
  • 网络Brew;brewing;infusion
  1. 常温冲泡2h,茶汤仍具绿茶的鲜爽滋味,无闷熟味道。

    Brew the tea with room temperature water for 2h , the tea was still heavy and mellow , without stewed taste .

  2. 结果表明:绞股蓝珠茶最佳冲泡参数为茶水比1/75、冲泡时间6min、冲泡温度80℃、冲泡次数3次。

    The results showed that the best brew parameters were tea-water ratio 1 / 75 , brew period 6 min , brew temperature 80 ℃, and brewing for 3 times .

  3. 这种茶叶经得起多次冲泡。

    This tea draws well .

  4. pH值、消化酶和冲泡温度都影响儿茶素与蛋白质的络合。

    Factors such as pH values , digestive enzymes and brewing temperatures do impact the binding between catechins and proteins .

  5. 3)茶叶的自由基受水、温度诸因素的影响,茶渣的自由基和金属Mn(Ⅱ)浸出量与冲泡时间、温度、冲泡用水量具有相关性。

    Content of the free radical in tea and Mn (ⅱ) in tea soup are interrelated to making-tea temperature , time and concentration .

  6. 飞利浦Avent奶瓶宽大的口径和瓶底,方便冲泡奶粉及清洗。

    The Philips AVENT bottle has a wide neck and base for easier cleaning and filling .

  7. 袋泡茶感官审评中的冲泡条件结合综合品质的感官审评结果判断,110℃复火1~2h较有利于杜仲红茶良好品质的形成。

    With organoleptic evaluation on the comprehensive quality , it showed that second drying for 1 to 2 hours under the temperature of 110 ℃ benefits the formation of high quality Eucommia black tea .

  8. 你可能会在莫斯科冲泡拿铁和玛奇朵(macchiatos)。

    You could be slinging lattes and macchiatos in Moscow .

  9. 在黄家酒楼(ChefHuang),我们喝了由罗汉果冲泡的苦茶,品尝了孜然牛肉干,还点了牛肉面,酵母发过的面条放上辣子后,通红通红。

    At the Chef Huang restaurant , we drank bitter herbal tea made from the luo han guo gourd , ate beef jerky infused with cumin , and then beef noodle soup , scarlet red and powered by yeast and chillies .

  10. 我的那杯售价4美元的12盎司尼加拉瓜咖啡是马克斯韦尔用星巴克标志性的Clover冲泡系统亲手冲泡的。这个系统的特色是“创新性真空压缩技术”。我不敢自称咖啡鉴赏家,但是这杯咖啡真的很棒,而且真的值4美元。

    My cup of Nicaraguan was $ 4 for a 12-ounce cup , and Mr. Maxwell hand-brewed it using Starbucks 's trademarked Clover brewing system , featuring " innovative vacuum-press technology . " I don 't claim to be a connoisseur , but it was remarkably good .

  11. 结果表明,茶叶中的铅在各种冲泡条件下浸出率为5%~50%,在80℃、1∶50、5min的常规冲泡条件下,铅浸出率为20%左右。

    The results showed that the extractive rate of lead from tea is 5 % ~ 50 % and is 20 % in usual brewing condition ( 80 ℃? 1 ∶ 50 ? 5min ) .

  12. 茶叶中氟的浸出率随着冲泡时间的延长和水温的增加而增加,一般在45min和90℃时趋于稳定。

    The F concentrations in infusion continuously increased with infusing time and temperature of water . In general , F concentration was constant after 45 min and at 90 ℃ of being soaked .

  13. 想要沏好一杯好咖啡,冲泡的时间是关键。

    Brewing time is important to a great cup of coffee .

  14. 针型茶的形态与冲泡方法对冲泡效果的影响

    Tests on the Methods of Brewing the needle - shape teas

  15. 我可以冲泡这种茶叶给您试试?

    I can brew this tea for you to try .

  16. 好茶还需巧冲泡。

    A cup of good tea requires skills in preparing .

  17. 偏低则难以冲泡出咖啡的香浓。

    Low it is difficult to brew the coffee brewed .

  18. 如果是红碎茶,通常只冲泡一次;

    If it is broken black tea , usually only brew once ;

  19. 正交设计优化绞股蓝珠茶冲泡参数的研究

    Orthogonal Design for Optimizing the Brew Parameters of Pearl Gynostemma pentaphyllum Tea

  20. 三杯冲泡的咖啡,之后加奶

    and three drip coffees with room for milk . Searing hot .

  21. 上帝冲泡了咖啡,不是杯子。

    God brews the coffee , not the cups .

  22. 三杯冲泡的咖啡,之后加奶。

    And three drip coffees with room for milk .

  23. 与倒杯可口可乐相比,冲泡一杯拿铁咖啡的时间要长多了。

    It takes more to make a latte than to pour a Coke .

  24. 茶叶膳食纤维在冲泡过程中和模拟人胃环境下的溶出动态

    The Dissolution Trend of Tea Dietary Fiber During Infusion and under Artificial Stomach

  25. 这家餐厅的冲泡绿茶很有名。

    This place is known for its greentea infusions .

  26. 您好!请品尝一下我们刚冲泡好的铁观音。

    Hi ! I just brewed this Tieh-Kwan-Yin , please give it a try .

  27. 不同茶园土壤氟含量和茶叶冲泡过程中溶出氟的测定

    Contents of Fluorine in Soils from Different Tea Gardens and Fluorine Release During Infusion

  28. 分析并比较气调干燥与热风干燥绿茶冲泡浸提特性。

    Infusing properties of Green tea dried with hot air and CAD were compared .

  29. 冲泡水温和时间对高级绿茶滋味的影响

    Effects of Infusing Time and Water Temperature on the Taste of High Grade Green Tea

  30. 自来水冲泡贡菊花茶变色机理及抗氧化活性差异研究

    Study on Mechanism of Photochromism and Anti-oxidative Activities of Chrysanthemum Tea Brewed with Tap Water