
  • 网络igp;IGPs;Interior gateway protocol;RIP;IGRP
  1. OSPF(开放最短路径优先)协议属于内部网关协议,运行在一个自主系统内部。

    OSPF ( Open Shortest Path First ) is classified as an IGP , which are used within autonomous systems .

  2. OSPF协议作为重要的内部网关协议,其安全性关系到整个自治系统的安全。

    As the important interior gateway protocol , the security of the OSPF protocol influences the entire autonomous system .

  3. 开放最短路径优先协议是IETF(InternetEngineeringTaskForce)提出的一种基于最短路径优先算法的链路状态路由协议,它是一种内部网关协议,在网络中被广泛应用。

    Open Shortest Path First protocol , proposed by IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force ), is link state routing protocol based on the shortest path first algorithm .

  4. OSPF属于内部网关协议,OSPF协议的基本要素包括:LSA、链路状态数据库、可靠的泛洪和路由选择计算。

    The basic elements of OSPF protocol includes : LSA , link-state database , reliable flooding and routing .

  5. 内部网关协议是用于各个自治系统内部的选路协议集合,包括RIP和OSPF在内的常见动态路由协议都属于内部网关协议。

    Interior routing occurs within an autonomous system . Most common routing protocols , such as RIP and OSPF , are interior routing protocols .

  6. 下一代路由信息协议是基于IPv6的路由信息协议,该协议作为内部网关协议工作在中等规模的自治系统中和其他协议所不同的是,它并不是为了在复杂网络中使用而设计的。

    RIPng is an information routing protocol for the IPv6 . RIPng was designed to work as an internal Gateway Protocol in moderate-size AS 's. It is not intended for use in complex environments .

  7. 传统的IP路由体系如内部网关协议只能提供数据的可达性服务,这些算法可能导致网络中的数据流汇聚到同一链路上,从而引起网络局部拥塞和网络资源利用率的下降。

    Traditional IP routing system , such as interior gateway protocols , can only provide data reachable services . These algorithms may convergence data stream to the same link in the network , which led to local network congestion and decline of network resource utilization .

  8. IS-IS协议是一种基于链路状态的内部网关协议,由于其机制比较简单,常被应用于城域网和大型网络服务提供商。

    IS-IS is a link-state based interior gateway protocol ; it is often used in metropolitan and large Internet service provider for its relatively simple mechanism .

  9. 为了能够检测特定网络中路由协议的安全性问题,本文设计并实现了一款内部网关协议安全性测试系统,又通过实验展示了该系统的主要功能。

    To detect his security problems in network routing protocols , an interior gateway protocol test system was designed and implemented , on which the main features was also exhibited through system experiments .

  10. 于是cisco公司推出了结合两种优点的平衡混合型路由协议――EIGRP(增强型内部网关路由协议),该协议为cisco公司的专有协议,在cisco路由器上用的十分普遍。

    So cisco company puts forward to EIGRP ( enhanced interior gateway routing protocol ), it takes in the advantages of RIP and OSPF . Now EIGRP is widely used in cisco router .

  11. OSPF协议是一种广泛使用的内部网关路由协议,文中提出了一种用于OSPF协议测试的网络拓扑建模方法以及相关算法。

    OSPF protocol is one of the widely used interior gateway routing protocols . In the paper , a network topology model and an arithmetic based on it are presented , which are applied in OSPF protocol testing .

  12. 互联网上自治系统内部通过内部网关协议交换局部路由信息,如开放最短路由优先协议OSPF。

    Within the AS , Interior Gateway Protocols are used to exchange routing information , e.g. Open Shortest Path First ( OSPF ), The Border Gateway Protocol ( BGP ) is an inter-Autonomous System ( AS ) routing protocol .

  13. 自治系统内部通过内部网关协议交换路由信息,自治系统间通过外部网关协议交换路由信息。

    Within the AS , Interior Gateway Protocols are used to exchange routing information . Exterior Gateway Protocols are used to exchange routing information between Ases .

  14. OSPF是IETF(InternetEngineeringTaskForce)于1988年提出的一种基于链路状态算法的动态路由协议,它是用于自治系统内部的内部网关路由协议。

    OSPF is a dynamic routing protocol put forward by IETF ( internet engineering task force ) in 1988.lt is based on the link status algorithm and used in AS .

  15. 核心路由器可能应用于各种环境,它必须提供多种路由协议,包括RIP、OSPF、IS-IS以及BGP等内部和外部网关路由协议。

    As core router may be used in all kinds of environments , it must implement multiple routing protocols , including RIP , OSPF , IS-IS , BGP and other Interior or Exterior routing protocols .