
  • 网络Inner Mongolia Normal University;imnu.edu.cn
  1. 2002~2004年内蒙古师范大学新生结核病患病情况分析

    Analysis of TB Prevalence among New College Students in Inner Mongolia Normal University from 2002 to 2004

  2. 作者受到启发并试图对内蒙古师范大学非英语专业大学生作文中僵化现象进行研究。

    Inspired and stimulated by the achievements in fossilization phenomenon , the author carries an investigation among some Chinese non-English majors in Inner Mongolia Normal University .

  3. 内蒙古师范大学音乐厅音质设计

    On acoustic quality design of the concert hall of Inner Mongolia Teachers University

  4. 十六位来自内蒙古师范大学的研究生参加了本次研究。

    There were sixteen participants from Inner Mongolia Normal University in the study .

  5. 内蒙古师范大学体育教学俱乐部改革与发展探讨

    Exploration of Reform and Development of Physical Education Teaching Club in Inner Mongolia Normal University

  6. 收藏古生物学、乳类动物标本、体动物学和昆虫学。模式标本保存于内蒙古师范大学昆虫研究所标本馆。

    The type specimens are deposited in the Insect Collection of Institute of Entomology , Inner Mongolian Normal University .

  7. 对整个调研过成进行总结,得到了程序设计基础教学资源的有效性程度,并且对内蒙古师范大学计算机与信息工程学院教学网站的进一步完善进行展望。

    Make a conclusion about the entire research , and success in getting the result of the extent of the validity of teaching resources , and look into the future 、 improve the Inner Mongolia Normal University Computer and Information Engineering College Teaching Website .

  8. 通过分析内蒙古师范大学的历史与现状,印证上述二重性特征理论,总结蒙古民族高等教育存在的问题以及成因,为促进其特色发展提出建设性意见。

    In order to prove the duality theory , the writer analyzed the history and current situation of Inner Mongolia Normal University , summarized the problems that existed in Mongolian higher education and reasons , and gave constructive advice to promote its characteristic development .

  9. 内蒙古西部地区的高校中,硬件设施仅有内蒙古师范大学较好;其他高校均缺少投掷场地和室内场地。

    The colleges and universities in the western region of Inner Mongolia , hardware facilities only Inner Mongolia normal university is better ; Other universities are lack of throwing venues and indoor arena .