
  1. 现代企业治理结构正在逐渐发生变革,股东会弱势,会计审计制度的监管职能上升,因而要适时完善一人公司财务会计监督制度,杜绝会计作假。

    Modern corporate governance structure is gradually transformed , shareholders will be disadvantaged , increase in the regulatory functions of the accounting and auditing system , and thus to timely perfect the one-man company financial and accounting oversight regime to prevent accounting fraud .

  2. 公司法应当转变财务会计制度的价值定位,并且应借鉴发达国家的公司立法,完善我国公司法上的财务会计报告制度和利润分配制度。

    China 's company law shall transform its value , and drew lessons from company law of developed country . Moreover , China 's financial affairs and accounting report system and profit distribution system shall be perfected .

  3. 人力资本产权化趋势对公司的治理结构产生了较为深刻的影响,并对公司财务与会计制度提出了创新要求。

    The Trend of human capital propertification ( HRP ) has a profound effect on the corporate governance structure and calls for innovating the corporate finance and accounting system .