
  1. 高庙内供奉著佛教、道教以及中国民间信仰的各类偶像。求主耶稣的真光消除此庙的假神势力。

    Pray for the light of the Lord Jesus to overcome demonic forces at the Gao Temple , where idols for Buddhism , Daoism and Chinese folk religion are eclectically mixed .

  2. 祠内供奉妈祖及其父母神像,象征妈祖永远侍奉父母膝下,寓意妈祖在庇佑四海万民的同时,时刻不忘父母的养育之恩。

    Mazu statue and the statues of her parents are enshrined in the hall , symbolizing that when Mazu is blessing people of everywhere , she never forgets to look after her parents .

  3. 1956年前,寺院内还供奉唐代高僧玄奘法师的舍利。寺庙后院的灵塔,存放着这位高僧的遗骨。

    Before 1956 , the temple had a repository for a relic of Monk Xuan Zhuang of Tang .