
  • 网络US Airways;US Airways Group;US Airways Group Inc
  1. 同样,全美航空公司(USAirways)在2004年至2005年也遭遇了假日事故,当时超过72000件行李丢失或损坏。

    Likewise , US Airways encountered its own holiday mishap in 2004-05 , when more than 72 , 000 bags were lost or damaged .

  2. 美国最大的载客航空公司美国航空公司(AmericanAirlines)已与规模较小的竞争者全美航空公司(USAirways)达成一项协议,合并为全球最大的航空公司。

    American Airlines , the biggest passenger airline in the United States , has reached an agreement to merge with smaller competitor US Airways , creating the world 's largest airline .

  3. 当初,工会组织代表破产后的美航公司(AmericanAirlines)同意了全美航空公司(USAirways)的收购要约,现在他们可能后悔不已。

    The unions representing bankrupt American Airlines may come to regret agreeing to hook up with US Airways .

  4. 与此同时,计划和全美航空公司合并的美国航空公司(AmericanAirlines)排名倒数第四,FlightAware网站的数据显示,该公司航班延误率达到19.7%。

    Meanwhile , American Airlines , with which US Airways plans to merge , was the fourth worst , with 19.7 percent of flights arriving late , according to FlightAware .

  5. 全美航空公司(usairways)计划从本周起不再向乘客收取苏打水、茶和其它饮料的费用,这个最新迹象表明,航空业正面临有史以来最为急剧的需求下滑之一。

    US Airways plans to stop charging passengers for soda , tea and other drinks this week in the latest sign that the airlines industry is braced for one of the steepest declines in demand for air travel in its history .

  6. 1992年3月22日,全美航空公司(USAir)405次班机在严寒天气下从拉瓜迪亚机场(LaGuardiaAirport)起飞。几分钟后飞机失速并紧急着陆,导致27名乘客死亡。

    On March 22 1992 , USAir flight 405 departed from LaGuardia Airport in icy conditions and a few minutes later stalled and crash-landed , killing 27 passengers .

  7. 美国航空公司和全美航空公司合并,组成世界上最大的航空公司。

    American Airlines and U.S. Airways have merged to form the world 's largest airline .

  8. 在主要的美国航空公司中,全美航空公司拥有最高的假日航班准点率,在榜单上排名第五,去年感恩节和圣诞节期间的航班延误率为15.57%。

    Among the major U.S. airlines , US Airways had the best holiday on-time performance , coming in fifth with 15.57 percent of its flights arriving late during Thanksgiving and Christmas .

  9. 美国航空公司母公司请求破产法庭批准其与美国监管机构达成的和解协议,使其能与全美航空公司合并,组建世界上最大的航空公司。

    American Airlines parent company is asking a bankruptcy court to approve a settlement with U.S. regulators , enabling it to tie the knot with U.S. airways to create the world 's largest airline .

  10. 近年来,美国发生的最具戏剧性的一起空难被称为哈德逊奇迹。2009年1月15日,当时全美航空公司一架空客320客机在从纽约市拉瓜迪亚机场起飞时与雁群相撞。

    The most dramatic crash in the United States in recent years was the so-called " Miracle on the Hudson ," when a US Airways passenger plane , an Airbus 320 , struck geese while taking off from La Guardia airport in New York City on Jan. 15 , 2009 .

  11. 全美航空和美国航空公司的合并计划受到挑战,两家公司称他们将运用所有合法权益进行反击。

    U.S. Airways and American Airlines say they will use all legal options to fight back against a challenge to their merger plans .