
  • 网络bulgakov;Mikhail Bulgakov
  1. 舞台上的布尔加科夫与斯大林;

    Bulgakov and Stalin on stage ;

  2. 这一段在剧中,是由斯大林所写,他召见布尔加科夫密见。

    That , in the event , is written by Stalin , who summons Bulgakov to secret meetings .

  3. 但布尔加科夫始终坚信,失去的家园终究能够回归。

    Boulgakov firmly believes that man can regain his lost home .

  4. 布尔加科夫首先是一位知识分子,知识分子的独立性与使命感决定了他立场的复杂性。

    His stand is decided by the intellectual 's independence and responsibility .

  5. 布尔加科夫的人道主义思想在俄国文学史上具有重要意义。

    His thought of humanism played a significant role in the history of Russian Literature .

  6. 国防部的长官们现在计划在接下来的两到三年内引入新制服,布尔加科夫说。

    Defence chiefs now planned to phase in the new uniforms over the next two to three years , Bulgakov said .

  7. 编导作品:《月亮化了》《布尔加科夫医生》《谁动了我的堂?吉诃德?!》等;

    He modified screenplay and directed : The Moon is Melting , Doctor Bulgakov , Who killed Don Quixote ?! est .

  8. 伦敦最近的两部新剧,恰好以超现实的幻想曲,让斯大林和小说家米哈?布尔加科夫走到了一起。

    Two new London productions that , coincidentally , involve Stalin and the novelist Mikhail Bulgakov , make apt use of surreal fantasia .

  9. 布尔加科夫是苏联文学史上的重要作家,他的代表作《大师和玛格丽特》更是苏联“回归文学”中的经典之作。

    Bulgakov is an author of importance in the literary history of the Soviet Union , and his masterpiece Master and Margareta is regarded as a classic in its " returning literature " .

  10. 从叙事视角来看,在布尔加科夫小说中较常使用固定式人物有限视角和变换式人物有限视角,这两种视角让作家达到了完全不同的叙事的效果。

    From the narrative perspective , fixed characters with limited view and irregular characters with limited view are often used in his novels , which make the writer reach narrative effects totally different .

  11. 布尔加科夫还宣布了国防部的计划,预备向那些主要在室内或在炎热气候里工作的军官提供新制服,其中包括透气性好的袜子和高质量皮鞋。

    Bulgakov also announced defence ministry plans to provide military officers who work mainly indoors or in hot climates with new uniforms , including socks that let feet " breathe " and shoes " of high-quality leather . "

  12. 在剧中,当斯大林敲定剧本台词时,布尔加科夫在妥协和良知之间摇摆挣扎,但不得不完成这一合作的剧本,内容涉及炼钢厂目标,谷物分配,甚至死刑名额。

    While Stalin hammers out the script , Bulgakov , struggling with his compromises and conscience , is obliged do his collaborator 's paperwork , which slides from steel-factory targets , to grain allocations , to death quotas .

  13. 布尔加科夫这本伟大的小说带有一种不受支配的癫狂:魔鬼极其随从造访斯大林的莫斯科,同名人物的事迹以及大师所著关于比拉多和耶稣的故事。但这些都没有阻碍舞台剧本的改写。

    The unwieldy zaniness of Bulgakov 's great novel - whose action involves the devil and his retinue visiting Stalin 's Moscow , the blighted affair of the eponymous characters , and the master 's novel about Pontius Pilate and Jesus - somehow hasn 't deterred stage adaptations .