
yònɡ yì wù quán
  • usufructuary right
  1. 第一部分研究了用益物权及其体系化的基本问题。

    In the first part , the author researches the concept of usufructuary right and the basic questions on the systematism .

  2. 但我国的用益物权制度却因自身理论的缺陷而无力解决国有企业经营权中存在的现实问题。

    But the system of usufructuary right of China can not resolve the practical problems of the managerial power of state enterprise for its born theoretic limitation .

  3. 农村建设用地使用权属于用益物权。

    The rural collective construction land tenure is the usufructuary rights .

  4. 无线电频谱资源用益物权法律问题研究

    The Study of Legal Issues on Usufructuary Right of Radiospectrum Resources

  5. 对《物权法》中用益物权制度的评析

    An Appraisal of Usufruct of Immovable Property System in Property Law

  6. 本文将采矿权归属到用益物权的范畴。

    This paper puts it belongs to the category of usufructuary rights .

  7. 排污权用益物权性质的探讨

    The Nature of the Right of Usufructs in Emission Trading

  8. 地役权在在用益物权体系中占据着重要的地位。

    The Servitude plays an important role in the usufructuary right system .

  9. 自然资源使用权本质上是用益物权。

    Right to use natural resources is usufruct in essence .

  10. 它是将公法规范引入用益物权中的管道。

    It is a pipe which introduce public regulation into the usufructuary right .

  11. 就性质而言,空间权属于不动产财产权、独立的用益物权。

    To nature , space rights are the real property and separate usufructuary .

  12. 关于矿业权用益物权属性研究和思考

    A Study of Usufruct Attribute of Mining Power

  13. 共有用益物权的侵权构成及法律责任探究

    Mutual Usufruct Infringement Constitution and Legal Liability Research

  14. 农地使用权是一项独立的用益物权。

    The right to use agricultural land is an independent usufruct of immovable property .

  15. 采矿权,又包含若干具有用益物权和担保物权性质的权利分支。

    The right of mining also have some usufructuary right and security interest branches .

  16. 在物权法律制度中,用益物权制度居于重要地位。

    In the law of beneficial enjoyment , the beneficial use comes very important .

  17. 我国土地用益物权体系研究&结构解读与变革思路

    Research on China 's Land Usufruct System : Interpretation of Structure and Approach to Improvement

  18. 论用益物权的法律属性

    On the Legal Attribute of Usufructuary Right

  19. 水权是权利人依法对水资源使用、收益的权利,属于民法上一类新型的用益物权。

    Water rights are new use rights which are used and gained legally by obligees .

  20. 海域使用权是一种能够概括多种海域利用方式的、新型的、独立的、典型的用益物权。

    The right of sea area use is a new , independent , typical usufruct .

  21. 矿业权是用益物权,不是经行政机关许可的行为权利。

    Right of mining is a usufruct , not a behavior right permitted by the administration .

  22. 用益物权的体系应具有系统性和开放性。

    System ic and open system .

  23. 第一部分探讨集体土地用益物权抵押制度的现状及问题。

    The first part discusses the current situation and problems of collective land usufruct mortgage system .

  24. 首先,立法上对集体土地用益物权抵押制度采取了二元化模式。

    First , dualization mode is adopted for the collective land usufruct mortgage system in litigation .

  25. 法治理念与人格权用益物权的概念应当体现其质的规定性,界定科学;

    The Concept of Rule by Law and the Rights of Personality the concept with its quality ;

  26. 同时权利的行使也将受到其他用益物权以及期限等的限制。

    Meanwhile , the exercise of the rights will also been restricted by other usufructuary and duration .

  27. 地役权起源于罗马法,是大陆法系民法上一项重要的用益物权形式。

    Easement originated in Roman law , is an important civil law usufruct on the property form .

  28. 自然资源利用权作为一种特殊用益物权,其客体与产权流转有其自身特殊性。

    Natural resource using right is a special usufructuary right with representatives at its object and property transfer .

  29. 完善农村宅基地制度,严格宅基地管理,依法保障农户宅基地用益物权,由此可见宅基地使用权制度是我国治国之本,富国之路。

    Perfect rural land system , strictly house-site administration according to law , safeguard farmers homestead usufructuary rights .

  30. 随着2007年《物权法》的颁布,家庭承包经营权进一步确立了用益物权的属性。

    As the jus in 2007 , the enactment of the family contracted further established hold the property .