
  • 网络Ground radiation balance;Balance of the earth's surface radiation
  1. 福建省太阳总辐射和地面辐射平衡的分布

    The distributions of global radiation and ground radiation balance in Fujian Province

  2. 地面辐射平衡气候学计划

    Surface Radiation Budget Climatology Project

  3. 沙漠地区春季的大气浑浊度及沙尘大气对地面辐射平衡的影响

    The atmospheric turbidity and the influence of the dust atmosphere on the surface radiation balance in desert in region spring

  4. 冬季青藏高原地面辐射平衡场是一个由地理因子(地理纬度和自然地理带)作用下形成的基本场叠加上一个地面积雪区形成的扰动场。

    Therefore the spatial distribution pattern of surface radiation balance over Qinghai-Xizang Plateau in winter consists of a basic pattern caused by the geographic conditions including latitude and surface natural properties and a adding disturbing pattern caused by snow cover .

  5. 亦即地面辐射平衡的地理分布形式由地理纬度和地面反射率所决定,但正、负中心的数值还受天空遮蔽状况的影响。

    In other words , the spatial distribution pattern of surface radiation balance over the plateau is decided on the geographic latitude and surface albedo , but the amounts of both positive and negative value areas are affected by cloud cover .

  6. 本文根据高原西部改则1982年8月至1983年7月地面辐射平衡的周年观测资料,对本区辐射平衡及各分量的特征及影响因子进行了探讨。

    In this paper , based on the data of the surface radiation balance observed at Gerze of the western Qinghai-Xizang Plateau from August 1982 to July 1983 , the characteristics of the surface radiation balance and its components and the affecting factors in the region are analysed .