
liù jiǎ
  • pregnancy;the six combinations beginning with the first Heavenly Stem of the sixty combinations of the ten Heavenly Stem and the twelve Earthly Branches;liu jia
六甲 [liù jiǎ]
  • (1) [the six combinations beginning with the first Heavenly stem of the sixty combinations of the ten Heavenly Stems and the twelve Earthly Branches]∶古时用天干地支配成六十组干支,其中以甲起头的有甲子、甲戌、甲申、甲午、甲辰、甲寅六组称为六甲;古时一种五行方术,用以推算人的命运

  • (2) [pregnancy]∶古代妇女怀孕称身怀六甲

  • (3) [liu jia]∶道家的一种,术数

  • 胸藏六甲

六甲[liù jiǎ]
  1. 由脑室注射CBC(2.74×10-3μmol)引起的上述反应可以被胆碱能M受体阻断剂阿托品或N受体阻断剂六甲双胺预处理完全阻断(P<0.05)。

    These responses were completely blocked by cholinergic M receptor antagonist atropine or N receptor antagonist hexamethonium pretreatment .

  2. 用动力学扭辫分析(TBA)法研究了水溶性丙烯酸酯树脂与六甲氧基甲基三聚氰胺的固化反应。

    The curing reaction of waterborne acrylic resin with HMMM has been studied by using the torsional braid analysis ( TBA ) .

  3. 用红外光谱法和差热分析法研究了热固性丙烯酸酯无皂水溶胶与六甲氧基甲基三聚氰胺(HMMM)的固化过程。

    The curing behaviour of the soap-free hydrosol containing curing agent HMMM was studied by IR and DTA .

  4. 六甲基环三硅氧烷等离子体聚合膜的应用HMDSO和TFM混合气体等离子体聚合膜的结构与性能

    The structure and properties of the plasma polymerized films of mixtures of hexamethyldisiloxane and tetrafluoromethane

  5. 采用~1HNMR、IR和熔点测定法对含八甲基环四硅氮烷(Ⅰ)和六甲基环三硅氮烷(Ⅱ)的固体样品和液体样品进行了定性鉴定。

    Instrumental Methods , namely ~ 1H NMR , IR and Melting Point Testing , instead of chemical analysis methods are applied for qualitative identification of solid samples containing Si-Octamethylcyclotetrasilazane (ⅰ) or liquid samples containing Si-Hexamethyleyclotrisilazane (ⅱ) .

  6. 研究六甲氧基甲基三聚氰胺(HMMM)与松香树脂酸的反应。

    The reaction between Hexakis ( methoxymethyl ) melamine ( HMMM ) and rosin acids at differ-ent molar ratios was studied .

  7. 目的:探讨顺铂(DDP)、依托泊苷(Vp16)和六甲蜜胺(HMM)联合化疗治疗铂类敏感复发性卵巢癌的临床疗效。

    OBJECTIVE : To investigate the combination of cisplatin ( DDP ) with oral etoposide ( Vp-16 ) and hexamethylmelamine ( HMM ) in patients with platinum-sensitive recurrent ovarian cancer .

  8. Roche签署的同意表格里并没有注明六甲铵药品未经美国食品及药物管理局批准使用(表格里只说明它是一种“药物”),更没有告知有可能会出现的肺毒性。

    The consent form that Roche signed states nowhere that hexamethonium is not approved by the FDA ( the form describes it as a " medication ") and didn 't warn about possible lung toxicity .

  9. 该试验的医学人员承认六甲铵“可能是导致研究对象生病的唯一因素,或至少在其中起了很大作用。”更糟糕的是,参与者事后才发现六甲铵根本不是FDA批准使用的药物。

    Medical officials from the trial admit that the hexamethonium " was either solely responsible for the subject 's illness or played an important contributory role . " To make matters worse , participants learned after the trial that hexamethonium is not even an FDA-approved drug .

  10. 这种药物还未经准许用于人体,而且Togias使用的六甲铵药品上还标注有“只用于实验室”的字样。

    The drug is not approved for use in humans ; the hexa-methonium Togias used was labeled [ F ] OR LABORATORY USE ONLY .

  11. dl-六甲基化丹酚酸A甲酯的合成

    Synthesis of Hexamethyl Ether of Salvianolic Acid A Methyl Ester

  12. 顺铂和依托泊苷及六甲蜜胺联合治疗铂类敏感复发性卵巢癌的临床分析

    Combination of cisplatin with oral etoposide and hexamethylmelamine in treatment of platinum-sensitive recurrent ovarian cancer

  13. 某水电站左岸泄洪洞无压段大坍方事故处理六甲洞隧道病害整治注浆加固技术

    The Treatment for a Heavy Cave-in of Left Bank Flood Tunnel in a Hydroelectric Power Station

  14. 六甲溴铵阻断交感神经元烟碱受体的机理

    Blocking mechanism of hexamethonium bromide on nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in cultured rat superior cervical ganglion neurons

  15. 三江六甲话的代词

    The Pronouns in Sanjiang Liujia Dialect

  16. 片状或棒状的六甲烯胺,用作燃料形状像一条棒的糖果。

    Hexamine in tablets or sticks for use as fuel a candy shaped as a bar .

  17. 对清连一级公路六甲洞隧道病害整治注浆设计及注浆施工进行了简要介绍。

    In this paper , the grouting design and construction for the ill conditioned Liujiadong tunnel are simply introduced .

  18. 人类研究保护办公室还指控复核委员会从未索要有关人体可吸入的六甲铵的安全用量方面的数据。

    The review board , OHRP charges , never asked for data on the safety of inhaled hexamethonium in people .

  19. 对驶往日本的船只而言,麻六甲海峡是非常危险但又不得不通过的航道。

    For ships sailing to Japan , the Strait of Malacca is a route that is very dangerous but cannot bypass .

  20. 麻六甲海峡的海上抢劫事件从二○○一年的十四件减少到今年上半年的九件。

    The pirate cases in the Strait of Malacca reduced to 9 during the first half of this year from 14 of 2001 .

  21. 最后用该模型对下六甲面板堆石坝作了三维有限元蠕变分析,得到坝体在不同时期的应力及变形规律,预测了坝体长期的工作性态。

    With the model , three dimensions FEM rheology analysis to Xia Liujia is finished , and the stress at different time distortion rule are gained , the long-term work character is forecast .

  22. 该试验的目的是找出健康人没有发生哮喘的机制。于是医生引发艾伦出现一点点哮喘的症状,并用六甲铵来治疗。

    The trial 's goal was to discover what mechanism kept healthy people from developing the symptoms of asthma , so the doctors induced a mild asthmatic reaction and then treated it with hexamethonium .

  23. 共聚物上的弪基和羧基与固化剂(六甲氧基甲基三聚氰胺)上的甲氧基在不同温度区间交联,在催化剂(对甲基苯磺酸)的存在下,羟基交联温度低于羧基。

    It was found that the hydroxy group and carboxy group of the copolymer were crosslinked with methoxyl group of HMMM under different temperature . In the presence of acidic catalyst PTSA , curing temperature for hydroxy group is lower than that for carboxy group .