
  • 网络freezing nuclei;freezing nucleus
  1. 用该装置曾对北京地区各类降水做过冻滴实验,结果表明不同降水的冻结核浓度的温度谱有明显差异。

    Using this device , drop-freezing experiments were carried out for several kinds of precipitation water samples in Beijing . The results show that there is obvious deference in temperature spectra of freezing nuclei for different precipitation samples .

  2. 美国宗教与冻结核武器运动

    American Religion and Nuclear Freeze Movement

  3. 如能对播云催化作业前后的雨水进行采样并在此装置中进行冻结核浓度的检测,有望为人工影响天气效果的检验提供一个新的物理判据。

    It will be hopefully used as a new criterion for effectiveness evaluation of weather modification operation .

  4. 根据这项协议,平壤冻结了核武器计划,以换取粮食、石油和帮助建设民用轻水反应堆。

    Under that deal , Pyongyang froze its nuclear weapons programme in return for food , oil and help with a civilian light-water reactor .

  5. 草案还规定冻结与朝鲜核计划和弹道导弹计划有关的人或公司在海外的资金。

    It would freeze funds overseas of people or businesses connected with North Korea 's nuclear and ballistic missile programs .

  6. 这些强硬的制裁措施包括禁止伊朗武器出口,冻结参与伊朗核计划和导弹计划的二十八个个人及组织的资产。

    The moderately tougher sanctions include banning Iranian arms exports , and freezing the assets of28 people and organizations involved in Iran 's nuclear and missile programs .

  7. 俄罗斯外交部长谢尔盖·拉夫罗夫已经抵达,世界六大强国和伊朗的谈判人员试图就冻结伊朗大部分核计划以换取有限制裁的解除达成初步协议。

    Foreign minister Sergey Lavrov arrived and negotiators for 6 world powers and Iran struggle to agree on language for preliminary agreement to freeze much of Iran 's nuclear program in exchange for limited sanctions relief .

  8. 水滴冻结实验测量降水物中的冻结核含量

    Measurements of ice nuclei in precipitation water by drop-freezing experiments