
lěnɡ jìn tián
  • Cold soaked field;low-yield fields soaked year-round by water from cold springs
  1. 冷浸田类型与改良研究

    Study on the types and amelioration of cold spring paddy soils

  2. 再生稻冷浸田半旱式垄作高产栽培技术

    Semiarid Ridging High-yielding Cultural Techniques of Ratooning Rice in Cold Waterlogged Fields

  3. 高原地区冷浸田治理技术研究

    Study on the Improving Technology of Cold Soak Field in the Highland Aera

  4. 引江济汉工程可能引发的冷浸田预测

    Cold spring paddy soil forecast of diversion projects from Yangtze River to Hanjiang River

  5. 湖北省丘陵区冲垅冷浸田的危害特点与利用改良

    Characteristics of waterlogging harm and ameliorative measures of cold waterlogged fields in hilly region of Hubei

  6. 冷浸田水稻全程地膜覆盖湿润栽培技术研究

    Rice Humid-planting Technique with Plastic Mulching in Whole Life Time in Cold - water Paddy Field

  7. 湿润栽培对冷浸田水稻生长发育的影响

    The Influence of Damp Cultivation on the Growth and Development of Rice in Cold and Soaked Fields

  8. 鄂东南棕红壤丘陵区冷浸田施用过氧化钙效果

    Effect of applying CaO 2 to cold water paddy field in hilly area in brown red soil of southeast Hubei

  9. 在某些特殊情况下,冷浸田或砂土可能缺硫。

    Under certain special conditions , however , paddy soils submerged under cold water , or some sandy soils might become sulphur deficient .

  10. 大别山区冷浸田水稻旱秧垄作栽培早熟增产的生理学基础

    Physiological Basis of Ridge Culture of Rice Seedlings from the Dry Nursery for High Yield in the Cold Water Field in the Mountain Areas