
These bacteria collaborate to oxidize venting methane to CO2 and reduce seawater sulfate to H2S by their metabolism in the seeping system . The abundance of COi and HaS , causes the seep carbonate to be deposited .
Anaerobic oxidation of methane and seep carbonate precipitation kinetics at seafloor
Alkane distributions of seep-carbonates from the slopes of Gulf of Mexico
Characteristics of Cold Seep Carbonates and Microbial Processes in Gas Seep System
Petrographic characteristics of authigenic carbonates from Jiulong methane reef of northern South China Sea
Geology and geochemistry of seep carbonates from Bush hill of the Gulf of Mexico
Discovery of seep authigenic carbonate nodules on northern continental slope of South China Sea : New evidence of gas hydrate
ON THE RELATION BETWEEN INCLUSIONS AND MORPHOLOGY OF DIMPLE FRACTURES IN CERTAIN STEELS Minerals ' Micro-Shape and Its Significance of Seep Carbonates in the North of the South China Sea
The carbonate samples described in this paper were collected by Guangzhou Marine Geological Survey in April 2002 from the northern continental slope of the South China Sea using the tow-net samples .
The microanalyses show that bacteria fossils mostly in nanometer scale were preserved greatly in their byproduct-seep carbonates collected in the gas seeping system in GC 238 , the offshore Louisiana Gulf of Mexico .
The venting rates are slow ( gas flux q < 0.55 kg / m ~ - a ) in the later stage , hydrate crystallization will not reach the sea floor , seep carbonate will be occurred on the seafloor .
Marine gas seepage not only influences the physical properties of the seafloor sediments , but also significantly alters the geomorphology of the seafloor , such as the occurrence of pockmarks , mud volcanoes , authigenic carbonate and cold seep communities on seafloor .
Cold seep and cold seep carbonates are the frontiers in the modern science .