
ɡuān lián qǐ yè
  • associated enterprise
  1. 提供机场管理服务的澳门服务提供者如果是航空公司的关联企业,还应适用内地有关法规、规章。

    Macao service supplier of airport management services shall be governed by the relevant regulations and rules of the Mainland if it is an associated enterprise of an airline company .

  2. 转移定价是跨国关联企业内部财务管理的重要环节和实现其经营战略目标的重要工具,也是其经常采用的最为重要的避税手段。

    Transfer pricing is important in the finance management and is an important tool to achieve its strategic goal inside the transnational associated enterprise . It is also the most important means of tax evasion .

  3. 我国在加入WTO后,跨国关联企业转让定价逃避我国税收的问题也更加突出。

    Many multinational affiliated enterprises evade tax by transfer pricing .

  4. 在此之前,它已然通过关联企业蚂蚁金服(AntFinancial)经营着中国最大的货币市场基金,管理资产规模超过800亿美元。

    Through affiliate Ant Financial it already operates China 's largest money market fund , with assets of more than $ 80bn .

  5. 阿里巴巴在2009年成立了子公司阿里云(AlibabaCloudComputing),负责处理关联企业的数据需求。

    The company founded Alibaba Cloud Computing in 2009 to manage the data needs of its related companies .

  6. 关联企业任何ccc可能不时开办之营销或分部办事处或联营公司;

    Associate any marketing or branch office or associated company that CCC may open or set up from time to time ;

  7. 全球唱片业中一些最为知名的公司已就涉嫌音乐盗版问题,对雅虎(Yahoo)的中国关联企业提起诉讼。雅虎是美国主要的互联网门户网站。

    Some of the biggest names in the global recording industry have launched a lawsuit against the Chinese affiliate of Yahoo , the leading US internet portal , over alleged music piracy .

  8. 这样的类别划分不仅可以关联企业及其服务,还可以关联tModel。

    Such classifications may be associated not only with businesses and their services , but with tModels .

  9. 在递交美国证交会的一份文件中,塔塔通信(tatacommunications)透露,该公司可能违反了《海外反腐败法》,因为其一家关联企业向东南亚某国政府采购部门的官员行贿。

    Tata communications has disclosed in an SEC filing that it may have breached the FCPA in relation to payments by an associated company to officials of a government purchaser in South-East Asia .

  10. 在华盛顿,保护主义的呼声越来越高,美国已禁止华为(Huawei)为AT&T供应手机,并否决了阿里巴巴的金融关联企业蚂蚁金服(AntFinancial)收购美国汇款公司速汇金(MoneyGram)的交易。

    In Washington , the drumbeat of protectionism is getting louder , blocking Huawei from selling phones to AT & T and Alibaba-affiliate Ant Financial from buying money transfer company MoneyGram .

  11. 支付宝隶属于蚂蚁金服,后者是中国电商集团阿里巴巴(Alibaba)的支付服务关联企业。如今,支付宝客户将可以在欧洲逾93万个商家,用这种高人气电子钱包付款购物。

    Alipay , owned by Ant Financial , the payments affiliate of China 's Alibaba ecommerce group , will now be able to offer its customers the ability to use its popular ewallet to pay for goods at more than 930000 merchants across Europe .

  12. 这次罢工发生在由丰田合成(ToyotaGosei)运营的一家工厂。丰田合成是丰田的一家关联企业,生产方向盘及其它橡胶或树脂汽车配件。

    The strike at a plant operated by Toyota Gosei , a Toyota affiliate that makes steering wheels and other rubber and resin parts , followed labour action at three Honda suppliers in the country .

  13. 跨国关联企业转移定价避税问题研究及防范

    Study on Evading Taxation with Transfer Pricing in Multinational Affiliated Enterprises

  14. 但是,关联企业的产生也导致了一些社会问题的出现,带来了负面的社会影响。

    However , there are some social problems arising from affiliate .

  15. 国际关联企业转移定价的法律规制问题研究

    A Study on the Legal Control of the International Associated Enterprises

  16. 然而,关联企业的法律本质却是控制。

    However , the legal nature of associated enterprises is control .

  17. 关联企业债权人利益的公司法保护

    Creditors Protection in the Affiliate Enterprises by the Company Law

  18. 论民事执行程序中对关联企业债权人的立法保护

    Legislative Protection to Creditors of Affiliated Enterprises in the Civil Execution Process

  19. 简析关联企业破产中的特殊债权人问题&从一个假设谈起

    The Study on Special Creditor in Bankruptcy of Affiliated Enterprises

  20. 关联企业治理中的责任机制研究

    On the Liability Mechanism in Corporate Governance of Affiliated Companies

  21. 转移定价避税交易并非都发生在传统的关联企业之间。

    The Avoidance of Tax of Affiliated Enterprises and Its Legal Regulations ;

  22. 关联企业的认定标准关联挖掘中的时效度研究

    Study on the Determination of Related Enterprise Time-validity in mining association rules

  23. 对关联企业的概念,学者间观点不一。

    The concept of affiliated enterprise differs from different scholars .

  24. 我国立法尚未形成规范关联企业行为的规范体系。

    Chinese law did not develop a wholly system on affiliated enterprise .

  25. 论关联企业对法人制度的影响

    About the influence of affiliated enterprise to legal person system

  26. 试析关联企业转让定价的税务筹划

    An Analysis on the Tax Planning of Transfer Price in Related Enterprises

  27. 负责每月关联企业的帐目调整。

    Responsible for account reconciliation with affiliated enterprises each month .

  28. 关联企业在破产时会产生不同于单个企业破产的特殊问题。

    Related enterprises in bankruptcy will have different special problems of individual bankruptcy .

  29. 国际关联企业与交易及相关法律制度的研究

    Laws and Regulations on International Affiliated Enterprise and Intercourse

  30. 关联企业是现代企业制度不断变化发展的产物。

    Related enterprises are the result of the development of modern corporate system .