
  • 网络palmprint;Palmprint Recognition;Palmprint Identification
  1. 基于DCT的多颜色通道融合的掌纹识别算法研究

    Palmprint Identification Using DCT-based Multi-color Component Images Fusion

  2. 基于Gabor纹理特征的掌纹识别

    Palmprint identification based on the feature of Gabor texture

  3. 基于实值Gabor变换的掌纹识别

    Palmprint recognition based on real discrete Gabor transform

  4. 基于Gabor滤波器和LBP的分级掌纹识别

    Hierarchical palmprint identification based on gabor filter and LBP

  5. 基于平移不变Zernike矩和模块化神经网络的掌纹识别方法

    Palmprint recognition based on translation invariant Zernike moments and modular neural network

  6. 基于Zernike矩及神经网络的掌纹识别方法

    Palmprint Identification Method Based on Zernike Moment and Neural Network

  7. 首次提出将局部二进制模式(LBP)应用到掌纹识别中。

    This paper first presents a new method of palmprint identification by using Local Binary Pattern ( LBP ) .

  8. 最后,一个线性辨别(FLD)分类被用在掌纹识别统计直方图特征空间。

    A Fisher linear discriminant ( FLD ) classifier is used for palmprint identification .

  9. 提出了基于Gabor小波变换和脉冲神经网络(PCNN)的掌纹识别算法。

    We propose a palmprint recognition based on Gabor features and Pulse Coupled Neural network ( PCNN ) .

  10. 基于LEM的在线掌纹识别

    Online palmprint recognition using line edge map

  11. 本文提出了利用蚁群优化等技术改进AR手形识别,并在AR应用中首先引入了手掌与掌纹识别技术。

    The model is designed and implemented for deformation simulation . ( 3 ) An improved hand shape recognition algorithm is proposed based on ACO , and the palm print recognition technology is applied to AR firstly .

  12. 基于非负矩阵分解和广义判别分析的掌纹识别

    Palmprint Recognition Based on Non-Negative Matrix Factorization and General Discriminant Analysis

  13. 基于手形交互与掌纹识别的增强现实应用

    Augmented reality application based on hand shape interaction and palmprint recognition

  14. 基于小波分解的独立分量掌纹识别方法

    Wavelet based independent component analysis for palmprint identification Palmprint Recognition

  15. 基于线特征的双向匹配的掌纹识别研究

    Research on Palmprint Recognition System Based on Line Features by Bi-Directional Matching

  16. 改进的基于二维主分量分析的掌纹识别

    Palm-print recognition based on improved two dimensions principal component analysis

  17. 基于模板匹配的掌纹识别自适应阈值选取方法

    Adaptive thresholding method for online palmprint image verification based on template matching

  18. 二值图像边缘跟踪算法及其在掌纹识别中的应用

    Tracing Edge Algorithm Based on Binary Image and the Application on Palm Recognition

  19. 提出一种小波子带融合的单样本掌纹识别方法。

    A wavelet sub-bands fusion scheme for single sample palmprint recognition is proposed .

  20. 基于主线特征的双向匹配的掌纹识别新方法

    A New Palmprint Identification Method Using Bi-Directional Matching Based on Major Line Features

  21. 基于双向二维主成分分析的掌纹识别

    Palmprint recognition based on two-directional two-dimensional principal component analysis

  22. 基于概率化模板和模糊逻辑的掌纹识别算法

    Palmprint Recognition Based on Probability Template and Fuzzy Logic

  23. 基于Qt/Embedded的嵌入式自动掌纹识别系统

    Investigation on Qt / Embedded Embedded Palmprint Identification System

  24. 所以我们对掌纹识别技术的研究具有非常重要的意义。

    Therefore , the palmprint recognition technology became a very important and active issue .

  25. 掌纹识别中的特征提取算法综述

    Survey of Feature Extraction Algorithms in Palmprint Recognition

  26. 掌纹识别是利用计算机自动提取并分析掌纹图像的特征来进行身份的识别与认证。

    Palmprint recognition identifies different people through extract and analyze the palmprints automatically by computer .

  27. 掌纹识别作为一种重要的生物特征识别方法,其中的一个重要环节就是掌纹特征的提取。

    One of the most important part of the palmprint recognition is the feature extraction .

  28. 掌纹识别是利用人的手掌图像进行身份鉴别的一种新兴生物特征识别技术。

    Palmprint identification is a new identification method of physiological biometrics by using palmprint image .

  29. 成功将矩阵模块神经网络应用于人脸和掌纹识别系统。

    The proposed matrix modular neural network was successfully applied into face recognition and palmprint recognition .

  30. 一种提高掌纹识别率方法的研究

    Method for Improving Palm-print Recognizing Rate