
  1. 自动分杯机的设计

    Design of Automatic Dividing-Cup Machine

  2. 现在,另外一些国家声称要分杯羹,我们就全身不自在了。

    Now that other nations are claiming a share of the pie we are getting our panties all twisted .

  3. 但是正如他们的发言人在巴塞罗那选举时候大张旗鼓宣传的那样,地区汇合党的主旨是在权力与税收方面从马德里那里分杯羹。

    But , as several speakers at the party 's glitzy election launch in Barcelona made clear , CiU is spoiling for a scrap with Madrid over the distribution of powers and revenues .

  4. 一瓶酒可以分6杯,平均一杯50便士。

    There are six glasses of wine in one bottle , which averages out to 50p a glass

  5. 20世纪70年代,急于分一杯羹的柯达公司推出了自己的拍立得相机。

    In the 1970s Kodak , anxious to get in on the act , launched its own instant camera .

  6. 各个度假点重又呈现出一派兴旺景象,旅游业的龙头老大们都在争着分一杯羹。

    Holiday spots have seen a dramatic revival and tourist chiefs are competing for a slice of the action .

  7. “威尼斯就是一棵摇钱树,”她说,“每个人都想要分一杯羹。”

    Venice is a cash cow , she says , " and everyone wants a piece . "

  8. 答:四分之一杯牛奶含有约3克被称为乳糖的天然糖。

    A quarter-cup of milk contains about 3 grams of a natural sugar called lactose .

  9. 球员们也能通过本国足协和俱乐部间接地从2020欧洲杯的商业收入中分一杯羹。

    Players also indirectly get money from Euro 2020 commercial income via their national federations and clubs .

  10. 2002年至2006年期间,美国德太投资有限公司(TPGCapital)等私募股权公司也开始插手汉堡王,希望从中分一杯羹。

    Private equity firm TPG capital and others got in on the act from 2002 through 2006 .

  11. 其他人则视之为一次投机主义行为,认为奥斯本是在推销伦敦金融城(CityOfLondon),帮它从人民币交易以及北京的其他好处中分一杯羹。

    Others see opportunism with Mr Osborne pitching for the City of London in its attempt to capture a portion of the renminbi trade and other Beijing goodies .

  12. 英国财相乔治奥斯本(georgeosborne)本周在香港代表伦敦金融城,要求从这个假想中的市场分一杯羹。

    In Hong Kong this week , George Osborne staked a claim for the city to a slice of this putative market .

  13. 在该版本内微软尝试从日益增长的在线office应用,包括google的Docs和Zoho,从当中分一杯羹。

    The Web versions are Microsoft 's attempt to fend off a growing number of free Web-based office apps , including Google Docs and Zoho .

  14. 过去,圣诞市场似乎一度被垄断,而现在它大门敞开,所有能够将Santa和Claus串起来的人都可以分一杯羹。

    A market which at one time seemed cornered , is now wide open to anyone who can string the words Santa and Claus together .

  15. 虽然阿里巴巴在PC(个人电脑)电子商务市场占主导地位,但微信凭借在智能手机领域的建树,现在已经有能力在移动电子商务市场分一杯羹。

    While Alibaba has been the dominant ecommerce company on PCs , WeChat has made such big inroads on smartphones that it now has the ability to take a bite out of the mobile ecommerce market .

  16. 五年前,安卓作为一个开源移动操作系统平台,被提供给那些想与诺基亚、苹果(Apple)和黑莓(Blackberry)分一杯羹的手机厂商。

    Five years ago , Android was an open-source mobile OS offered to device manufacturers that wanted to take on Nokia , apple ( AAPL ) , and blackberry ( bbry ) .

  17. 基奇最近新创建了一个网络教育平台,这一平台将可以容纳更多的教师网上授课,使他们获得利润的方式多样化,而Curious公司则将从中分一杯羹。

    Kitch recently opened up the platform to allow more teachers on it , giving them a variety of tools to make money , of which Curious gets a cut .

  18. 新一代服务开始取而代之,比如Twitter、Facebook和其他无数争着想在新世界中分一杯羹的服务。

    In its place , a new generation of services is starting to take hold & services like Twitter and Facebook and countless others vying for a piece of the new world .

