
nèi jù
  • cohesion;coherence
内聚[nèi jù]
  1. 使用Spring连接各个层,实现高内聚,低耦合。

    Using Spring to connect each layer to achieve " high cohesion , lowcoupling " .

  2. 基于数据切片度量JAVA内聚性

    Measuring JAVA Cohesion Based on Data Slice

  3. 水是否本身就有内聚性呢?

    Is water cohesive by nature or not ?

  4. 共患难的内聚力

    the cohesive power of shared suffering

  5. C和φ(滑动面的内聚力和内摩擦角);

    C and ( cohesive force and interior friction angle of slide surfaces );

  6. 内聚能密度法预测C9-DMP体系的汽液平衡

    Prediction of the VLE for the C_9-DMP System Based on Cohesive Energy Density

  7. SOA将很多异类服务连接为一个具有内聚性的互操作环境。

    An SOA links together many disparate services into one cohesive interoperating environment .

  8. 然后bureaudechange突然出现,并将内聚性作为消除变更的度量。

    Then the bureau de change pops up and introduces cohesiveness as a measure of ease-of-change .

  9. 使用XML文档的主要困难在于检查其内部有效性(文档逻辑的内聚性)。

    The fundamental difficulty with XML documents is checking their internal validity ( cohesion of document logic ) .

  10. 所谓资源是一种可识别的内聚(coherent)概念。

    A resource is an identifiable , coherent concept .

  11. 内聚合式PAN基凝胶聚合物电解质超级电容器

    Supercapacitors of PAN-based gel polymer electrolytes synthesized in capacitor

  12. 给出了IP网管的体系结构和功能模型描述,以IP网络管理的实时性能要求为基础,以高内聚低耦合作为模块设计准则,设计出IP网络性能实时管理系统。

    The structure and functions of the IP network management are described based on the requirement of the real-time performance management .

  13. PZT薄膜界面分层破坏的内聚力模拟

    Cohesive zone modelling of interfacial delamination in PZT thin films

  14. 扩展了UML,以提供附加的能力来对SOA风格所给予的内聚与耦合进行管理。

    Extends UML in order to provide additional capabilities for managing cohesion and coupling afforded by an SOA style .

  15. 彭博社质疑Oracle到底要收购多少家管理软件供应商才能形成一个内聚的SOA管理故事。

    Bloomberg questioned how many management vendors Oracle must acquire before it has a coherent SOA management story .

  16. 将JMS作为分布式传输协议使用将实现一个具有内聚性的系统。

    The use of JMS as a distributed transport makes for a cohesive story .

  17. SOA治理引入域所有权的概念,域管理一系列共享常用内聚业务的可重用服务。

    SOA governance introduces the notion of domain ownership , where domains are managed sets of reusable services sharing some common business cohesiveness .

  18. 运用坍塌平衡法计算,应考虑土洞平面形状的影响,同时土层的内聚力c不能被忽略;

    The plane shape of soil cave should be taken into account in using ' collapse balance method ' , in the meantime , the cohesion c should not be neglected .

  19. 对香肠硬度、粘着性、粘滞性、内聚性也无影响(P0.05);

    Sor-bic acid did not effect hardness , adhesiveness , stickness and cohesiveness ( p0.01 ), but significantly influenced gumminess of sausage ( p0.01 ) .

  20. 通用G代码编译系统开发遵循软件工程思想,程序结构合理,内聚性高,具有良好的可靠性和实用性。

    Based on software engineering , the compiler system of procedure structure is rational , the user interface is friendly , and the system has high reliability and practicability .

  21. 根据Planck光谱辐射原理测量内聚爆轰气体爆轰温度

    The temperature measurements of imploding gas detonation with planck 's spectral radiance theory

  22. Al3V化合物的内聚性质

    Cohesive properties of al_3v

  23. 目的探索严重急性呼吸系统综合征(SARS)在家庭内和医院内聚集性传播和产生超级传播事件的机制。

    Objective Approach to the mechanism of producing cluster transmission of SARS in families and hospitals and the super-spread events ( SSEs ) .

  24. NC系列涂层具有较高的硬度、结合强度、内聚强度和良好的热震性能,可以达到锅炉管道的实际使用要求。

    Series of NC coatings have quite high hardness , bond strength , cohesive force and favorable thermal shock resistance , can reach the application requirement of boiler tubes .

  25. 为了评价内聚能密度法的适应性,也用单参数Wilson方程法对相同体系的数据作了预测。

    In order to evaluate the suitability of this method for predictions , these VLE systems were predicted by One-parameter Wilson equation , too .

  26. 与工程勘察选取的参数相比:内聚力C值增加7.2%,内摩擦角φ值在水上部分增加28.3%,在水下部分增加29.2%。

    The result is more close to the fact . The compare as the follows : the cohesion C is increased 7.2 % , angle of internal friction is increased 28.3 % above the ground water and 29.2 % .

  27. 本系统的开发和利用具有重要的意义:首先,本系统使用SOA技术开发,可以更好的做到系统设计模块间的高内聚低耦合。

    Development and use of this system has important implications : First , the system uses SOA technology to develop , which can do better inter-module with high cohesion and low coupling .

  28. 本研究提出的内聚营养源与SRB污泥共固技术未见报道。

    The study on immobilized SRB sludge of inner cohesive nutrient source has never been reported .

  29. 成熟类菌体外型较大,形态多样,细胞内聚-β-羟基丁酸(PHB)累积增多;

    The mature bacteroid was large , its morphotypes were diversity , and the accumulated PHB increased in the bacteroids .

  30. 启明ERP系统采用了模块化的业务和系统设计,模块间做到了高内聚低耦合,使其可以灵活配置模块,以适应不同企业的不同要求。

    QM ERP system adopts modularized business and system design , and realizes high cohesion and low coupling between the modules to configure the modules flexibly to meet different requirements of different enterprises .