
nèi gòng shēng
  • endosymbiosis
内共生[nèi gòng shēng]
  1. 其次,它再现独立的细胞,它是发现,一个明显的内共生情况。

    Secondly , it reproduces independently of the cell in which it is found ; an apparent case of endosymbiosis .

  2. 【目的】PCR法扩增与测定白纹伊蚊和致倦库蚊的细胞内共生菌Wolbachia16SRRNA序列,分析其种系发生关系及传播方式。

    Objective To amplify and analyze the Wolbachia 16S rRNA sequences from Aedes albopictus and Culex pipiens quinquefasciatus , and to analyze their phylogenetic relationship . I is presented . relation .

  3. 其中GroEL蛋白是由昆虫内共生菌产生的,对病毒进入昆虫体内起着免遭酶降解的保护作用。

    GroEL produced by endosymbionts protects viruses from being degraded by enzymes in insect .

  4. 为了获得较多的GroEL蛋白,深入研究其性质,对烟粉虱内共生菌groEL基因表达的条件进行了研究。

    The study on prokaryotic expression conditions of groEL from endosymbiont in B. tabaci was conducted .

  5. 生活在体积分数为10%~25%O2的培养液中(每周更换2次O2),其细胞内共生甲烷菌消失,变成阿米巴期。

    When this organism was cultured in a medium containing less than 2.5 % of oxygen ( refreshment of the oxygenated gas phase twice a week ), its endosymbionts disappeared and changed into symbiont-free flagellates .

  6. Wolbachia是普遍存在于节肢动物和丝状线虫体内的胞内共生菌,它通过雌性卵的细胞质传递给子代。

    Wolbachia is the intracellular symbiotic bacterial that infects a wide range of arthropods and nematodes , it is transmitted to offspring through the cytoplasm of eggs .

  7. 寄主植物、双生病毒的一些特殊蛋白以及烟粉虱内共生菌产生的GroEL蛋白,都可影响烟粉虱携带的双生病毒种类及传毒的可能性。

    What geminiviruses that can be acquired by whitefly and the possibility for virus transmission are affected by the host plants , the special protein of geminiviruses as well as the GroEL proteins synthesized by endosymbionts of the vector .

  8. 绿草履虫&小球藻共生系统中内共生小球藻对宿主绿草履虫影响的研究

    Effects of the Symbiont on Host in Paramecium Bursaria-Chlorella System

  9. 对蚜虫与其内共生细菌共生关系的研究进展进行综述。

    Advances in interactions between aphids and their symbiotic bacteria are reviewed .

  10. 变形虫阶段的细胞仍不含内共生菌。

    Cells of the amoeboid stage lacked the methanogenic endosymbionts .

  11. 带有内共生菌的P.lanterna+在厌氧环境中生活较好。

    P. lanterna + ( with endosymbionts ) grew well in anaerobic culture .

  12. 本文主要综述了线粒体、叶绿体的内共生假说和分化假说。

    This paper will summarize the Endosymbiontic Hypothesis and the Intercellular origin Hypothesis of chloroplast and mitochondrion .

  13. 据此认为,温度可能通过作用于蚜虫内共生菌胞数量而影响蚜虫体型的大小。

    It is tentatively hypothesized that temperature affects aphid body size via influence on the abundance of mycetocytes .

  14. 像线粒体和叶绿体源于细菌内共生一样,细胞核也许是古细菌内共生进化的结果。

    As endosymbiotic origins of mitochondria and chloroplasts , nuclei may have evolved fromArchaea as a result of symbiosis .

  15. 在蚜虫中发现的另外一种内共生体则阐明了必须基因的另一种可能的命运。

    A second endosymbiont , found in aphids , illustrates another possible fate for the genes of a hanger-on .

  16. 昆虫的消化道内共生有各种细菌,它们赋予宿主昆虫各种各样的生物学功能。

    Multiple symbionts were lived in alimentary tract of insect , which endow their insect host multiple biological functions .

  17. 叶绿体是植物进行光合作用的细胞器,内共生学说认为叶绿体起源于蓝藻类的原核生物。

    Chloroplast is an organelle specialized for carrying out photosynthesis in plants and descended from cyanobacteria according to endosymbiosis .

  18. 人体肠道内共生着大量与之进行共代谢、共交换的微生物,其对人体健康产生重要影响。

    There are a huge amount of bacterial cells which co-exchange and co-metabolize with the host in human gut .

  19. 由于宿主也为这种所谓的“内共生体”提供营养,因而他们只需要自己基因中很少的部分就可以繁殖。

    Because the host supplies nourishment for these so-called endosymbionts , they are able to get by with fewer genes of their own .

  20. 桔小实蝇成虫对寄主果实的选择主要受果实挥发性物质(包括自然释放和虫害诱导释放)、果实的品质性状、颜色、取食经历及记忆行为和昆虫内共生菌等因素的影响。

    The formation of the preference was influenced by fruit volatile substances , fruit quality characters , colors , feeding experiences , memory behavior and insect endosymbionts .

  21. 除1龄若蚜外,蚜虫体型大小总体呈现随温度升高而降低的格局,但随其内共生菌数量增多而增大(35℃下除外)。

    Aphid body size in all stages except for the 1st instar declined with the increase of temperature but increased with the abundance of mycetocytes at all temperatures except at 35 ℃ .

  22. 根据细胞器内共生起源学说,蓝细菌是叶绿体的祖先,在进化生物学上具有重要的意义,因此本课题的研究可以可能为叶绿体的起源和进化提供一些证据。

    As the cyanobacteria is thought to be the ancestor of chloroplasts , so it is of great significance in evolutionary biology and this study could provided some evidence for the the origin and evolution of chloroplast .

  23. 有充分的证据支持线粒体和叶绿体起源的内共生假说,即:紫色细菌、α&类群的成员是线粒体的祖先,而蓝细菌的成员是叶绿体的祖先。

    We present considerable evidence supporting the endosymbiotic hypothesis for the origin of mitochondria and chloroplasts that the member of a-group , purple bacteria , is the ancestor of mitochondria and the member of cyanobacteria is the progenitor of plant chloroplasts .

  24. 存在于昆虫病原线虫肠道内的共生菌,经细菌学家鉴定,将其归属于肠杆菌科(Enterobacteriaceae)。

    The symbiotic bacteria associated with insect pathogenic nematodes are placed in the family Enterobacteriaceae .

  25. 生态工业园区内企业共生融资模式研究

    The Research of Enterprises ' Commensal Financing Mode in Eco-Industrial Park

  26. 浅水珊瑚的美丽色彩,部份是来自生存于珊瑚细胞内的共生藻。

    Shallow-water corals owe their beautiful colors in part to symbiotic algae , which live inside the coral cells .

  27. 在透射电镜下可观察到上皮细胞内有共生许多杆状细菌,这些胞内共生菌对幼虫有何作用还需进一步研究。

    The SEM photos showed there were massive rod-shaped intracellular symbionts in epithelial cells , the role that the intracellular symbiont play need further study .

  28. 环境胁迫对禾草&内生真菌共生体的影响

    Influence on Forages Grass and Fungal Endophyte Symbiotic in Environment Stress

  29. 集群内组织间共生治理模式及演进研究

    Study on Symbiosis Governance and Evolution among Clusters of Enterprises

  30. 金线莲与内生真菌共生培养体系的建立

    Establishment of Symbiotic System for Anoectochilus roxburghii ( Wall . ) Lindl . and Endophytic Fungi