
  • 网络seven-bar phrases
内容空洞 [nèi róng kōng dòng]
  • [vacuous] 缺乏实质性内容;空泛

  • 一个内容空洞而无聊的剧本

  1. 她的竞选宣传口号“服务大众的总统”虽然押了头韵,听着很悦耳,其实内容空洞。

    Her campaign slogan , ' a president for the people ' , was pleasantly alliterative but empty .

  2. 有时候他好像喃喃自语,内容空洞而不著边际。

    Sometime what he mutters sounds nothing and elusive .

  3. 它内容空洞,专讲形式,玩弄文字。

    It consisted in juggling with words , concentrated only on form and was devoid of content .

  4. 有人声称求助于敏感产品条款将使该让步内容空洞,这种说法是错误的。

    It is wrong to claim that this offer will be emptied of content by recourse to sensitive products .

  5. 指导内容空洞,流于说教,缺乏职业生涯规划指导;

    Guidance being devoid of content , tending to be preaching , and the lack of career planning and guidance ;

  6. 程序运作模式的行政化,内容空洞化以及程序正当性的缺失,不能对赔偿请求人的权利提供充分的救济。

    The procedure suffers from the administrative tendency , the vacancy of procedure content and lack of due procedure , which makes the right of requested person in vain .

  7. 我们对任何草案都会感到满意,即使草案的内容非常空洞也无所谓。

    We would be satisfied with any draft document , however vacuous .

  8. 内容十分空洞的文章

    An article completely empty of matter

  9. 毫无疑问,这就是我们正月里同日本签订的协议内容这么空洞和浮泛的原因。

    No doubt this was why our January agreement with Japan came out so thin and trivial .

  10. 死刑核准权收归后面临的问题是诉讼程序的行政化、程序内容的空洞化以及程序正义性的缺失从而使设置该程序的目的落空。

    But after the withdrawal , the procedure suffers from the administrative tendency , the vacancy of procedure content and lack of due procedure , which makes the purpose of penalty authority procedure in vain .

  11. 外国电影要比国产片稍受欢迎,主要因为外国电影情节曲折,彰显个人英雄主义,而国产电影则技术水平低、内容较为空洞。

    Foreign movies than the domestically produced piece slightly popular , mainly because the foreign movie plot twists and turns , highlight individual heroism , but domestic films , low level of technology , the content is empty .