
  • 网络public relation crisis;Public Crisis
  1. 论企业公关危机管理模式

    Study of the management pattern of public relations crisis in enterprises

  2. 现代企业公关危机管理

    The Public Relations Crisis Control in Modern Enterprise

  3. 基于AHP模糊综合评判的公关危机处理能力评价

    An Evaluation of PR Crisis Management Capability Based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process

  4. 在50位接受1美元年薪的CEO中,有25位存在明显的公关危机。

    Of the 50 CEOs who accepted a $ 1 salary , 25 had explicit public relations risks .

  5. 让我们比照一下过去十年中另一场重大的公关危机:2010年英国石油公司(BP)墨西哥湾漏油事件。

    Compare that to one of the other big public relations crises of the past decade : the 2010 BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill .

  6. 辛曾经是收入最高的电视演员,但是在2011年因滥用药物而导致公关危机后,他的私生活就成为了全球媒体的焦点,CBS亦因此被迫暂停了他参演的热门情景喜剧《好汉两个半》(TwoandaHalfMan)。

    Mr. Sheen was once the highest-paid television actor , but his personal life became the focus of global media attention in 2011 after he had a drug-fueled public meltdown , and CBS was forced to temporarily shut down production of his hit sitcom , " Two and a Half Men . "

  7. 新版系统的问题对苹果而言无疑是一次沉重的打击,该公司本欲借新款智能手机iPhone6和iPhone6Plus发布之际,向用户隆重推出这款新的操作系统,没想到最后却演变成了一场公关危机。

    The problems with the update marked a major stumble for Apple , which had hoped to showcase the new operating system while selling the latest versions of its smartphone , the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus . Instead , it turned into a public relations nightmare .

  8. 在当前媒体开放透明的大环境中,图书馆也要有敏锐的公关危机意识。

    Librarians need keen consciousness against PR crisis under such a free - talking environment .

  9. 他立即召开紧急会议应对公关危机。

    He is calling an urgent meeting for immediate action on the public relations crisis .

  10. 企业公关危机的成因很多,但主要有:企业自身、突发事件、宣传报道。

    Many factors lead to public relations crisis of enterprises , including one 's own reason and unexpected events .

  11. 强、弱势群体之间的这种相对关系为企业制定公关危机事件处理策略提供了深刻启示。

    This relative relation between vulnerable groups and strong groups provides profound enlightenment for the enterprises to deal with crisis events in public relations .

  12. 而有人在某社区论坛上发帖称,获救学生们并没有对自己的行为而感到愧疚,反而在讨论如何应付媒体,如何度过公关危机。

    In a post on an online community the rescued students discussed how to handle the media and PR crisis rather than feeling guilty about their behavior .

  13. 这起被称为“空难”的公关危机事件,恰如一枚多棱镜,折射出企业公关危机管理的诸多问题。

    It has been called the " disastrous " public relations crisis incident , which reflects many public relations crisis management ( PRCM ) issues of the enterprise .

  14. 快速反应:倾听那些隐含的激烈,病毒和情绪化的狂热行为,以便消除潜在的公关危机,或引燃正面支持的星星之火。

    Rapid Response : Listen for potentially heated , viral , and emotional activity in order to extinguish a potential crisis or fan the flames of positive support .

  15. 这家德国汽车制造商在韩国因起火事件面临公关危机,该公司将其归咎于汽车尾气排放系统的问题。

    The German automaker is facing a public relations crisis in South Korea over the fires , which it has blamed on a problem with the cars ' exhaust systems .

  16. 企业公关危机管理新思维:化危为机&以康师傅水源门事件为例

    Enterprise Public Relations Crisis Managing New Thought : Change " the Danger " into " Chance " & Take " the Water Source Gate Event " of Kang Shifu as the Example

  17. 指出现代企业必须加强公关危机管理,以增强企业在当今复杂多变的商业环境中的适应能力。

    It points out that the modern enterprise must strengthen the public relations crisis control , to build up the enterprise 's adaptation ability in the complex and changeable business environment nowadays .

