
  1. 布什尔核电站是俄罗斯建设的。

    The Bushehr plant is being built by Russia .

  2. 这批货物是用于帮助俄罗斯在伊朗的布什尔核电站南部港口城市建设的一个核反应堆。

    The shipment is intended for a nuclear reactor the Russians have helped build in the southern Iranian port city of Bushehr .

  3. 2010年10月27日伊朗原子能组织主席萨利希日前透露,伊朗布什尔核电站有望于明年2月中旬并入国家电力网开始发电。

    2010-10-27 Head of Atomic Energy Organization of Iran ( AEOI ) Ali-Akbar Salehi said on Tuesday Bushehr nuclear plant will join national grid in mid-February .

  4. 布什尔市核电站的一名官员贾法里在核设施附近对听众发表的演说中,证实了伊朗在铀浓缩方面进行了新的扩展。

    Speaking to a crowd near the nuclear power station in the city of Bushehr , Mahmoud jafarai , a plant official , confirmed that Iran is moving ahead with nuclear enrichment .