
  • civil service examination;civil service exam;Civil Servants Exam
  1. 与此同时,王也在准备公务员考试。

    Wang ` s also preparing for the civil service exam .

  2. 外交学院的生唐岷曾参加了重庆公务员考试。

    Tang Min , a postgraduate from CFAU , sat for the civil service exam in Chongqing .

  3. 福伊尔兄弟创业伊始(他们公务员考试失利后,把存放在母亲霍克斯顿(Hoxton)家中厨房的相关教材拿出去卖)的图书市场如今开始向网络转战;

    The educational market in which the Foyle brothers started out ( they sold textbooks from their failed civil service exams out of their mother 's Hoxton kitchen ) is moving online ;

  4. 但他认为公务员考试是一次值得自己去争取的机会。

    But he sees this as an opportunity worth going for .

  5. 你将参加公务员考试吗?

    Are you going in for the civil service examination ?

  6. 澳门政府公务员考试制度

    The Examination System of Civil Servants of the Macao Government

  7. 对完善公务员考试录用制度的探讨

    On Improving Exam and Employ System of Government Civil Servant

  8. 我国公务员考试制度从什么时候开始的?

    System of exam of our country officeholder from what when begin ?

  9. 完善公务员考试录用制度之我见

    A View on Perfecting the System of Civil Service Examination

  10. 公务员考试录用制度现状的系统分析

    A Systematic Analysis of the Examination System for Recruiting Public Servant in China

  11. 你有想过报考国家公务员考试吗?

    Have you ever thought about entering for the national public servant examination ?

  12. 2017年度国家公务员考试网上报名于上周六开始。

    Online registration for the 2017 national civil servant exam started last Saturday .

  13. 高校图书馆开展公务员考试信息服务的探讨

    Research on the Information Service of Civil Servant Test Provided by the University Library

  14. 现阶段我国公务员考试录用制度研究

    Research on the Current System of Examination and Employing of Civil Servant in China

  15. 2009年国家公务员考试网上报名于上周末结束。

    Online applications for the2009 national civil servant recruitment exam ended over the weekend .

  16. 国家公务员考试录用制度自1994年确定以来,其间从诞生到推广,逐渐走向法制化和规范化。

    Since 1994 , the employment system of the civilians has been confirmed in China .

  17. 在公务员考试报考人员中,大学生组成了主力军。

    Among the people who took this exam , college students formed the major force .

  18. 公务员考试笔试后,学校的课程也都结束了。

    After the exam , all the lessons in school also came to an end .

  19. 第二章介绍我国公务员考试录用制度的现状。

    The second chapter describes the current situation of China ' scivil service examination system .

  20. 第二次世界大战后,公务员考试录用制度在世界范围内得以确立。

    After the Second World War , civil servant employment system through examinations was established internationally .

  21. 中国的国家公务员考试由两个标准的笔试和若干面试组成。

    China 's National Civil Servants Examination consists of two standard written tests and individualized interviews .

  22. 昨天是2006年国家公务员考试报名的最后一天,目前还未统计出准确报考人数。

    The exact number of applicants is not known , with the final day for applications yesterday .

  23. 公务员考试录用制度是我国干部人事制度改革的重要创举。

    Civil service examination is the most important innovation of our civil service recruitment system in China .

  24. 国民政府时期公务员考试制度的考析(1930-1949)

    The Analysis of the Civilian Examination System during the Period of the Civil Government ( 1930-1949 );

  25. 现在改革开放的中国正在进行人事制度改革,大力推行公务员考试录用制度。

    Now our nation is carrying out a personnel reform and pursuing a civil servant examination system .

  26. 公平正义视角下的我国公务员考试录用研究

    A Study on Issues Concerning Civil Servant Recruiting Through Examination from the Perspective of Fairness and Justice

  27. 对于南京国民政府的公务员考试制度,时人存在种种不同的评说。

    There were many different opinions about the civil examination system of Nanjing Nationalist Government at that time .

  28. 机关事业编改成机关行政编一般需要参加公务员考试。

    Office facilities is made up change mechanism administration to make up general need to attend officeholder exam .

  29. 而且,出于研讨须要,本文将其中加入公务员考试的视为下层社会精英。

    My research treats the students who are entrance examination for government employee as the elite of lower class .

  30. 我国的公务员考试制度就可以看作是吸收,借鉴古代科举文明的典型。

    The examine system of the public official , in modern society , is a succession to that system .