
  • 网络William Fung
  1. 出口采购集团利丰公司(li&fung)董事总经理冯国纶(williamfung)表示,近年来中国出口产品的质量已有大幅提高。

    William Fung , managing director of Li & Fung , the export sourcing group , says that the quality of Chinese exports has improved considerably in recent years .

  2. 全球供应链企业利丰公司(Li&Fung)的董事总经理冯国纶(WilliamFung)表示,国际买家只能接受更高的中国出口价格,尤其像是玩具这类基本上只在中国制造的产品。

    William Fung , managing director of Li & Fung , a global supply chain company , said international buyers would have to accept higher export prices from China , especially for goods such as toys that are largely made only in the country .

  3. 冯国纶指出,它们受到来自沃尔玛(Wal-Mart)等大型大盒子连锁公司的竞争,这些连锁公司往往将玩具亏本售出,以招徕父母,希望他们能抓起一些利润高的商品。

    Mr Fung notes that they are pitted against large big-box chains , such as Wal-Mart , who often use toys as loss-leaders to draw in parents whom they hope will snap up their higher-margin goods .

  4. 冯国纶表示:工资水平必须提高。

    The level of wages has to rise , said Mr Fung .

  5. 冯国纶表示:当前艰难市场环境的受益者是孟加拉。

    The beneficiary of this tough market was Bangladesh , Mr Fung said .

  6. 如果天气再冷一些,冬衣走得就会更好,冯国纶表示。

    If the weather had been colder , winter clothing would have moved better , Mr Fung says .

  7. 事实是,(供应商)将不得不转嫁这些成本,冯国纶表示。

    The reality is that [ suppliers ] will have to pass these costs on , says Mr Fung .

  8. 我们是一个早期预警系统,冯国纶表示,我们客户今年的购买量很大。

    We are an early warning system , says Mr Fung . Our clients bought quite heavily this year .

  9. 冯国纶表示:我们全年的玩具销量保持均衡。他指出,在其4个华人市场和1个穆斯林市场,春节、儿童节和其它假日同等重要。

    Our toy sales are evened out across the year , Mr Fung says , noting that Chinese New Year , Children 's Day and other holidays are just as important in its four Chinese and one Muslim market .