
  • 网络Related economy;Relevant Economy
  1. 从多侧面评估地震灾害的产业关联间接经济损失

    Assessment of indirect earthquake economic losses from interrelated industries and business in different ways

  2. 这意味着日产必须将更多工厂和管理成本转移到日本以外的地区,比如美国或与美元关联的经济体。

    That means Nissan needs to have more of its factories and administrative costs outside Japan , in the US or dollar-linked economies .

  3. 城市设计与经济存在深层的内在关联,经济是城市设计的物质保障,经济也是城市设计实践的理性指导。

    Urban design has an inner connection with economy , namely economy is the physical support for urban design as well as the rational direction for the practice of urban design .

  4. 文章在分析非公允关联交易经济后果的基础上提出治理对策,以期对治理我国非公允关联交易有所帮助。

    This article proposes the government countermeasure in the foundation to analyze the non-fair and just connection exchange economy consequence , to have the help of governing our country non-fair and just connection transaction .

  5. 本论文就是以价值链分析为工具,将企业创造价值的过程分解为一系列互不相同但又互相关联的经济活动,找出那些真正创造价值的经营活动。

    This thesis uses the analysis of value chain as the tool to decompose the making value 's process to a series different but correlative economic actions , and thus to find the real making value actions .

  6. 最后,对企业竞争单元的信息交互、功能关联与经济关系进行了研究。

    On the other hand , with the internal factors , the competitive unit enhances the enterprises reconfigurable competitiveness to a certain extent . Finally , the paper studies the relationship of information interaction , function association and economic relation of the competitive unit .

  7. 本文从改革开放以来流入广东省的FDI与广东省对外贸易迅速增长这一具有明显关联性的经济现象入手,系统分析FDI对广东省对外贸易效应的影响。

    This paper studies systemically how FDI has affected foreign trade effect in Guangdong province based on such obvious economic phenomena as FDI inflows into Guangdong associates with foreign trade increasing rapidly since China reform and open to the world .

  8. 信息倍增、涨落的关联放大与经济周期波动

    Multiplication of Information , Related Amplification of Fluctuation and Economy Frequent Fluctuation

  9. 税收筹划的关联性和经济性。

    The relation and economy of the tax planning .

  10. 第二部分是对关联交易及其经济后果的分析。

    The second part is the analysis of related transactions and its economic consequences .

  11. 区域间投入产出分析最能精确刻画区域间经济发展的彼此关联关系和经济增长的驱动力源泉。

    Interregional input-output analysis may depict accurately interregional economic linkage and driving forces of regional development .

  12. 灰关联分析在经济指标时差关系研究中的应用

    Study on the Monitor and Early Warning Index System of Economic Cycle with Index Time Difference Relations

  13. 实证检验表明,增长性与波动性之间的关联依赖于经济的发展阶段。

    We find that the correlation between growth and volatility depends on the phases of economic development .

  14. 我国上市公司非公允关联交易的经济后果及治理

    Our Country Goes on the Market the Company Non-fair and Just Connection Transaction Economical Consequence and the Government

  15. 第一章主要是阐述了产业关联理论和经济增长理论的含义、理论的提出和发展。

    The main content of the paper is as follows : Chapterl mainly illustrates the meanings , theoretical development and characteristics of industrial relationship theory and economic growth theory .

  16. 两个人通过不同的方式表明,与传统模型的认知相比,经济学的世界里有着更为复杂的各种关联,而经济政策必须要反映出这种关联。

    In different ways , the two have demonstrated that the world of economics is more interconnected than traditional models recognized , and that economic policy must reflect those connections .

  17. 随着产业关联效应和经济乘数效应的凸现,越来越多的地区将旅游业确定为新的经济增长点或支柱产业。

    With the showing of industry 's related effect and economic multiplier effect , more and more regions have selected and confirmed tourist industry as new growth engine or the pillar industry .

  18. 在经济全球化形势下,伦理学应当在现有的研究成果的基础上,进一步深入地考察经济与伦理的逻辑关联,揭示经济的伦理内涵和伦理的经济意义;

    As the writer 's point , it 's the task of ethics to profoundly review the relevancy between ethics and economy , to make out the ethical connotation of economy and the economic sense of ethics ;

  19. 可见,社会关联会计是经济发展到一定历史阶段的必然产物,是建设和谐社会、保证经济持续发展的客观需求。

    Therefore , the social relation accounting is inevitable in the economic development in a certain historical stage , and it is an objective demand for the construction of harmonious society and the guarantee of continuous economic development .

  20. 其次主要介绍了经济空间场理论、生产函数和产业关联理论以及经济空间场理论的国内外研究综述,并且回顾相关内容的研究进展,以及存在的问题等。

    Second mainly introduces the economic space field theory , the production function and industry relevance theory and economic space field theory in both at home and abroad , and review the research progress of content , and the problems that exist .

  21. 基于BP网的关联分析及其在经济管理中的应用

    Relation Analysis Based on BP Net and It 's Application in Economics and Management

  22. 在地区差异上,经济发展程度相对较高的江苏省耕地面积减少与GDP增长间的关联程度要高于经济发展程度较低的湖南省和四川省;

    In terms of regional difference , relationship between the reduction of cultivated land area and the growth of GDP is closer in Jiangsu Province , whose economic development is relatively higher , than in Huan and Sichuan provinces .

  23. 利用GIS技术手段,运用分形分维、灰色关联度、运输经济弹性系数和数据包络分析等方法定量研究环长株潭城市群内部公路交通网络与区域宏观经济发展的关系。

    This dissertation applies the GIS Technology , Fractal Dimension , Grey Correlation Analysis , Transportation Economics Elasticity , and Data Development Analysis to do a research on the relationship between highway traffic network and the macroeconomic development in the Ring of Chang-Zhu-Tan Urban Agglomeration .

  24. 金融发展与经济增长内在关联与影响的经济计量分析

    Internal Correlation and Effects between Financial Development and Economic Growth : An Econometric Analysis

  25. 用灰色关联法探析韶关经济滞后的原因

    Study on the Reasons of Shaoguan Economy Backwardness by the Method of Gray Relation Analysis

  26. 因此,关联着生态和经济安全的土地安全是极其重要的。

    Therefore , land safety relating with the ecological and economic safety is extremely important .

  27. 文化生产的控制植根于文化产业所关联的政治、经济的利益动力中。

    The control of cultural production roots in political and economical interest motivity related with cultural enterprises .

  28. 关联企业形成的经济基础源于共生理论和交易成本理论,由于关联企业成员间自治和控制的存在,使得公司治理结构和原则在关联企业情形下发生异化。

    The economic basis of the formation of affiliated companies is originated from symbiosis and transaction costs theory .

  29. 在流程的重新设计阶段期间确保企业关联对今天全球经济环境下的组织绝对非常关键。

    Ensuring enterprise linkage during the redesign of your processes is absolutely critical for organizations in today 's global economy .

  30. 关联交易属于中性经济范畴,是伴随着跨国公司、母子公司制的广泛运用而出现的,其存在已成为一种普遍现象。

    Related Party Transaction is one of normal phenomenon of litmusless economy category , appears with the plentiful exertion of multinational and mother-subsidiary company .