
  1. 征信公司和公共征信系统是现代金融体系良好运作的制度保证之一。

    The credit company and other kinds of public credit system is a guarantee to the good operation of modern finance system .

  2. 我国的企业公共征信系统应当基于央行企业信贷信息登记系统和各政府部门电子政务平台;

    Our country 's corporate public credit information sharing platform should be based on the Corporate Credit Information Registry System and the Electronic Government System ;

  3. 因此,必须建立有效的信用信息共享激励和约束机制,推动银行加深信息共享,同时通过公共征信系统和商业征信的共同辅助,形成相对完善的社会征信体系。

    Therefore , the effective information sharing encouragement and restriction systems must be built up , which can push the banks to deepen information sharing to form relatively perfect social credit system , with assistance of public and private credit systems .

  4. 欧洲国家大多采取的是公共征信模式,它们基本都有一个由政府力量主导建立的公共征信系统。

    Most European countries adopted a model of public credit , they basically have a public credit system which established by the government .