  18. 董事帕森说到:“委员会完全误解或者是刻意忽略了围绕着欧洲的公共情绪。”他把这个建议形容为“公关危机”。

    " The commission is either completely misreading or wilfully ignoring the public mood around Europe ," its director Mats Persson said , describing the proposal as a " PR disaster " .

  19. 本文从危机发生前、发生时和发生后这三个阶段分别阐述企业应采取的相应管理措施,为现代企业预防和处理公关危机事件提供一些有益的参考。

    This paper explains the relevant steps to be taken by the enterprises before , during or after the occurrence of crisis in order to prevent or deal with the crisis for the enterprises .

  20. 苹果公司近日陷入公关危机,其在中国最大的代工厂富士康面临着工人超时工作,雇佣未成年人,工作环境不安全等指控。

    And then there is this PR headache for Apple . There have been allegations of extremely long working hours , underage employees and unsafe conditions at one of its biggest Chinese suppliers , Foxconn .

  21. 同时以积极、迅速和诚信的姿态处置企业公关危机,消除传言对公司不良影响,重塑企业形象和信用,为企业摆脱危险状态提供有利的公共环境。

    At the same time , enterprises should take proactive , quick and trustworthy attitude toward handling PR crisis to reverse negative influence by rumors and rebuild good images of enterprises , which will create favorable public environment for enterprises to dispose of the crisis .

  22. 安倍因本月发表的言论陷入了一场公关危机,他在讲话中似乎想把日本军队直接强征慰安妇,和他所谓的使用皮条客征用慰安妇加以区别。

    The Japanese prime minister has become embroiled in a public relations disaster after remarks this month in which he appeared to draw a distinction between direct coercion by Japan 's military and what he said was the use of middlemen to recruit sex slaves .

  23. 目前,档案交流工作发生较大的公关危机&交流理论原创性的稀缺,交流实践的捉襟见肘,档案交流工作地位的边缘化,疾呼合理有效的交流理念、交流模式。

    Currently , the archives information exchange is facing on a greater public relation crisis , namely , the lack of original communication theory and communication practice , the marginalization of the archives information exchange , and the need of reasonable and effective communication ideas and patterns .

  24. 另外,通过扩大品牌主持人知名度、增加品牌主持人美誉度、培育品牌主持人忠诚度和提升品牌主持人满意度,加强对电视新闻类节目品牌主持人的管理,当主持人发生公关危机时,提出解决之道。

    In addition to expand the host brand visibility and enhance its reputation , and cultivate their loyalty and reinforce their satisfaction , we should strengthen the management of the TV news brand host . The best way for solution should be given when they occurs the public relations crisis .

  25. 记者:当您几年前开始实施这个项目的时候,沃尔玛正在遭遇公关危机。但是如今,如果回头去看沃尔玛这几年开展的项目,就会发现这些环保活动已经使沃尔玛建立了很好的公众关系。

    Reporter : When you launched this program several years ago , Wal-Mart at the time was getting some extraordinarily bad public relations . Today , if you look at the way Wal-Mart has been written about over the course of the past year , these green initiaives have generated enormously good public relations .

  26. 警察危机公关具有危机高发性、处置难度大、负面影响深的显著特点。

    The public relations in crisis of police has three characters which include occurring frequently , difficult to handle and bearing deep negative influence .

  27. 正确运用危机公关预防危机、解决危机、转变危机,就显得很重要。

    It appears very important right away that rightly applying crisis public relation to take precautions against crisis , resolve crisis , change the crisis .

  28. 转型期的中国社会危机事件日见增多,危机公关、危机管理、危机传播的研究也在中国悄然兴起。

    The number of crisis events is increasing in the transition of China society . The research on the crisis public relations , crisis management , and crisis communication are also quietly rising .

  29. 这也是所有公关人员应对危机时应具备的精神。

    This is the spirit for all publicists to handle crisis .

  30. 通过将危机公关与公关危机和危机管理进行比较,廓清了他们之间的区别。

    After comparison , the author has distinguished the conception of public crisis management from a lot of other similar words .