
  • 网络the Ice Age
  1. 这一发现将有助于科学家揭开冰川时代的奥秘。

    The discovery will help scientists unravel the mystery of the Ice Age .

  2. 除去《神偷奶爸》和《怪物史瑞克》,另外三部票房成绩不菲的动画电影是冰川时代(IceAge),《马达加斯加》(Madagascar)和皮克斯动画工厂出品的系列动画《玩具总动员》(ToyStory)。

    The other three highest-grossing animated franchises below Despicable Me and Shrek is Ice Age , Madagascar and Pixar series Toy Story .

  3. 我们面临一个新的冰川时代

    we " ll be in a new ice age ....

  4. 这是我们为冰川时代存下的储备!

    This is our private stockpile for the ice age .

  5. 我说,这“冰川时代”可真没劲

    This whole ice age thing is getting old .

  6. 土壤:冰川时代的河流冲积土。

    Soil : Its soil is made of river alluvions from the glacial era .

  7. 我还以为你是在讨论全球变暖问题而不是冰川时代

    I thought you were talking about global warming , not an ice age .

  8. 为冰川时代做准备!

    Prepare for the lce age !

  9. 为冰川时代作准备!

    Prepare for the ice age !

  10. 在冰川时代过后的地貌上,人类造就了显著的生态变化,猫就是在这种背景下出现的。

    Cats emerged in the context of profound ecological changes to the post-ice-age landscape wrought by humans .

  11. 令人寒心的事实似乎是我们已经度过了后冰川时代的最佳气候期。

    The chill truth seems to be that we are already past the optimum climate of postglacial time .

  12. 当时正好是最后一次大冰川时代,澳大利亚和新几内亚还连在一起。

    At that time , known as the last great Ice Age , Australia was joined to New Guinea .

  13. 后来由于冰川时代冰河的溶化,海平面上升,把澳大利亚与其他地方隔离开来了。

    As the ice flows of the Ice Age began to melt , the sea level rose , isolating Austalia .

  14. 此外,影院还为儿童放映了一些动画片,其中包括《冰川时代2》。

    A series of cartoons were also being provided for children in the city , including " Ice Age2 " .

  15. 忘记湾流改变方向并使欧洲陷入新冰川时代的说法吧,帕里先生如是安抚与会者说。

    Forget about the Gulf Stream changing direction and plunging Europe into a new ice age , Mr Parry reassured the conference .

  16. 我们大脑和躯干的尺寸在最后一个冰川时代结束时达到最高点,继而随着农耕的推广逐渐变小。

    Our brain and body sizes peaked during the end of the last ice age , and declined with the spread of agriculture .

  17. 最后一个冰川时代结束以来,人类的文化适应性和创造力并没让我们摆脱进化力量的影响,而是为这种力量开辟了令人吃惊的新路径。

    Our cultural flexibility and creativity since the end of the ice age have not freed humans from evolutionary forces , but have opened up novel and startling paths .

  18. 迪拜的主题公园将包括根据福克斯电影系列《冰川时代》、《人猿星球》和《博物馆奇妙夜》等打造的景点。

    The theme park in Dubai will comprise attractions based on popular Fox movie franchise such as " Ice Age , " " Planet of the Apes " and " Night at the Museum . "

  19. 低利率同时契合了由法兴银行战略师阿尔伯特·爱德华提出的“冰川时代”理念,爱德华先生在很久以前就预言发达国家将会出现与日本类似的症结。

    Such rates chime with the " ice age " thesis of Albert Edwards , a Soci é t é G é n é rale strategist who has long predicted a Japanese style crunch for the developed world .