
Fénɡ yǒu lán
  • a noted philosopher
  1. 不少今哲颇褒公孙龙的白马非马(P)论题,而冯友兰大师则较为跟随古哲,颇贬P。

    Quite a few contemporary philosophers approve Gong Sun-long 's " A white horse is not a horse " claim ( P ), yet Master Feng You-lan rather follow the ancient philosophers-disapproving ( P ) .

  2. 论冯友兰新理学的精神旨趣

    On the spiritual purport of FENG You-lan 's New Idealism

  3. 冯友兰的王国维研究述评

    A Commentary on Fung Yu-lan 's Study of Wang Guo-wei

  4. 形上学沉思的终极进路&论冯友兰之负的方法何以晚出

    The Ultimate Approach in Feng You-lan 's Metaphysical Meditation

  5. 金岳霖与冯友兰是中国现代著名的哲学家。

    Jin Yue-Lin and Feng You-Lan are famous philosophers in modern Chinese history .

  6. 第一部分主要介绍冯友兰伦理思想产生的理论渊源及其时代背景。

    The first part deals mainly describes his thoughts origins and its background .

  7. 从一定意义上讲,它浓缩了冯友兰的全部哲学思想。

    In a sense , it is an embodiment of his philosophical ideas .

  8. 冯友兰将这种境界概括为风流。

    Feng Youlan has summarized this realm as grace .

  9. 冯友兰的哲学创造体现出了复兴民族哲学的一种现代努力。

    Feng Youlan 's philosophy creation manifested a modern effort to revive national philosophy .

  10. 冯友兰的逻辑分析方法

    On Feng Youlan ′ s Logic Analysis Method

  11. 新理学的终极关怀&冯友兰境界说述评

    The Ultimate Concern of the New Rational Philosophy

  12. 冯友兰的新理性儒家思想

    Feng Yu-lan 's New Rationalistic Confucianism

  13. 冯友兰是中国近现代史上著名的哲学史家、哲学家和伦理学家。

    Feng Youlan is a famous philosophy historian , philosopher and moralist during Chinese modern history .

  14. 显然,冯友兰的哲学思想缺乏实践的品格以及情感、意志的认同。

    Obviously , his philosophy was lack of the practical character and recognition of feelings and will .

  15. 试析冯友兰人生境界说的逻辑演进及其意义

    Analysis on the Logic Evolution of Feng You-lan 's Remarks on Realm of Life and its Significance

  16. 冯友兰是二十世纪影响很大的哲学史家,哲学家,新儒家的代表人物之一。

    Feng Youlan is an influential philosopher and one of the members of New Confucian in the twentieth century .

  17. 冯友兰为中国哲学史学科建设作出了巨大贡献,带动了中国哲学史学科的发展。

    Feng Youlan contributed enormously to the scholastic construction of Chinese philosophy history and propeled the academic development of Chinese philosophy .

  18. 梁漱溟、陈寅恪、冯友兰对孝文化批判保持了较为冷静的态度;

    Scholars such as Liang Shuming , Chen Yinke and Feng Youlan relatively kept their cool towards criticism of filiality culture .

  19. 旧邦新命与冯友兰关于中国哲学史研究方法观念的转向

    " Serve the Favoring Appointment with the Old Country " and FENG You-lan 's Chinese Philosophy History Study 's Method Shift

  20. 冯友兰先生作为中国哲学之集大成者,毕生思想重心在于对人生哲学之研究。

    Mr. Feng You-lan , as a synthesizer of Chinese Philosophy , His thought center lies in the Philosophy of Life Study .

  21. 冯友兰认为,道德行为必以“觉解”为基础,知识对于境界的保持是必须的。

    According to Feng Youlan , moral conduct must be based on " awareness and understanding ", and knowledge is a must in keeping realm .

  22. 冯友兰与张载的哲学思想都采取了自明而诚的路径。

    As we know , Fung and Chang both take the same path of expressing their philosophy , that is , from enlightenment to perfection .

  23. 以兹凸显冯友兰对内圣外王这一中国哲学核心内涵的理论贡献及其限制。

    It is a highlight of the saint outside the Wang Feng of the Chinese philosophy of the core substance of the theoretical contributions and their limitations .

  24. 冯友兰是20世纪最著名的哲学家和哲学史家,其思想影响几代学人,在海外也有重大影响。

    As the most famous philosopher and historian of philosophy in20th century , Feng Youlan influence extends to scholars of several generations as well as to abroad .

  25. 蔡仲德先生作为冯友兰的女婿,以其特有的优越条件在冯学研究方面做出了贡献。

    As Feng Youlan s son in law , Cai Zhongde with its superior condition in study of Feng Youlan philosophical thought aspect have made outstanding contribution .

  26. 孔子是相信天命还是否定天命,论者意见不一,最明显者莫过于郭沫若与冯友兰两先生,根据大致相同的材料,得出的却是截然相反的结论。

    Whether Confucius believed in Fatality or not , among many scholars , Mr Guo Moruo and Feng Youlan had contrary conclusions according to almost same materials .

  27. 从冯友兰晚年的理论反思反观其整个哲学系统,可见其思想的前后一贯。

    A review of Fengs philosophical system in accordance with the theoretical reflections of his later years will indicate the consistency of his thought throughout his life .

  28. 文中谈到阳明学的分化时的几个具有代表性的派别及人物和对现代新儒学中冯友兰和牟宗三的影响。

    Yangming learning about text differentiation at the time of a few representative figures and factions and the modern Neo-Confucianism in the impact of Feng and Mou Tsung-san .

  29. 这是冯友兰追求圣人这一理想道德人格的初衷,也是他毕生想完成的一项壮举。

    This is the Feng You-Lan pursuit of " saints ," the original intention of the ideal of moral personality , but also his life to complete a feat .

  30. 在人生境界说中,冯友兰阐述了四种不同的生死观形态,从而昭示了他的生死观。

    In the view of life confines , Feng described four different patterns of viewpoint toward life and death so as to illustrate his view of life and death .