
  • 网络Customs
  1. 公路营业车辆国际关务公约草案;

    International Customs Convention on commercial road vehicles , draft ;

  2. 制作发票和装箱单并协助解决紧急关务问题。

    Make Invoice and packing list and assist in solving emergent customs problems .

  3. 在这种情况下,海关为了与企业的信息技术保持一致,更好地提供通关服务,有必要研究基于XML技术的电子关务,逐步把海关主要的监管信息系统转移到WEB和XML架构上来。

    Customs should improve its information technology with industry and provide better customs services . So it necessary for customs to study electronic customs business based on XML technology and change it main information technology system to WEB and XML frame .

  4. 企业关务作业标准和流程策划与辅导;

    Planning and counseling on operating standard and procedure ;

  5. 旅游事业国际关务公约草案;

    International Customs Convention on touring , draft ;

  6. 去年以来,中国海关进一步加强了关务公开的力度。

    Since last year , the Customs has adopted further measures to facilitate open administration of customs affairs .

  7. 熟悉出口加工区流程和货物进出区相关单证,协助关务做好非报关物资的收发货工作。

    Know EPZ process of goods in and out , assistance Imp and Exp to collect related documents for non-Custom Application parts .

  8. 电子关务是海关对进出口货物的监管业务与企业界的电子商务技术结合的产物。

    Electronic customs business is the joint of customs supervision business on import & export goods and the technology of electronic business in industry .

  9. 海关不但需遵守国际组织规范,积极推动关务组织的再造;

    Not only must the authority of customs abide by the international organization norms , but they actively push the recreation of the organization .

  10. 国内企业的管理者对关务管理的认识理念已经不能适应当前国际大金融体系的需要,严重制约着企业外贸发展适应能力。

    The management of domestic enterprises on customs management understanding idea already cannot meet the current international financial system needs , seriously restricting the enterprise foreign trade development adaptability .

  11. 在领先的双语法律和税务资讯发表《似是而非的说法在税务关务中的风险》等多篇海关事务专业述评。

    She punishes several comments , such as " Risk of Specious Sayings in Tax and Customs Affair " on the leading providers of bilingual law and tax professional service .

  12. 最后针对前面提到的加工贸易企业的关务风险部分要素,建议加工贸易企业应该采取积极有效的措施,通过加强关务风险管理来提高企业竞争力。

    Finally , the aforementioned customs processing trade enterprises some elements of risk , the proposed processing trade enterprises should take positive and effective measures , by strengthening customs risk management to improve enterprise competitiveness .

  13. 因此,实施关务管理优化,构建符合国际外贸新要求的关务管理体系,是在外贸压力巨大的环境下让企业做大做强的重要举措。

    Therefore , the implementation of the customs management optimization , build in line with international trade new requirements of the customs management system , foreign trade is in tremendous pressure environment to allow enterprises to make strong significant move greatly .

  14. 为了适应全球经济一体化的新形势,规范加工贸易管理,促进加工贸易健康发展,关务管理实现多领域、一体化、信息化已经势在必行。

    In order to adapt to economic globalization , to standardize processing trade management , and to promote the healthy development of processing trade , customs management which should be achieved in many fields , integrated , and computerized has become imperative .