science and Technology