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gòng miǎn
  • mutual encouragement
共勉 [gòng miǎn]
  • [mutual encouragement] 相互鼓励或激励

  • 现在把当时的感觉写出来,与大家共勉。--《松树的风格》

共勉[gòng miǎn]
  1. 现对训练的基本程序和方法予以总结,以期与专家、同行们共勉。

    Now summarizes to the training main routine and the method , in the hope of mutual encouragement with expert and colleagues .

  2. 愿共勉之。

    Let us encourage each other in our endeavours .

  3. 她们还是那句话:人神接轨,天地共勉。

    They were still the same : god converge earth encouragement .

  4. 她们说,天地共勉。

    They said the earth encouragement .

  5. 作为一个团队以及团队中的一员,我们继续以此责任共勉。

    As a team and as individuals on the team we continue to be humbled by this responsibility .

  6. 愿我们真诚合作,为了共同的新世纪,携手共勉,再铸辉煌。

    Your selection between us and let , s encourage each other with hand-in-hand to re-make the resplendence for the common new century .

  7. 得出一些对于教学活动有益的方式和方法,与关心二胡教学和发展的仁人志士共勉。

    Ways and means useful to teaching activities drawn from this paper are to be shared with anyone who cares for erhu teaching and development .

  8. 有一句话或许可以和大家共勉,就是,我们无法决定结果,但我们可以掌控过程。

    I think maybe one word can share with everyone , that is , we can 't decide the result , but we can control the course .

  9. 通过实例说明开卷落料排样的重要性和排样方法,并对一些具体技术问题进行了探讨,希望与同行共勉。

    Pass practice elucidation that blanking 's importance with layout 's method , proceeded the study to the some concrete technique problem , the hope study with everybody together .

  10. 公司遵循“履行责任,争得荣誉,实现双赢,努力超越”的企业理念,与员工和广大客户共勉。

    The company follows the principle of " carrying out the obligations , gaining the honor , achieving a win-win situation , and striving to go beyond ", and forward together with employees and customers .

  11. 本文介绍了微波固态放大器的发展,并列举了邮电部第一研究所典型产品的方框图及其电路特色,以与用户和同行共勉。

    This article introduces in detail the development of the microwave static amplifier ( MSA ), and the block diagram as well as its circuit characteristics of the products by the First Research Institute of MPT .

  12. 针对液压系统泄漏故障较难防治的问题,用机理分析的方法,探讨泄漏的根源与影响因素及其危害,提出了建设性预防措施,与同行共勉。

    Aiming at the problems in hydraulic system leakage prevention , which are hard to solve , the author adopts mechanism analysis method to discuss the leakage reasons , factors and harm , and puts forward constructive preventing methods for reference .

  13. 本文就图书馆中不同信息类型载体的信息资源的建设模式和规范、共建共享、保障机制、知识产权等问题做些抛砖引玉式的探讨,与大家共勉。

    This article offers a few commonplace remarks by a way of simple discussion for the building mode , standard , co-establishment , share , assurance system and intellectual property of information resources of different type of information carrier in library .

  14. 最后,让我藉这个机会与大家共勉,一起为「老有所养、老有所属、老有所为」的目标共同努力。

    Finally , may I take this opportunity to encourage each and every one of us to fulfil the common goal of providing the elderly with a sense of security , a sense of belonging and a feeling of health and worthiness .

  15. 通过此课题的研究,以期与社会同仁共勉,进一步健全和完善我国基层法院审理土地征收纠纷案件的司法出路,以维护农村稳定,推动农村经济持续发展。

    Through this research project , to encourage each of my colleagues and society , to further improve and perfect the collection of grass-roots land disputes courts of justice way to maintain stability in rural areas , promote sustainable economic development in rural areas .