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  • dry skin
  1. 用于干性皮肤的产品含酒精较少或不含酒精。

    Products for dry skin have little or no alcohol .

  2. 使用专门适用干性皮肤,spf15以上的保湿产品。

    Use a moisturiser for dry skin and minimum SPF 15 .

  3. 美容治疗师SarahChapman向VideoJug用户展示怎样护理干性皮肤。当你的皮肤感到紧绷,毛孔紧缩的时候,说明你的皮肤干燥。

    Beauty therapist Sarah Chapman shows VideoJug users how to care for dry skin , which occurs when your skin feels taught and has closed , tight pores .

  4. 感谢收看“干性皮肤怎样护理”视频节目。

    Thanks for watching video How To Care For Dry Skin

  5. 干性皮肤无油,然而,脱水皮肤缺少水分,看上去干巴巴的。

    Dry skin lacks oil whereas dehydrated skin lacks moisture and looks crepey .

  6. 对于特应性干性皮肤局部使用烟酰胺后引起皮肤水分增加效应

    Moisturizing effects of topical nicotinamide on atopic dry skin

  7. 一些温和的清洁剂加入了燕麦等成份,对干性皮肤有益。

    Some gentle cleansers infuse ingredients like oatmeal to help with dry skin .

  8. 干性皮肤也分为好多种。

    There are many levels of dry skin .

  9. 你这种干性皮肤适合使用这种面霜。

    This cream is for your dry skin .

  10. 形成干性皮肤的内在与外在因素!

    Internal & External Causes of Dry Skin !

  11. 1.干性皮肤的征兆

    Step 1 : The signs of dry skin

  12. 这是我用过的最好的手霜,对干性皮肤很好。

    This is the best one of all the hand treatment that I have used .

  13. 要解决干性皮肤问题,焕然亮泽,做次香蕉面膜吧。

    For an instant glow and to relieve dry skin , make a banana facial pack .

  14. 干性皮肤积累了许多死皮,所以摸上去比较坚硬。

    Dry skin has a build up of dead skin so it may be rough to the touch .

  15. 对干性皮肤非常有好处,洗完澡之后涂在身上就行了。

    It 's great for dry skin ─ just apply it all over your body after you shower .

  16. 这种面膜非常适用干性皮肤,我几乎每周使用一次。

    It really wakes up tired skin ; this is one I 'd use about once a week really .

  17. 在冬天,干性皮肤的人使用粉底霜前一定要用面霜来进一步润肤。

    In the winter , drying cutaneous must come to further profit skin with cream before person use foundation cream .

  18. 如果你是干性皮肤,使用油性的润肤霜,它含有丙烯醣质能使你的皮肤保持滋润。

    If you have dry skin , use oil-based oil moisturizers that have propylene glycol to keep your skin moist .

  19. 为让你的皮肤即使是在严寒的冬天也保持湿润,照着以下干性皮肤护理提示做

    To keep your skin feeling dewy and moist even in the harsh winter weather , follow these dry skin fix-it tips

  20. 干性皮肤每周一次,油性皮肤每周三次,中性皮肤每周二次。

    Once a week for the dry skin , three time for the oily skin , and twice for the neutral skin .

  21. 对于轻度干性皮肤来说,日常基本保湿,就可以改善皮肤的状况。

    For the mild occasional dryness , a basic moisturizer could be used daily during the times your skin is drying out .

  22. 考虑一下乐观的一面:毛孔明显是由于油性皮肤造成的,随着年龄的增长,油性皮肤不像干性皮肤看上去那么褶皱。

    Consider the upside : Prominent pores often result from oily skin , which looks less wrinkled than dry skin as you age .

  23. 如果你有干性皮肤,被太阳晒伤或是有湿疹就不要使用盐,只要把糖加倍就好。

    And if you have dry skin , a sunburn , or eczema , leave out the salt and double up the sugar .

  24. 这蜂蜜可抗菌也可缓解干性皮肤,苏打粉可温和的去角质。

    The honey is antibacterial while also soothing dry skin , and the baking soda is gently exfoliating without tearing or irritating your face .

  25. 干性皮肤需要补充更多油,所以每天的饮食中应该多摄入一点油,可以食用含油比较丰富的鱼或服用一些补充剂。

    Dry skin needs to be given more oil , so include it in your diet by eating oily fish or taking omega supplements .

  26. 这又让我想起几天前在超市里看到的事:我去超市是想买适用于干性皮肤的护肤霜。

    It also reminded me of what I 'd noted in the supermarket a few days earlier as I was looking for lotion for dry skin .

  27. 各项研究表明,皮肤一旦缺水会产生很多问题,如干性皮肤缺水会直接导致皱纹的产生;

    It has proven by diversified researches that it will generate different problems if skin is lack of water , for example , wrinkles for dry skin ;

  28. 干性皮肤需要营养比较丰富的,油性皮肤需要不含油,没有香味,有去角质效果的产品,例如水杨酸或果酸。

    dry skin needs a rich product , and oily skin needs an oil - and fragrance-free product that contains exfoliating agents , like salicylic or fruit acids .

  29. 用这款产品最大的感觉就是,上妆特别容易,因为很滋润的缘故,不再脱妆,而且很好推,应该很适合冬季使用,和较干性皮肤使用。

    Using this product is the biggest feeling makeup , particularly easy , because it 's sake , no makeup , and very good , very suitable for use in winter , should use and dry skin .

  30. 适用:干性、过敏皮肤、红血丝等。

    Availability : Applicable for dry , sensitive and reddish skin etc.