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lěng lěng qīng qīng
  • desolate;absence of lively atmosphere;be cheerless and lonely;be poorly attended;in a desolate state;coolly and quietly;cold and lonely;deserted and quiet;deserted cold and lonely;in quiet isolation
冷冷清清 [lěng lěng qīng qīng]
  • [abscence of lively atmosphere;be cheerless and lonely; be poorly attended; in a desolate state; in quiet isolation] 死气沉沉;冷落、凄凉、寂寞

  • 会议开得冷冷清清

冷冷清清[lěng lěng qīng qīng]
  1. 院子里冷冷清清,一个人也没有。

    It is cold and cheerless in the yard with no one there .

  2. 这家店铺冷冷清清的,没有什么生意。

    This shop is very quiet ; not much business is done .

  3. 会议开得冷冷清清。

    The meeting was very dull . ; The meeting went on dull and dry .

  4. 他对同志不是满腔热情,而是冷冷清清,漠不关心,麻木不仁。

    He felt no warmth towards his comrades but was cold , indifferent and apathetic .

  5. b街车站冷冷清清的。

    The station at B street was solitary .

  6. 现在是空空洞洞,冷冷清清,分明已经无人居住。

    It was now empty , forlorn , and apparently abandoned .

  7. 我可以一个人呆在冷冷清清的宿舍里,任思绪飞远又飞近。

    I can stay in the quiet dormitory , thinking something and nothing .

  8. 你们走了之后家里冷冷清清的。

    It 's been kinda quiet since you left .

  9. 星期日早晨这小镇总显得冷冷清清。

    The town always looks deserted on Sunday mornings .

  10. 几年来这项活动仍然搞得冷冷清清。

    The movement remained inactive for several years .

  11. 布朗警官拖着沉重的脚步走在冷冷清清的巡逻线上。

    Police Constable Brown trudged his lonely beat .

  12. 他们说,大楼每年的节日聚会都冷冷清清。

    The building 's annual holiday party is a lonely affair , they say .

  13. 天黑以后,这条街变得冷冷清清的。

    The street became lonesome after dark .

  14. 招待会开得冷冷清清的。

    The reception was a subdued affair .

  15. 繁忙的都市冷冷清清,传统市场人山人海,大家忙着办年货,返乡人潮络绎不绝。

    Busy cities empty , traditional markets fill with holiday shoppers , and people journey home .

  16. 如果推广没做好,那可能是冷冷清清,无人问津的。

    If promotion was not done good , that may be cold and cheerless , of unmanned make inquires .

  17. 我又一次看到自己在寒气逼人、冷冷清清的单室公寓里蜷缩在打字机旁的情景。

    I could picture myself once again huddled over the typewriter in that cold , bleak , one-room apartment .

  18. 《小时代4》是一部反高潮的电影,将前作的种种争议与尖锐的评论,引向了一个冷冷清清的悲悯结局。

    Tiny Times 4.0 is an anti-climax that brings an erstwhile controversial and cacophonous cinematic juggernaut to a whimpering close .

  19. 几个月以来,马贝尔就在这所冷冷清清的大房子里艰难地照料这三个承担不起家业的哥兄弟。

    For months , Mabel had been servantless in the big house , keeping the home together in penury for her ineffectual brothers .

  20. 到了早上,他们只见身在一个绿色的海湾,那里崎岖不平,冷冷清清,斜坡遇上一个岩石幡响的山顶。

    In the morning they found themselves in the green bay of a rugged , lonely-looking country which sloped up to a rocky summit .

  21. 红军每到一地,群众冷冷清清,经过宣传之后,才慢慢地起来。

    Wherever the Red Army goes , the masses are cold and aloof , and only after our propaganda do they slowly move into action .

  22. 我想说,卡罗尔离开后,家里就有点儿冷冷清清的,所以……莫妮卡:你怎么不找个室友呢?

    I mean , it 's been kinda quiet since Carol left , so ... Monica : Why don 't you just get a roommate ?

  23. 只道是,寻寻觅觅,冷冷清清,凄凄惨惨戚戚,却无奈,天长地久有时尽,此恨绵绵无绝期。

    Searches , loneliness , to be desolate ; it is helpless , that this hates are continuous actually and longer than the sky and earth .

  24. 河堤上的小路,在月光的映照下变得冷冷清清的,弯弯曲曲地向远方蔓延而去,我就这样漫无目的地走在这河堤之上。

    Embankments on the path , in the moonlight became desolate , and darted away to the distant spread , so I wander on this river bank .

  25. 下午六时左右原本是大街上最热闹的时候,而现在却鲜有车辆驶过,冷冷清清。

    Usually around six at night is when the streets are at their busiest , but now you rarely even see a car go buy , everywhere is deserted .

  26. 紧靠着格朗泰尔的,是一张几乎冷冷清清的桌子、一张纸、一瓶墨水和一支笔,放在两个小酒杯中间,宣告着一个闹剧剧本正在酝酿。

    Near Grantaire , an almost silent table , a sheet of paper , an inkstand and a pen between two glasses of brandy , announced that a vaudeville was being sketched out .

  27. 较之对古代道家的研究,学界对近代道家研究的关注,长期以来显得冷冷清清,非常薄弱。

    Compared with the research of the ideology of Taoism in ancient times , the attention of academic circles to the research of Taoism in modern times appears lonely and extremely weak since long ago .

  28. 如果她的朋友中间能发生的事都发生了的话,那哈特菲尔德一定会变得冷冷清清,她只能怀着幸福已经破灭的心情,来逗父亲高兴。

    If all took place that might take place among the circle of her friends , Hartfield must be comparatively deserted ; and she left to cheer her father with the spirits only of ruined happiness .

  29. 他一下出租汽车,看到守门人此刻不象往常那样忙得不可开支,却在侍者进出的门口和一个茶房闲聊,顿时感到冷冷清清。

    He felt the stillness from the moment he got out of the taxi and saw the doorman , usually in a frenzy of activity at this hour , gossiping with a chasseur by the servants'entrance .

  30. 梦想像一粒种子,种在“心”的土壤里,尽管它很小,却可以生根开花,假如没有梦想,就像生活在荒凉的戈壁,冷冷清清,没有活力。

    Dream is like a seed in the " heart ", and the soil , although it is very small , but can not dream bloomed , if , like living in the gobi , desolate , without courty vigor .