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guān jié náng
  • joint capsule;capsular ligament;capsula articularis
关节囊[guān jié náng]
  1. 关节囊及周围组织紧缩缝合操作简便,是一种较理想的方法。

    The method of tight suture of capsula articularis and round tissue was simple and convenient .

  2. 增厚的关节囊制成两层,内层紧缩关节,外层稳定骨瓣。

    Capsula articularis growing thicker was made into 2 layers , of which the inner layer was used to tighten articularis and the outer layer was used to stabilize bone flap .

  3. 成人股骨头缺血坏死关节囊(腔)异常CT研究

    CT study of abnormal articular capsule of avascular necrosis of femoral head in adult

  4. 半月板关节囊分离并反转的MRI诊断

    MRI diagnosis of reverse and separation of meniscus articular capsule

  5. 方法16例经关节镜手术检查证实病例,对盂唇撕裂,关节囊撕脱,关节盂骨折等在CT关节造影上表现特点进行总结分析。

    Methods 16 cases of glenohumeral instability were examined both by CT arthrography and arthroscopy and to analyze the manifestations on CT arthrography .

  6. 髋关节囊切开触膜定位法行Richards钉手术治疗股骨粗隆间骨折

    Treatment of Intertrochanteric Fracture with Richards Nailing

  7. 组织学上,CHL与关节囊相似,无任何韧带特点。

    Histologically , the CHL was found to be similar to the joint capsule without any ligament features . 2 .

  8. 结论AO微型钢板螺钉内固定,自体骨植骨,同期行肌腱和关节囊松解以及术后早期关节功能锻炼,是掌指骨骨不连或畸形愈合的治疗原则。

    Conclusion AO Mini-plate fixation along with bone grafting and releasing of tendons and joint capsules are the principles for treatment of nonunion or malunion of metacarpal and phalangeal fractures .

  9. Pemberton关节囊周围髂骨截骨术治疗儿童发育性髋关节脱位

    Pemberton 's pericapsular osteotomy of the ilium in the treatment of developmental dislocation of the hip in children

  10. 关节囊髋臼成形术治疗大龄儿童Legg-Perthes病

    Capsular arthroplasty in the treatment of elder children with Perthes ' disease

  11. 结论外侧关节囊厚度与年轻成人Perthes病的临床表现有一定相关性。

    Conclusion Thickness of lateral joint capsule is highly correlated with clinical findings in the young adults with Perthes disease .

  12. 结果随着CE角减少髋臼外上缘压力明显增大,所受剪切应力逐渐增大,关节囊处出现水平轴方向的拉应力;

    The result showed the compress stress and shear stress significantly concentrated on the lateral-superior edge , the draw stress on the inferior edge of capsule significantly increased with the CE angle 's decrease , compared with normal hip .

  13. 结论:Pemberton关节囊周围髂骨截骨术手术疗效满意,为治疗儿童发育性髋关节脱位的一种重要术式。

    Conclusion : Pemberton 's pericapsular osteotomy of the ilium is an effective method to treat developmental dislocation of the hip in children .

  14. DDH患儿髋关节囊及圆韧带中Ⅰ型胶原在mRNA及蛋白水平表达较正常同性同龄儿降低,可能是导致DDH患儿髋关节松弛的主要原因。

    The decreased collagen I expression at mRNA and protein level in the capsule and ligamentum teres of children with DDH may probably lead to hip joint laxity in DDH . 3 .

  15. AO股骨近端骨折分类共分为3型9组27个亚组,其中关节囊外转子部骨折为A型,关节囊内股骨颈骨折为B型,关节内股骨头骨折则归为C型。

    There are 3 types , 9 groups , and 27 subgroups in AO classification of proximal femoral fractures , in which the intertrochanteric ones belong to 31 A , the femoral neck ones to 31 B , and the femoral head ones to 31 C.

  16. 目的:探讨Pemberton关节囊周围髂骨截骨术治疗儿童发育性髋关节脱位的手术适应证及治疗经验。

    Objective : To explore the indication and experiences of Pemberton 's pericapsular osteotomy of the ilium in the treatment of developmental dislocation of the hip in children .

  17. 方法24只日本大耳白兔在不打开关节囊的情况下建立右侧颞下颌关节盘前移位动物模型,分别于术后4、1、2、4、8d和12周各处死4只动物。

    Methods The anterior disc displacement of right TMJs was established in 24 rabbits without the exposure of joint capsule . Four of the 24 rabbits were killed at 4 days or 1,2,4,8 and 12 weeks after surgery respectively .

  18. 切取带旋髂深血管蒂骨膜瓣6cm×4cm,经皮肤肌肉下隧道移位至股骨颈基底前,经关节囊外开门植入股骨颈骨折处。

    Spin iliac deep vascular pedicled periosteum flap was stripped off , and transferred to the front of femoral neck fundus , then transplanted to the narrow inside of fracture through outer open door of articular capsule .

  19. 术后并发症包括Outside-In缝线打结处疼痛3例,外侧半月板前角Outside-In缝合后未愈合导致后关节囊牵拉痛1例,半月板箭固定处的后关节囊刺痛5例。

    Postoperative complications included pain at the Outside-In suture nodes in three cases , referred pain at posterior articular capsule resulted from failed Outside-In meniscus anterior horn suturing in one case , and twinge at the meniscus arrow site in the posterior capsule in five cases .

  20. 方法17例髁状突骨折患者,其中2例关节囊内骨折选用自制吊颌帽固定治疗;

    Method 17 patients of condylar process fracture in the group ;

  21. 腰椎小关节囊的解剖学研究

    Clinical anatomy of the fibrous capsule of human lumbar facet joint

  22. 仿生人工关节囊研究(1)&力学仿真

    The Bionic Artificial Joint Capsule Study ( 1 ) & Mechanics Simulation

  23. 关节囊外软组织松解术治疗髋关节骨关节病

    Treatment of osteoarthropathy of the hip joint by soft tissue release operation

  24. 关节囊嵌插型股骨颈骨折(附6例报告)

    Report of 6 Cases of Capsule Interposed Type Femoral Neck Fracture .

  25. 关节囊修补治疗全髋关节置换术后再脱位

    Treatment of redislocation after replacement of total hip with joint capsule mending

  26. 股骨颈骨折后关节囊压力对股骨头血供的影响

    Effects of Intraarticular Pressure on Blood Supply of Femoral Head

  27. 关节囊钙化9例(75%);

    Calcification in joint capsule ( 9 cases , 7 50 % );

  28. 肩关节囊的应用解剖

    The capsule of shoulder joint - An applied anatomic description

  29. 兔颞下颌关节囊内损伤的病理观察颞下颌关节囊内粘连的诊治进展

    A Histopathological Observation of the Temporomandibular Joint after Intracapsular Trauma in Rabbits

  30. 正常人肩关节囊内神经元型一氧化氮合酶阳性神经纤维的分布

    The Distribution of nNOS-immunoreactive Nerve Fibers in capsule of human shoulder joints