
nèi shì
  • chamberlain;eunuchs and palace attendants
内侍 [nèi shì]
  • [enuch] 太监

  • 先遣内侍持历朝圣训授君。--清. 梁启超《谭嗣同传》

  1. 他们不久就要见内侍,我们等等看。

    They 'll see the Chamberlain soon . let 's wait .

  2. 幕僚长肯定告诉她逮捕内侍的理由。

    The superintendent must 've told her why he arrested him .

  3. 别假装你们不是内侍的人!

    Don 't pretend you 're not the chamberlain 's men !

  4. 你要救那位女士,但首先得救内侍。

    You plan to save the lady , but first the chamberlain .

  5. 如果我们救了内侍,他们就完了。

    If we rescue him , they 'll be finished .

  6. 教皇内侍跪到祭坛旁,呼吁道:“和我一起祈祷吧。”

    The camerlegno knelt at the altar . " Pray with me . "

  7. 有时候还有几个金发长身的内侍陪伴他。

    He would sometimes be accompanied by the slim , fair-haired court pages .

  8. 他或许能告诉我们内侍在哪。

    He may tell us where the Chamberlain is .

  9. 内侍愿意写认罪书吗?

    Will the Chamberlain write a confession so easily ?

  10. 等等,内侍不也这么说的么。

    Wait . that 's what the Chamberlain said .

  11. 内侍现在也很危险。

    The chamberlain 's in danger now .

  12. 教皇内侍的声音渐渐变成耳语,摄像机的镜头推近了一些。

    The camerlegno lowered his voice to a whisper , and the camera moved in .

  13. 只有够远,能让你们救出内侍就行。

    Far enough to rescue the chamberlain .

  14. 内侍罗马教皇的名誉侍从。

    An often honorary papal attendant .

  15. 麦克格雷格将饰演教皇内侍,也被称为两面神,前任教皇最亲密的助手,主要帮助兰登进行调查。

    McGregor will play Camerlengo Carlo Ventresca , also known as Janus , the late pope 's closest aide who initially helps Langdon in the investigation .

  16. 在汉代,包括行政、决策、监察、皇宫内侍等在内的所有有权部门或人员都有部分或完全的审判权。

    On the Han Dynasty , Almost all the organizations and persons relating to administration , decision-making , supervising and servicing in the basilica had full or some jurisdiction .