
guān jié qiāng
  • Joint cavity;articular cavity;cavum articulare
关节腔[guān jié qiāng]
  1. 罗哌卡因血浆浓度测定与关节腔给药经时变化

    Determination of Ropivacaine in Plasma and the Time Dependent Change of Drug Administration via Articular Cavity

  2. 为后续开发黄原胶注射液,并应用于医学美容、关节腔注射等领域奠定基础。

    This served the basis for later research on xanthan gum injection for aesthetic surgery and articular cavity injection .

  3. 膝关节腔及周围滑膜囊积液的MRI定量测定

    Effusion quantification in the knee cavity and peripheral synovial bursa : MRI determination

  4. MRI是显示髋关节腔液体的最敏感的无创方法。

    MRI is the most sensitive and non invasive means for demonstrating articular fluid .

  5. 同时MRI还能够反应出合并的半月板、韧带损伤及关节腔(囊)内积血。

    MRI can also observe menisci torn , ligament torn and liquid in joint .

  6. 35例风湿性疾病膝关节腔滑膜液免疫球蛋白G类风湿因子的分析

    IgG RF Analysis of Synovial Fluid of the Knee Joints in 35 Patients with Rheumatic Disease

  7. CT可区分高密度影是关节腔游离体还是软组织内钙化或关节囊钙化。

    CT can differentiate freebodys in the joint cavity with the calcification of the soft tissue or joint sac .

  8. 结果常规SE序列诊断冈上肌腱撕裂的准确率为50%(9/18),部分病例追加关节腔MR造影后准确率提高至72.2%;

    Appending with MR arthrography to partial cases , the diagnostic accuracy increased to 72.2 % .

  9. 结论MRI肩关节腔造影是诊断肩袖撕裂准确性较高的方法。

    Conclusion MRI arthrography is one of the best methods for the diagnoses of rotator cuff tears .

  10. HPLC法测定关节腔引流液中头孢拉定的浓度

    Determination of the content of cefradine in drainage - fluid from articular cavity by HPLC method

  11. 结论:在常规MRI检查的基础上追加MRI关节腔造影能提高检出肩袖部分撕裂的敏感度。

    Conclusions : There is a higher sensitivity in detecting partial tears with routine MRI combined with MR arthrography .

  12. 常规MRI和MR关节腔造影检出肩袖完全撕裂的敏感度和特异度均为100%和97.1%。

    The sensitivity in detecting full-thickness tears was 100 % and specificity was 97.1 % for both routine MRI and MR arthrography .

  13. 外伤时间的长短对关节腔积液的ADC值并无统计学上的显著影响。

    Time of trauma did not influence ADC value of articular effusion .

  14. 10例行MR检查者均可见瘤巢周围的软组织、骨髓水肿或关节腔积液。

    There were also s of t tissue and bone morrow edema around the nidus or distinct effusion of joint on MR imaging in all 10 cases .

  15. 结果:常规MRI检出肩袖部分撕裂的敏感度约为61.9%,追加MR肩关节腔造影后敏感度提高到90.5%。

    Results : The sensitivity of routine MRI for detecting partial tears was 61.9 % and further increased to 90.5 % by adding MR arthrography .

  16. 目的比较常规MRI、肩关节腔造影和MRI肩关节腔造影检查对肩袖撕裂伤的诊断价值。

    Objective To compare the diagnostic value of conventional MRI , X ray arthrography , and MRI arthrography in revealing rotator cuff injuries .

  17. CT表现:5例PVNS均显示关节腔积液;

    CT scan showed the joint effusion presented in all of the 5 patients .

  18. 本组CT示关节腔积血22例,积气5例,其中脂血征7例。

    CT examination showed 22 cases of hemarthrosis of knee joint , there were 7 cases with lipemia , and CT also displayed 5 cases of articular cavity pneumatosis .

  19. 结果:经统计学检验,临床有外伤史的关节腔积液和无外伤史有症状的关节腔积液的ADC值无显著性差异;

    Results : There was no statistical differences of ADC value between traumatic and non traumatic articular effusion .

  20. 结论冈上肌腱MRI诊断尚需采用SE序列、FE序列、脂肪抑制、关节腔造影等多种MR成像方法。

    Conclusion MR arthrography , FE and fat suppressed sequences on the bases of SE sequence may be useful to the diagnosis of supraspinous tendon tears .

  21. 目的:建立简便快速的HPLC法,测定髋关节腔引流液中头孢拉定的药物浓度。

    Objective : To establish a simple and quick method for determination of the concentration of cefradine in drainage-fluid from articular cavity by HPLC method .

  22. 关节腔内置负压引流管,48~72h后拔除。

    Suction drainage was removed 48 ~ 72 hours after the operation .

  23. 结论:MR弥散加权成像对外伤性和非外伤性关节腔积液的鉴别作用有限,外伤性关节腔积液的弥散特征基本一致,外伤时间不影响关节腔内液体的弥散。

    Conclusion : MR diffusion weighted imaging has limited value in the differential diagnosis between traumatic and non traumatic effusion . Time of trauma does not affect the diffusion of the fluid in knee joint .

  24. 结果57例患者MRI诊断出17例骨折,20例骨髓水肿,37例软骨损伤,8例韧带损伤,53例关节腔积液;

    Results Seventeen cases of fracture , 20 of bone marrow edema , 37 of osteochondral trauma , 8 of ligament trauma and 53 of hydrarthrosis were diagnosed by MRI .

  25. 除正常对照组外,其余3组右膝木瓜蛋白酶关节腔注射法建立OA模型。

    Osteoarthritic models of rats were established by intraarticular injections of papain into the right knee joints of groups B , C and D.

  26. 当归加玻璃酸钠关节腔注射对兔膝骨关节炎软骨细胞Bcl-2、Bax表达的影响

    Effect of Angelica and Sodium Hyaluronate ( SH ) by Intra-articular Injection on the Degenerative Cartilage of Osteoarthritis to the Expression of Bcl-2 , Bax

  27. MRI表现分别为骨挫伤伴或不伴骨折、关节腔积液、半月板损伤、韧带损伤、关节周围软组织损伤。

    Knee joint injury manifested as bone contusion or bone contusion accompanied with bone fracture , joint effusion , meniscus injury , ligament injury , para-articular soft tissue injuries with MRI .

  28. 目的观察透明质酸钠(HA)关节腔注射治疗老年类风湿关节炎(RA)临床疗效。

    Aim To investigate the clinical efficacy of sodium hyaluronate ( HA ) given by intra articular injection for elderly onset rheumatoid arthritis ( RA ) .

  29. 目的:研究用甲氨喋呤(MTX)行关节腔注射治疗类风湿性关节炎(RA)。

    Objective : To study the effect of treating rheumatoid arthritis ( RA ) with intraarticular injection of methotrexate ( MTX ) .

  30. 因此本文着重从ACL损伤后的关节腔微环境入手,探讨导致其自身修复失败的主要原因。

    Therefore , in this study , we focus on microenvironment of joint cavity to explore the cause of ACL repair failure .