
  • 网络historical thinking ability
  1. 培养学生的历史思维能力是历史教育本身的要求。

    The cultivation of historical thinking ability is the demand of history education itself .

  2. 鼓励学生开展自主式学习,充分发挥学生主体作用,提高历史思维能力。

    Encourage students to study by themselves and allow the students to fully function as the main body to improve the historical thinking ability .

  3. 历史思维能力是历史学科能力的核心。

    History thinking ability is the nucleus of the subject of History .

  4. 史料教学中发展高中生历史思维能力研究

    Research on How to Improve Students ' Understanding Abilities in History Materials Teaching

  5. 新课程下初中生历史思维能力的培养音乐教育的综合性断想

    Cultivation of Historical Thinking of Junior School Students in New Course Comprehensive Thinking of Music Education

  6. 中学生历史思维能力的培养,既是历史教学的明确目标,也是近年来历史教学研究的重要课题。

    Developing Middle School students ' History thinking ability accords with the demands of teaching aims .

  7. 通过历史思维能力的培养,能够帮助学生形成准确的历史概念,了解和掌握历史学习中分析、综合、归纳的策略。

    This helps students form an accurate concept in History and master the methods of analyses , syntheses and conclusions .

  8. 运用启发式、诱导式教学培养学生的发散思维,是培养学生历史思维能力的好方法。

    It is a good way to train students ' ability of historical thinking by using heuristic and inducing methods of teaching .

  9. 历史思维能力作为中学历史学科能力的核心,已成为国内外中学历史教学界的共识。

    History ideation , which is the key ability of the history subject in middle school , has become the common opinion in the field of worldwide middle school history education .

  10. 高中学生历史思维能力培养策略的研究,既是高中历史教学理论研究的重要领域,也是高中历史教学改革与发展的关键所在。

    The Research on Methods of Developing Senior Students ' History Thinking Ability is not only an important realm of the theory research in History teaching but the crux of History teaching reform and development .

  11. 强调要培养学生的主体意识;培养学生的历史思维能力;加强课堂教学的互动启发:开展专题性探究活动;建立有效的运行机制;创设良好的探究环境。

    The approaches and methods , namely fostering the students ' subjectivity and historical thinking ; inspiring the interaction in class , launching specific inquiring activity ; setting up an effective operating mechanism ; offering good inquiring environment . 4 .

  12. 总之,培养和拓展学生历史思维能力的切入点和突破口就是紧扣历史背景,加强历史背景教学,就抓住了学生历史思维能力培养的关键。

    In a word , to button up the history background tightly is the break of developing and expanding the student 's history thinking ability Strengthening the history background teaching is a key to develop the student 's thinking ability .

  13. 在课堂教学中让学生主动获取知识、应用知识、发现问题和解决问题,在设疑、解疑、质疑的思维过程中培养高中学生的历史思维能力。

    Allow students to take the initiative to acquire knowledge in the classroom teaching , and application of knowledge , identify problems and solve the problem , located the suspect , eliminating doubt to train high school students in historical thinking skills to challenge the thought process .

  14. 衡量高中生历史思维能力的水平,主要看他能否运用一定的历史思维方式或思维方法解决学习中所遇到的历史问题,从而获得历史认识,形成正确的历史意识。

    To evaluate the level of high school students ' history ideation , the key point is to check whether or not the student can solve the history problems by using the history thinking manner or method , then to get the history knowledge and form the correct history consciousness .

  15. 历史教学思维能力培养途径的实践探索

    Practical Exploration on the Cultivating Ways of History Thinking Ability

  16. 高中生历史比较思维能力的构成与培养中西烹饪历史比较

    A Comparison between Chinese and West Cuisine History

  17. 历史逻辑思维能力的培养是新时期中学历史教学的一个重要任务。

    Teaching the ability of historical logic thinking in secondary schools is an important task in the new period .

  18. 在教学过程中,分阶段设定合理的历史逻辑思维能力培养目标,以指导教师的教和学生的学。

    In the teaching process , we can set a reasonable goal of logical thinking ability training to guide teachers teach and students learn .

  19. 结合SPSS11.0统计软件初步验证高中生历史比较思维能力四维度之间的相关性。

    With the help of the statistical software SPSS 11.0 , the author initially tests and verifies the correlation about the four dimensions on the ability of comparative-historical thinking .

  20. 目前发表的相关论文都没有完满地解决一个问题,即高中生历史比较思维能力的基本内涵是什么。

    It 's a pity that all of the paper published has not satisfactorily answered the question , which is what high school students ' ability of comparative-historical thinking is .

  21. 在课堂教学中有很多方法能够有效地培养学生的历史逻辑思维能力,如问题教学法、探究讨论教学法、史料教学法、系统图表教学法、比较教学法等等。

    There are many ways to effectively train students ' history logical thinking ability such as problems approach to explore the discussion of teaching , historical approach , system approach chart to compare teaching methods and so on .

  22. 论文第三部分提出了中学历史教学中培养历史逻辑思维能力的方法和途径,为中学历史教师教学提供借鉴。

    The third part of this paper put forward the methods and ways of how to develop historical logic thinking in middle school history teaching , offering an example for the history teachers in middle school .

  23. 历史教师如何看待学生历史比较思维能力与历史学习的关系?

    How do they treat the relation between their students ' ability of comparative-historical thinking and students ' history learning ?

  24. 美国中学历史课程目标注重对学生历史思维能力的培养,知识的学习是为能力培养作基点的,对系统的历史知识学习并不重视。

    The history curriculum goal of middle school in America emphasizes too on cultivating students ' thinking ability and regards knowledge learning as base of ability cultivating , so it pays little attention to historical knowledge learning .

  25. 在中学历史教学中注重培养学生的历史思维能力,是摆脱历史教育危机真正实现历史学科素质教育的有效途径。

    To cultivate the students ' thought of history in teaching of history of middle school is an effective approach to extricate education of history from crises and to realize authentically quality education of subject of history .

  26. 国家历史日不仅培养了中学生的历史思维能力,推动了国民历史教育,有利于美国公民的培养,而且为历史教学提供了丰富的资源,并对美国历史教育改革起到了积极的作用。

    Not only " National History Day " fostered students ' historical thinking capability and pushed national history education , but also provided very rich resources for history education and is very helpful for " American Citizen " spirits forming .

  27. 首先整理文献,依据相关资料编制文献综述,从理论上探讨当前历史教育研究者与实践者们对历史比较思维能力的理解。

    All these work is just theoretically exploration to the comprehensions that are from the researchers and practitioners in the present history education .

  28. 在高中历史教学中,合理地运用史料教学是培养和发展学生历史思维能力的重要途径之一。

    Felicitously applying history materials to teaching is one of the important approaches of developing students ' history ideation in high school history education .

  29. 这一切要求历史教师在向学生转授这些有限知识的同时,培养学生历史思维能力,让学生用日渐增进的思维能力去探求无限的知识与智慧。

    All of the above require history teachers not only to impart the relevant knowledge , but also to foster historical thought in students , enabling them to pursue the boundless knowledge and wisdom with their improving thinking ability .

  30. 重点将在教学实践及案例搜集、分析的基础上,对高中历史课堂教学中历史故事的建构方法,以及如何通过历史故事升华学生历史思维能力等方面进行更深入的研究。

    After that , I will do a further research on how to construct several historical stories and how to use them to improve students ' ability of historical thinking on the basis of practical teaching and cases collection .