
zhǔn wù quán
  • quasi real right;quasi in rem
  1. 股权对外转让包含债权行为和准物权行为。

    Equity transfer contains claims foreign behavior and quasi real right behavior .

  2. 第三部分,如需正确论述债权让与契约的效力,首先需明确其性质&债权让与契约非通说之准物权契约,实为债权合同。

    Part three : in order to rightly discuss the effect of credit assignment contract , first we should make clear of its nature & not a quasi real right contract , but a credit contract .

  3. 分别介绍了最有代表性的准物权行为说和法律效果说,并作简单的评价。

    Introduces the most representative quasi-property behavior and legal effect , and simple evaluation .

  4. 准物权客体之上竖立的所有权就是准物权的母权。

    The property based on the object of quasi-property is the mother of quasi-property .

  5. 准物权具有排他效力、优先效力和物上请求权,但有特殊性,物权的追及效力极少适用。

    Quasi-property has exclusiveness , priority and claiming right on property , and has exceptions too .

  6. 和解合同不必定为债权合同,而是有可能为物权合同或准物权合同;

    A compromise contract is not necessarily a creditor 's contract and may be a real contract .

  7. 其次将排污权定性为准物权,并从四个方面分析了其准物权属性。

    Then it categorizes emission rights into quasi-property rights , and analyzes their properties from four aspects .

  8. 欲分析海域使用权的准物权性质,明确准物权的概念是一个前提条件。

    The concept of quasi-property is the premise of analytical quasi-property nature of sea area using rights .

  9. 最后创立新的物权制度,包括设立环境容量使用权、构建准物权制度。

    The last , to create new real right system , including the establishment of environmental capacity and create the new real right system .

  10. 后者是指作为准物权的水权效力优先于水合同债权以及其他涉水债权。

    The outer priority of the water-right means its force comes first before the water-debt right and other debt right has something to do with the water .

  11. 而自然资源领域则以公地悲剧的解决、准物权的应用和森林产权变迁等案例加以论证。

    As to natural resources , it discusses the cases such as resolution to tragedy of commons , application of quasi-right and shift of forest property , etc.

  12. 海域使用权是一新颖的物权,且属于典型物权中的用益物权,而非准物权。

    The right to use the sea areas is a new rights , and it is classified as a typically usufructuary rights , rather than quasi-property rights .

  13. 本部分对采矿权概念、性质、内容进行了分析,强调了采矿权的准物权属性,并对采矿权流转的概念和特点进行了分析。

    In this part , the paper gives us the concept , attribute and contents of the mining-rights , and furthermore analyzing the concept and attribute of mining circulation mechanism .

  14. 具体可归纳为:物权说、准物权说、债权说、债权物权化说、中间型权利说这五种。

    Generally there are 5 categories of theories in academic field : property theory , quasi property theory , right of credit theory , credit right-property right transformation theory , and intermediate right .

  15. 同时由于准物权是一个内涵与外延都很模糊地概念,将矿业权归属于准物权范畴也不利于矿业权性质的认识。相比较而言,准用益物权说较为科学。

    At the same time , due to the quasi-property rights is an extension of meaning and very vague concept of vested mining rights in the areas of quasi-property rights is not conducive to the nature of mining rights .

  16. 排污权在环境问题中居于首要的地位,作为一种准物权,排污权的设立为环境资源的价值形态的转变提供了制度工具与法律可能。

    Emission in the environmental problems in the first position , as a kind of quasi real right , the establishment of emission for the value of environmental resources form transformation provides a potential system tools and the law .

  17. 对碳排放权的属性认定,无论是英美法系的财产属性,还是大陆法系的用益物权属性、准物权属性或是环境权属性,都存在局限性。

    Property determination of carbon emissions , are the property of the British and American legal systems properties , are also civil law of usufruct right to property , right to property or the environment properties , there are limitations .

  18. 以此为基础,文章分析了物权法在民法典中的地位,并以对物权为上位概念构建了物权、准物权和无形财产权三位一体的逻辑体系。

    On this basis , it analyzes the status of the law of real rights in a civil code , and organizes real rights , quasi-real rights and intangible property rights as a logical system of trinity , taking rights in rem as their superior concept .

  19. 权利抵押权以价值为核心,并不直接支配物,将用益物权、准物权作为权利抵押权的客体,以它们的交换价值来担保债权,也是对物(资源)间接利用的一种方式。

    Right hypothec regard value as core , control thing directly , usufruct , allow real right regard object , right of hypothec as , it is a way to utilize indirectly to the thing ( resources ) too to assure creditor 's rights with their exchange value .

  20. 采矿权是从国家矿产资源所有权中剥离出来的准用益物权,具有财产权利的属性。

    Mining-rights are classified in the Quasi-real rights and the property rights which derive from the state ownership of mineral resources .

  21. 鉴于优先权既不同于普通债权,也与典型担保物权的特性不完全相同,因此可将其定位为准担保物权。

    Because priority is differ from common creditor 's right , also is not the same as characteristic of typical real right for security , so we can orientate it quasi - real right for security .