
  • 网络delivery complications;complications of delivery;Obstetric Labor Complications
  1. 亲友及家庭支持、经济情况、分娩并发症、产妇对婴儿的关心程度等和产后抑郁有关。

    Complications of delivery and care for the new baby were associated with postnatal depression .

  2. 高CG组分娩并发症的发生率高于低CG组(P<0.01);

    The incidence of post partum complication in the high CG group ( 8 % ) was significantly higher than that in the low CG group ( P < 0.01 );

  3. 分娩并发症和新生儿死亡危险的增加。

    An increased risk of childbirth complications and newborn deaths ;

  4. 每分钟就有一名妇女死于怀孕和分娩并发症。

    Every minute a woman is dying from complications in pregnancy and childbirth .

  5. 如果她有分娩并发症,她最多可以延长产假至9个月。

    She may have an extended leave of up to9 months if there are complications with childbirth .

  6. 女性生殖器切割的程序可能引起严重的出血和泌尿问题,并在今后造成潜在分娩并发症和新生儿死亡。

    Procedures can cause severe bleeding and problems urinating , and later , potential childbirth complications and newborn deaths .

  7. 双胞胎出生时一般比单胎体重低小,体质弱,他们的母亲可能出现的分娩并发症也更多。

    They tend to be born smaller and weaker than single babies , and their mothers have more complications during childbirth .

  8. 妊娠和分娩并发症依然是主要死亡原因之一,夺走婴儿和母亲的生命。

    Complications of pregnancy and childbirth together continue to be a leading cause of death , claiming the lives of both infants and mothers .

  9. 结论妊娠期肥胖对产妇和胎儿两方面均产生了不良影响,增加了妊娠和分娩并发症的发生率。

    Conclusion Obesity in pregnant stage have bad influence both on pregnant women and on fetals , obesity may induce more complications of pregnancy .

  10. 然而,与高收入国家不同的是,艾滋病毒/艾滋病、妊娠和分娩并发症以及道路交通事故也是主要的死亡原因。

    Unlike in high-income countries , however , HIV / AIDS , complications of pregnancy and childbirth and road traffic accidents also are leading causes of death .

  11. 目的研究妇女孕期所从事的职业对生殖结局(包括妊娠结局和新生儿情况)及妊娠和分娩并发症的影响。方法应用医院产科记录,结合随访调查。

    There was no big difference in Log ( PdG ) Objective To study the effects of maternal occupation on reproductive outcomes , including pregnancy outcome and neonatal status , and complications of pregnancy and delivery .

  12. 结果:人工流产对再妊娠和分娩的并发症及新生儿的质量均有很大影响。

    Results : The artificial abortion had unfavorable influence on the following pregnancy , parturition and the new-born .

  13. 结果:高龄孕产妇在妊娠期其内科、产科、及分娩期并发症均高于对照组(P<0.01)。

    Results : The rates of medical and obstetric complications were higher in middle-aged group ( P < 0.01 ) .

  14. 每年有50多万健康的年轻妇女死于妊娠和分娩的并发症,包括产科瘘。

    More than a half a million healthy young women die from complications of pregnancy and childbirth including obstetric fistula each year .

  15. 分娩期并发症分别为52.87%(46/87)、6.0%(9/150),P<0·01;

    The complication rates during childbearing were 52.87 % ( 46 / 87 ) and 6.0 % ( 9 / 150 ) respectively ( P < 0.01 );

  16. 结果两种流产对新生儿是安全的,但流产造成妊娠期先兆流产、自然流产、前置胎盘发生率,药物流产组明显低于人工流产组,分娩期并发症也是药物流产组明显低于人工流产组。

    Results Both of the abortion methods were safe for the newborns , but the incidences of threatened abortion , spontaneous abortion and placenta previa were significantly lower in drug abortion group than in artificial abortion group , as well as the incidence of labor complications .

  17. 她知道分娩会有并发症。

    She knew there would be complications in her delivery .

  18. 不过,患有重度抑郁症的产妇更常在分娩时出现并发症。

    Severely depressed women , however , more often reported complications during delivery .

  19. 图示足月妊娠分娩罕见的并发症。

    This is a rare finding that may complicate a term pregnancy at delivery .

  20. 据估计,每年有40多万的肯尼亚妇女因怀孕和分娩期间的并发症死亡或致残。

    It is estimated that more than 400,000 Kenyan women die or suffer disabilities from complications during pregnancy and childbirth each year .

  21. 例如,每年有50多万妇女死于仅仅与妊娠和分娩有关的并发症-一个在20年里几乎未发生变化的数字。

    Each year , for example , more than half a million women die from complications related to pregnancy and childbirth alone-a number that has hardly changed in20 years .

  22. 结论孕妇学校规范性健康教育能帮助孕产妇全面掌握围产期保健知识,提高其遵医行为和自我保健能力,促进自然分娩,减少并发症的发生。

    Conclusion Normative health education in pregnant women school can improve pregnant knowledge of pregnant women , improve their ability of compliance and self-care , promote natural birth and reduce complications .

  23. 本文就我院9年间收治高龄初产51例的发病率、相关因素、年龄分布以及病理妊娠进行分析,以探讨其恰当的分娩方式及并发症的防治措施。

    Incidence , interrelated element , range of age and pathological pregnancy of 51 cases of the primiparity of advanced age are analysed in the paper to probe for an advisable parturient method which can prevent complication .

  24. 对所选取孕妇的临床资料进行前瞻性研究,将VBAC组和RCS组、试产成功组和试产失败组分别进行对比、探讨其分娩结局、母婴并发症、影响经阴分娩的因素等方面。

    Selected clinical data of pregnant women was prospectively studied . The VBAC group and RCS group , successful trial vaginal group and the failure trial vaginal group are compared to explore the birth outcomes , infant and maternal complications , and factors affecting vaginal birth aspects .

  25. 结果:产后抑郁的发生与孕妇文化程度、分娩方式以及产科并发症等因素有关;

    Results : The incidence of postpartum depression was related to maternal education level , mode of delivery and obstetric complications etc.

  26. 结果妊娠分娩及产褥期并发症、损伤和中毒、肿瘤、呼吸系统疾病和消化系统疾病等为本院住院患者的主要病种。

    Results The major diseases for in-patients were as follows : fetation partus and puerperium complication , damage and toxication , tumor , respiratory and digestive system etc.

  27. 另外,医生的担忧也并非基于大规模随机试验,而是基于个案报告,一些助产士认为,这种研究方法是存在缺陷的,因为普通分娩一样会有并发症。

    And the doctors ' concerns are based not on large randomized trials but on individual case reports , which some midwives say is a flawed approach as births on land can also have complications .

  28. 方法观察46例双胎妊娠的胎方位、分娩方式、妊娠并发症、胎儿娩出间隔时间、新生儿出生体重等,分析上述因素对围产儿预后的影响。

    Methods The factors as position of the fetus , birth way , complications of pregnancy , interval of intraocular parturition , birth weight of newborn , which might infect perinatal stage infants , were observed and analyzed in 46 cases of twin pregnancy .

  29. 足月妊娠分娩3例,发生分娩并发症2例。

    There were 3 cases of term pregnancy delivery and 2 cases of delivery complication .

  30. 的临床特点和早期诊断,选择适当分娩方式,可减少分娩并发症。

    Conclusion It must give us attention to the clinical characteristics of macrosomia so as to effectively reduce the incidence of complications for both mothers and features .