首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 如果你想干什么,请明白再来。

    And you 're full of something else , so try back tomorrow .

  2. 如果你用的是干米线,请把米线放到耐热的碗里,倒上滚水,放置五分钟让它自然泡开,然后在面条软过头之前捞出来沥干。

    If you are using dried rice noodles , place them in a heatproof bowl , pour over boiling water and leave for about five minutes until they are just tender , then drain before theygo too soft .

  3. 你干吗非得自己干,而不请人帮忙?

    Why didn 't you ask for help , rather than trying to do it on your own ?

  4. 你在干些什么,请告知,以便随时效劳。

    Please clue me in on what you are doing , so that I can help .

  5. 他现在不在上网,那么他正在干什么呢?请同学们阅读这段话,然后回答老师的问题。

    No , he isn ' t.What is he doing ? Please try to read this then answer my questions .

  6. 我想你承担的活儿够你今年干的了。请不要再接别的活儿了。

    I think you 've taken on as much as you can do this year ; please don 't start any other activity .