
  1. 我曾学过八种,包种世界语。

    I used to learn more than eight , including esperanto .

  2. 水稻纸载体直播包种机振动试验的参数分析

    Analysis of Parameter for Vibration Test of Rice Direct Seeding Machine with Cloth Paper

  3. 基于小波、小波包两种方法的爆破振动信号对比分析

    Comparative analysis of blasting vibration signal based on Wavelet and wavelet packets transform

  4. 脊柱手术器械包两种不同配置方法使用效果对比

    Comparison on the effect of two different ways to use configurations of spinal surgical Instruments package

  5. 主要产品:红塔山、阿诗玛、红梅牌号,软硬包两种规格。

    Main products are as follows : HONG TA SHAN , A SI MA , HONG MEI , including soft packing and hard packing .

  6. 袖珍型手电筒-这种袖珍型手电筒有一个从底部伸出的钥匙环,并且是以一包三种颜色售出的:橙色、绿色和黑色。

    Mini Flashlights-The mini flashlights have a key ring extending from the bottom and were sold in a pack of three colors : orange , green and black .

  7. 椅子都包了一种塑料膜。

    The chairs were covered in some sort of plastic stuff .

  8. 包是一种管理Python模块命名空间的形式,采用“点模块名称”。

    Packages are a way of structuring Python 's module namespace by using " dotted module names " .

  9. 作为其核心,OVF包是一种分发包,它由以下内容组成

    At its core , an OVF package is a distribution package that consists of the following

  10. 测量包是一种似OAM包,测量包中携带的是关于业务流的统计信息,包的发送频率和大小都较小,对原有业务几乎没有影响。

    The measuring packet carries the business flow statistics , and the transmitter frequency and size of the package is very small , so it is almost no effect on existing business .

  11. 我还探讨了使用XOP包作为一种简化通知的方式,并提供了将阈值警告作为通知主题的示例。

    I also talk about using the XOP package as a way of streamlining notifications and provide examples of threshold warnings as notification topics .

  12. 微软公司2007年推出的Vista操作系统将不会只是在大街小巷销售的主要软件包,一种新的和改进的办公软件有望于1月底放到零售的货架上。

    Windows Vista won 't be the only major software package to hit the streets from Microsoft in2007 & a new and improved version of Office is expected to be on retail shelves at the end of January .

  13. 固件,特别是软件包的一种基本构件。

    Firmware , particularly an element of a software package .

  14. 必须至少为您的软件包选择一种媒体类型。

    You must select at least one media type for your package .

  15. 信息化环境下,电子书包是一种信息集成体。

    Electronic schoolbag is a kind of an aggregate in the information environment .

  16. 文中就块粒状物料产品进行计数和分包提供一种实现的方法。

    This article provides a method for block granular material counting and subpackage .

  17. 在现实中,一切都是振荡组成的波包的一种类型或另一种。

    In reality , everything is composed of oscillating wave packets of one type or another .

  18. 在各种飞行模式下包含有四种姿态控制:滚动、俯仰、偏航和升降。

    In each mode , it includes four attitude controls : rolling , pitching , yawing and thrust .

  19. 牛心包是一种以Ⅰ型胶原为主要成分,具有良好机械力学性能的天然生物材料。

    Bovine pericardium ( BP ) is a kind of natural biomaterial which is mainly composed of type I collagen .

  20. 论述了等功率及等围包角2种不同方案的转载式多点驱动带式输送机计算方法,推导出了适合于任意多个中间驱动单元的胶带张力计算公式。

    The formulas for the tension force are respectively derived based on the equation of drive power and wrap angle .

  21. 这是服务器端组件使用客户机端代码所用的相同的包的一种方法。

    This is one way that server-side components make use of the same packages that are used by the client-side code .

  22. 在网络之间传输数据包有3种途径:网桥、路由器和网关。

    Three kinds of things pass packets from one network to another : bridges , routers , and gateways . [ WT ]

  23. 膜上另包被2种浓度的人白蛋白,用于测定时的定量质控。

    Two human albumin dots of different concentrations were immobilized also on the membrane for the quantitative quality control of the assay .

  24. 在对移频轨道信号的降噪部分,本文分别使用了小波降噪和小波包降噪两种不同的方法,并给出仿真结果。

    At the part of de-noising for frequency-shift keying signal , this paper taking the methods of wavelets denoising and wavelet packet de-noising .

  25. 描述了全光网络中光监控通道、导频音-副载波调制和数字包封3种管理通道的实现技术。

    Three kinds of management channel schemes , i. e. optical supervision channel ( OSC ), pilot tone-SCM and digital wrapper , are described and compared in details .

  26. 本实用新型涉及制作电机线包的一种可任意变化大小及形状的万能绕线模具框。

    The utility model relates to a universal winding mold frame which is used to produce motor solenoid with changeable sizes and forms , including support columns , sliding panels and a base .

  27. 美国国防部官员上星期四说,五角大楼仍然在为空投到阿富汗食物包找一种新的颜色,但排除了使用淡蓝色的可能。

    The Pentagon is still searching for a new color for the food packets it is dropping over Afghanistan , but ruled out light blue because Afghans might object to a shade that dominates U.

  28. 随后可以根据这个映像构建虚拟系统,使用脚本包以一种可重复的、可审计的方式在一个或多个虚拟映像之上实现新功能的配置。

    You can then construct virtual systems based on this image , enabling configuration of the new capabilities using script packages on one or more of the virtual machines , in a repeatable and auditable way .

  29. 本文分析了多种来源的、不同结构的数据,将其总结成登录信息、事件信息和网络数据包信息三种类型,并为每种类型的数据设计了固定的格式;

    This paper analyzed data from multiple sources and different structures , concluded three types of info : Login info , Event info , and Packet data info , then created the formation for every type of data ;

  30. 对306滚动轴承的保持架缺陷作出了实际诊断,诊断结果与理论较为符合,证明离散小波包是一种有效的弱信号提取与诊断方法。

    The diagnosis result of the holder defect of 306 rolling bearing coincides with theory according to discrete wavelet packet , so as to testify that the method is effective to the extraction and diagnosis of the weak signals of defects .