
  1. 当下全球化浪潮和公共性危机、公共性缺失凸显了政府公共性研究的当代价值。

    At present , the globalization tide , public crisis and public hiatus have protruded the contemporary value of studying the government commonality .

  2. 地方政府在服务于地方社会中存在的问题有:政府信息公开程度低、社会保障不完善以及应对公共性危机能力和处理能力不足。

    Question existing in serving the local society of local government is as follows , government 's information discloses the degree low , the social security is not perfected and and deal with ability to public crisis ability insufficiently .

  3. 再次,对处于社会变迁中的我国公共政策合法性危机进行了系统的分析和探讨,并提出了我国政策合法性危机解决所应着力的方向与途径。

    Finally , it proposed the strength direction and the way to dispel the dispel the public policy legitimacy crisis of our country from truthfully however and should however angles .

  4. 尤其是从20世纪80年代开始,以通过政府改革来解决公共性问题或危机为标志的公共活动领域的当代转向,为构建和谐社会提出了新的课题。

    Since 1980s , reforms have been carried out in the government to solve the public problems . It is a sign of the contemporary turn to the field of public activity . It brings new question for the construction of a harmonious society .

  5. 公共政策价值合法性危机探析

    On the Crisis of the Value Validity of the Public Policies

  6. 公共图书馆的公共性危机,与公共图书馆改革方向把握有关,与公共图书馆体制建构有关,也与时代条件下公共文化需求的增长有关。

    This crisis relates to the reform in public library , the system of public library , and the growth of public cultural demand nowadays .

  7. 第三部分以对传统公共行政理论指导下所导致的公共行政合法性危机为引语,进而提出了后现代公共行政理论的六大内容及特点。

    Part three employs the realistic validity crisis of public administration which resulting from the direction of contemporary public administration as oration , brings forward six contents and characteristics of postmodern public administration theory .

  8. 公共图书馆偏离公益方向、违背共享原则、忽视公平目标,使公众对公共图书馆的公共性出现了认同危机。

    Public library deviating from commonweal , disobeying the sharing principle , and neglecting the goal of fair , has caused publicity crisis of public library .