
  • 网络gel chromatography;gel permeation chromatography;gpc;hpgpc
  1. 聚对苯二甲酸乙二酯(PET)薄膜经固相缩聚反应后,用凝胶色谱法测定产物的分子量、分子量分布和环状齐聚物含量。

    Polyethylene terephthalate ( PET ) films were polymerized in solid phase , the molecular weight , molecular weight distribution ( MWD ) and cyclic oligomer content of the products were determined by GPC .

  2. 用凝胶色谱法测定聚N-乙烯咔唑中残留单体含量

    The determination of residual monomers in poly-n - vinylcarbazole by GPC

  3. 凝胶色谱法在消光PVC树脂研制中的应用

    Application of gel chromatography in development of matt PVC resin

  4. 凝胶色谱法测试PVC树脂平均分子质量及分子质量分布

    The determination of mean molecular weight and its distribution of PVC by gel chromatography

  5. 采用凝胶色谱法与阴离子交换法分离纯化MT。

    Use gelatum chromatography and anion exchange chromatography to separate and purify MT.

  6. 采用凝胶色谱法测定PVC分子质量分布及其在质量管理中的应用

    The determination of molecular weight distribution of PVC by gel chromatography and its application in quality control

  7. 用凝胶色谱法测定AE型原油破乳剂的分子量及其分布

    Measurement of Molecular Weight Distribution of AE-type Demulsifying Agent by Gel Permeation Chromatography

  8. 采用凝胶色谱法(GPC)测定了聚天冬氨酸的分子量,并用核磁共振(NMR)对其进行了表征。

    The weight-average molecular weights ( Mw ) was measured by GPC . Poly ( aspartic acid ) was characterized by NMR .

  9. 利用药物的变色反应性,电泳和凝胶色谱法显示MPS(多磺酸粘多糖)的电荷及其链长没有改变。

    Metachromasia , electrophoresis , and gel chromatography have shown that the charge of MPS and its chain length remain unchanged .

  10. 利用凝胶色谱法(GPC)曲线模型预测国产沥青的性质,同时与实测沥青的GPC曲线作比较,发现利用该模型来预测沥青性质易行、方便、可靠。

    The asphalt performance was predicted by gel chromatography model and was compared with the actual gel chromatography analysis for various asphalts .

  11. 凝胶色谱法测定聚对苯二甲酰对苯二胺(PPTA)的分子量和分子量分布第二部分:应用

    Determination of molecular weight and molecular weight distribution of poly ( 1,4-phenylene erephthalamide ) & ppta by gel permeation chromatography part ⅱ: application

  12. 参照凝胶色谱法(GPC),采用傅立叶变换近红外光谱仪(FT-NIR)测定聚丙烯树脂粉料和粒料的近红外漫反射光谱(NIR)。

    The determination method for average molecular mass of polypropylene ( PP ) by FT near-infrared spectroscopy was established , with GPC ( Gel permeation chromatography ) as the reference method .

  13. 凝胶色谱法测定7000F平均分子量及分子量分布

    Determination of 7000F Average Molecular Weight and Distribution of Molecular Weight with Gel Chromatography

  14. 用凝胶色谱法研究了TJ-101阻垢分散剂的合成工艺条件与产品分子量及阻垢性能的关系。

    The relationship between synthetic process condition , product 's molecular weight distrbution and scale inhibitive property was studied by GPC .

  15. 方法:采用回流提取法进行提取,提取物通过凝胶色谱法、硅胶色谱法和重结晶等方法进行化学成分的分离,分离所的化合物借助1H-NMR、13C-NMR等波谱法和化学法鉴定结构。

    Methods : Compounds were extracted by back streaming method , isolated by means of column chromatography over normal phase silica gel and Sephadex LH-20 , recrystallization , structures were identified by spectroscopic method including 1H-NMR , 13C-NMR and chemical method .

  16. 凝胶色谱法测定其相对分子质量;

    QUALITY Sephadex chromatography was used to mensurate its molecular weight .

  17. 高效凝胶色谱法测定蛋白质分子量

    High performance gel chromatography for determination of proteins ' molecular weight

  18. 用凝胶色谱法和激光光散射法检测的结果表明,其均匀性、稳定性良好。

    The results showed that their homogeneity and stability are good .

  19. 凝胶色谱法测定产出液中聚合物水解度的研究

    Study on mensuration of hydrolysis degree of polymer by gel chromatograph

  20. 葡聚糖凝胶色谱法测定盐酸头孢甲肟中高分子聚合物

    Determination of polymers in cefmenoxime hydrochloride by sephadex G-10 column method

  21. 用水相凝胶色谱法研究水包水乳液的合成动力学

    Study on the reaction kinetics of water-in-water emulsion by using water-phase GPC

  22. 方法:膨胀度测定法和凝胶色谱法。

    Method : Determination of expansion degree and analysis by gel chromatography .

  23. 凝胶色谱法在无灰分散剂结构分析中的应用

    Application of gel permeation chromatography in analysis of structures of ashless dispersant

  24. 凝胶色谱法的普适标定问题及其应用

    The universal calibration in gel permeation chromatography and Its Applications

  25. 凝胶色谱法在测定炼油污水中石油类含量的应用

    Identification and Determination of Oil in Wast Water Refinery by Gel Permeation Chromatography

  26. 凝胶色谱法半制备级纯化单克隆抗体

    Purification of Monoclonal Antibody on Semi & preparative Scale by Gel Filtration Chromatography

  27. 方法:采用凝胶色谱法。

    METHODS : Gel filtration chromatography was adopted .

  28. 凝胶色谱法测定其纯度和分子质量。

    Purity and molecular weight of the polysaccharide were determined by gel permeation chromatography .

  29. 水生腐殖酸分子量分布研究&Ⅰ.串联凝胶色谱法测定水生腐殖酸分子量分布

    MOLECULAR SIZE DISTRIBUTION OF AQUATIC HUMIC SUBSTANCES 1 . A sequential gel filtration chromatography method

  30. 阐述了凝胶色谱法的分离机理,详细地介绍了凝胶色谱法中应用的不同标定方法。

    The separate mechanism and the calibration methods used by gel permeation chromatography were presented .