
níng zhòng
  • dignified;imposing;thick
凝重 [níng zhòng]
  • (1) [thick]∶浓重

  • 凝重的乌云

  • (2) [dignified]∶端庄;庄重

  • 出入步趋,务要凝重。--《朱子全书.学一》

  • 神态凝重

凝重[níng zhòng]
  1. 龙纹:商周文饰,古老而凝重,象徵龙之传人、龙夏子孙。金钗石斛中黄酮类和酚类成分HPLC指纹图谱研究

    Dragon : it is dignified and symbolic , it implicates Chinese descendants . HPLC Fingerprint of Flavonoids and Phenols of Dendrobium nobile

  2. 寒夜,夜色凝重,暗香浮动,寂寞重叠。

    Cold Night , night dignified , subtle fragrance floating , lonely overlap .

  3. 他神态威严凝重。

    He had an air of quiet authority .

  4. 全体委员走了出去,脸色凝重,大为震惊。

    The committee walked out , grim-faced and shocked .

  5. 父亲因为悲痛而面部表情凝重。

    The father 's face stiffened with dismay .

  6. 威廉在屋顶上呆了一段时间,他下来的时候面色凝重。

    William was up on the roof for some time and when he came down he looked grave

  7. 他听到这个消息后,脸色凝重地站在那里。

    He stood there with a grave look when he heard the news .

  8. 他的声音凝重有力。

    He has a deep , powerful voice .

  9. 凝重中的壮美(三)&托斯卡尼尼与NBC交响乐团

    TOSCANINI WITH NBC Three Orchestras

  10. 凝重压抑与荒凉悲哀&曹禺、张爱玲家族情结之比较

    A Comparison between CAO Yu and ZHANG Ai-ling 's Family Complex

  11. 词的起源:一个凝重的文化命题

    Culture The Origin of Ci : An Imposing Cultural Proposition

  12. 谈到神圣的仪式时他的脸色凝重起来。

    His face became serious when he talked about the sacred ceremony .

  13. 凝重美:对苗族服饰的美学猜想

    On the Aesthetic Connotation of the Stately Dress of the Miao People

  14. 大桥恢弘凝重,景观、功能相得益彰。

    Landscape and functions are fully combined in the bridge .

  15. 每一个遗憾倒给我们的都是凝重的思索,每一个遗憾留给我们的总是流年的感动。

    Every pity leaves us severe thinking and the affection of flowing years .

  16. 整个宝鼎古朴凝重,气势宏大,非常雄伟。

    Baoding entire ancient dignified , magnify very ambitious .

  17. 是凝重的,但充满了希望。

    It was full of hope but not dynamic .

  18. 他神色凝重,看上去像个法官。

    He looked as solemn as a judge .

  19. 最后,面色凝重的机长走进客舱。

    Finally the grim-looking captain entered the cabin .

  20. 原有的物化的视觉抛彻了意念的想象,成就了一个自我凝重的阶梯。

    When the original physical vision abandoned the imagination , a bard ladder was created .

  21. 一曲壮美凝重的悲歌&解读《藻海无边》的象征意象关于点系结构的分析

    A Magnificent and Solemn Sad Melody : Analysis of the Symbolic system in Endless Seaweed

  22. 瓷胎深沉凝重,凸显胎和釉的质地美。

    The beauty of ware and glaze is revealed from its deep and imposing characteristics .

  23. 弹痕累累的战争遗迹,悲壮而凝重,向人们讲述中日甲午海战的悲壮历史。

    The solemn bullet-ridden war remains tell of the sad history of the Sino-Japanese War .

  24. 佛教对中国美学的影响深远凝重。

    The influence of Buddhism on China 's aesthetics is wide , deep and far-reaching .

  25. 那些你们共同经历的艰难时期,充满了凝重嘘唏的记忆。

    There is a solemn recollection of the difficult periods that you have been through .

  26. 他神色极为凝重。

    He was looking extremely grave .

  27. 中国现代乡土小说由于作家创作倾向的不同而呈现出不同的风貌:写实主义乡土小说中,乡土世界阴郁凝重,人性丑陋病弱;

    The contemporary countryside-backgrounded novels of China present different scenes thank to writers ' different preferring .

  28. 曹禺与张爱玲的作品中都有着浓厚的家族情结,但风格各异,一个是压抑沉闷,显得凝重,充满着对家的强烈的排斥;

    Different in style , CAO and ZHANG share a deep family complex in their works .

  29. 宏大凝重的叙事,一定意义上遮蔽了女性个体斑驳的生命色彩;

    In a sense the magnificence and dignified narrative shade the variegated color of feminine individuals .

  30. 但是,她固然失往了憨稚无知的神态,却赢回了端庄凝重的魅力。

    But what she had lost in ingenuous grace , she gained in pensive and serious charm .