  19. 诺基亚(Nokia)将寻求在5G领域分一杯羹,这家网络设备制造商与爱立信(Ericsson)和华为(Huawei)展开竞争,争夺新技术的订单。

    Nokia will get in on the 5G act as the network equipment maker vies with Ericsson and Huawei to win orders for the new technology .

  20. JavaFX要是想在RIA领域分一杯羹,把JavaFX应用作为Applets部署(运行在JREupdateN)、具有与Flash一样的(冷/热)启动体验也是至关重要的。

    Deploying JavaFX applications as applets ( JRE update N ), and having the same Flash ( cold / warm ) startup experience is really crucial if JavaFX wants to compete in this space .

  21. 据昨晚的报道,苹果电脑公司已经准备推出一款具备ipod功能的移动电话,以便在日益增长的手机播放器市场分一杯羹。

    Apple is on the verge of launching an ipod-powered mobile phone to cash in on the growing market in combined phone and music players , it was reported last night .

  22. 阿尔卡特-朗讯(Alcatel-Lucent)、诺基亚西门子网络(NokiaSiemensNetworks,简称NSN)和爱立信(Ericsson)等欧洲主要电信公司不想与中国打贸易战,以免破坏从中国价值32.5亿美元的4G招标中分一杯羹的前景。

    Leading European companies such as Alcatel-Lucent , NSN and Ericsson did not want a trade war with China to shatter their prospects of winning a slice of China 's $ 3.25bn 4G tender .

  23. 如今包括高朋网(Groupon,团购网站)和潘多拉传媒(网络广播公司)在内的多家网络企业也对此趋之若鹜,希望能分一杯羹。

    Now a number of web outfits , including Groupon , which offers online coupons , and Pandora Media , an internet-radio firm , are queuing to join the party .

  24. 所有汽车厂商都想从豪车销售中分一杯羹,像通用汽车(GeneralMotors)这样的行业巨头也在对旗下的平价车型进行持续升级,迫使消费者在减配版的凯迪拉克和高配版的雪佛兰英帕拉(ChevyImpala)之间做选择。

    All manufacturers want a share of luxury sales , and giants like General Motors are continuing to upgrade their popular-priced offerings , forcing consumers to choose between a stripped Cadillac and a loaded Chevy Impala .

  25. 从eBay的Magento电子商务系统、IBM和NetSuite等知名企业到规模较小的Shopify和Volusion等,很多科技公司都希望从中分一杯羹。

    Plenty of technology companies are angling for a piece of the action , from established players such eBay 's Magento , IBM , and NetSuite to smaller developers including Shopify and Volusion .

  26. 不过考虑到数字音乐市场已经足够拥挤,想从苹果、Spotify和Pandora的手上分一杯羹,微软需要做好十足的准备。

    Criticizing a music service just rolling out might seem premature , but given the already-crowded digital music market , Microsoft needed to bring its A-game if it wants to take on the likes of apple , spotify , and Pandora .

  27. YGM贸易通过加强中国业务,已开始与数十个高档品牌展开竞争。这些品牌都竞相在大陆市场分一杯羹。

    By strengthening its Chinese business , YGM has pitted itself against dozens of luxury brands that are vying to grab a slice of the mainland market .

  28. 英国时尚预测机构WGSN也想在这个市场上分一杯羹。WGSN去年刚刚推出了它的首个大数据服务Instock。

    Vying for a share of the market is the British trend forecaster WGSN , which just last year launched its own first big-data offering , Instock .

  29. 你可能从未听说过Taptera这个名字,但事实上,包括Taptera在内的很多初创公司,甚至还有很多大企业,都希望在用户友好型的企业移动应用市场里分一杯羹。

    You may not have heard of it , but taptera is one of many startups and large enterprise players hoping to tap into the demand for user-friendly mobile apps in the workplace .

  30. Martinair的德容表示:“目前香港不再制造任何东西,相反,我们看到其周边的这些内地新机场正在发展。显然它们正在分一杯羹。”

    Mr de Jong from Martinair says : " Nothing is produced any more in Hong Kong and what we 're seeing instead is all these new Chinese airports growing around it . Obviously they 're taking a piece of the cake . "