
ɡònɡ yì zhì
  • cosuppression
  1. 转录后基因沉默(PTGS)普遍存在于生物界,如植物的共抑制、源于病原的RNA介导的病毒抗性、真菌的基因沉默和动物的RNA干扰等。

    Post transcriptional gene silencing ( PTGS ) has been found to occur in plants , fungi and animals .

  2. 同时,本研究SGEF能够抑制AR的转录活性,且初步证明了SGEF与AR之间存在相互作用,提示及SGEF有可能是一种新型的AR共抑制因子。

    In addition , we found that SGEF could negatively regulate transcriptional activity of AR and confirmed the interaction between SGEF and AR , which means SGEF may be a novel AR co-repressor .

  3. 1999年,3个研究小组几乎同时发现,Ski/SnoN蛋白通过募集转录共抑制子N-CoR蛋白而对TGF-β通路起抑制作用;

    In 1999 , three independent research groups found that Ski / SnoN protein could inhibit the TGF - β mediated transcription by recruiting N-CoR , a transcription co-repressor .

  4. 另外,我们也认为转录后基因沉默才是促发同源共抑制的主要原因。

    In addition , we also believe that the post-transcriptional gene silencing is the main result for homologous co-suppression .

  5. 甲基化、重复序列、反式失活和共抑制是基因沉默的主要诱因。

    DNA methylation ? repeat sequence ? trans-inactivation and co-suppression are the most important reasons what induce transgene silencing .

  6. 结果表明转录通读在外源基因中普遍存在,而且它并不足以促发同源共抑制。

    All results show that the transcriptional read-through is common towards exogenous genes , and it is not sufficient to trigger homologous co-suppression .

  7. 木质素代谢过程中存在多基因现象使得木质素的合成途径出现多样性,利用共抑制、反义抑制等转基因技术开发低木质素含量的优良新品种具有重要的意义。

    Polygenes existing in lignin metabolism make it diversity on lignin biosynthesis . It is important to develop the new breeds with decreased lignin content by suppression expression of genes at the key metabolic steps .

  8. 这些化合物确保了植物细胞膜的完整性和光合作用系统的功能。在超量表达植物中观察到Fv/Fm值高于野生型。在共抑制系中光抑制的减少可能是由于脯氨酸含量减少导致的。

    These compounds confer integrity to the membranes and keep the photosynthetic system functioning , as evidenced by the higher Fv / Fm values observed for over-expression plants compared with Wt. Reduced photoinhibition in co-suppression lines might be due to lower proline levels .

  9. 高温氧化后,形成纯镍镀层的颗粒明显粗化,而纳米微粒与镍基质的共沉积抑制了颗粒的长大,镀层也较为平整。

    After oxidation , the crystalline grain of pure Ni coating became coarsening . But , the embedded nano-Al2O3 in deposits suppressed the growth of Ni grains , the coating became smooth .

  10. ,共14d。抑制共模干扰新方法及在阻抗成象数据采集中应用

    A New Method to Reduce Common-mode Interference and its Application in Electrical Impedance Tomography Data Acquisition System

  11. 阻断CD28-CD86共刺激途径抑制小鼠气道炎症的研究

    Inhibitory effect of CD28-CD86 blockade on airway inflammation in a murine asthma model

  12. 阻断共刺激信号抑制小鼠小肠移植排斥反应机理的研究

    The Research on Mechanism of Costimulatory Blockade Down-regulating Immune Responses Following Small Bowel Transplantation in Mouses

  13. 实验发现金属共掺可以抑制二氧化钛颗粒的生长以及锐钛矿相向金红石相的转变。

    It was found that co-doping inhibited the growth of crystalline size and the transformation from anatase to rutile .

  14. 采用收发结合的分组迫零算法实现多用户共道干扰抑制。

    As to the downlink , a new grouping zero forcing algorithm which coordinated transmitter-receiver processing was proposed to mitigate CCI .

  15. 通过分析结垢成因,分别研究了共沉淀、抑制氧化和晶种诱导结晶等方法来提高系统的可靠性。

    Therefore , the reliability of dual-alkali FGD system could be improved by studying co-precipitation of calcium sulfite and calcium sulfate , oxidation inhibition and adding seed crystal to the regeneration tank .

  16. 目的:探讨B7反义肽竞争抑制CD28B7共刺激通路、抑制移植排斥反应的作用,为该反义肽在器官移植方面的应用提供实验依据。

    Objective : To investigate the roles of the B7 antisense peptide in blocking the CD28 B7 pathway and inhibiting the allogeneic transplantation rejection .

  17. 结果显示,ZnG与红细胞共孵后能抑制石英的溶血作用,且存在剂量反应关系,这说明ZnG具有保护细胞膜的作用。

    The results showed that ZnG seemed to be able to inhibit hemolytic effect of silicon after ZnG incubation with erythrocytes , and show dose-response relationship it suggested that ZnG could protect membranes from damages .

  18. 开关电源的共态噪声及抑制措施

    Common-mode noise of switch mode power supply and its repression

  19. 结果表明,沥青页岩中的矿物质对共热解反应有抑制作用,并且可促进焦油的二次分解反应。

    The results showed that minerals had negative effect on co-pyrolysis and could promote the decomposition of tar .

  20. 本文采用静态实验方法,对不同条件下新型阻垢剂膦酰基羧酸共调聚物抑制碳酸钙垢的性能变化规律进行了实验研究。

    An experimental research on changing law of calcium carbonate inhibition behavior of phosphono carboxylic acid copolymers was carried out by using a static experimental method .

  21. 家兔每天灌胃30或60毫克/公斤共2周,抑制血浆胆碱酯酶活力70%左右。

    Rabbits receiving dipterex 30 or 60 mg / kg / day by stomach tube for 2 weeks showed a 70 % - inhibition of plasma cholinesterase .

  22. 肌肽滴眼液对糖尿病大鼠早期视网膜微循环损害的抑制作用稻鸭共养生态系统抑制病虫草害发生的研究进展

    Carnosine Eyedrops Inhibits Early Stages of Retinal Microvascular Lesions in Diabetic Rats ; A Research on the Control Effect of Rice Diseases Insect and Weeds in Integrated Rice-Duck Ecology System

  23. 稻鸭共养生态系统抑制病虫草害发生的研究进展④种树种草,营造农田防护林,建立新的农业生态系统。

    A Research on the Control Effect of Rice Diseases Insect and Weeds in Integrated Rice-Duck Ecology System ( 4 ) Plant trees and grasses , and protective froest , form new agr-ecosystem .

  24. 低温保护剂浓度越高,共晶焓越小,对共晶的抑制作用越大。

    The higher the concentration of cryoprotective agents , the less the enthalpy of eutectic and the bigger the capability of restrain the eutectic .

  25. 合金液相线温度和二元共晶的反应温度降低,三元或四元共晶反应被抑制,合金凝固组织中Mg2Si相的析出受到抑制,微观硬度明显提高。

    It also indicated that the liquidus temperature and the binary eutectic temperature were decreased and the ternary / quarternary eutectic reactions and Mg_2Si phase were restrained as the cooling rate increased . The micro-hardness of the sample at the higher cooling rate was distinctly raised .