
  1. 大音希声,大象无形&模糊语言翻译的认知研究

    The Cognitive Dimensions of Fuzzy Language and Translation

  2. 并且,这些民间服饰中所运用的解构手法主要体现了道家的“有无”“虚实”“大象无形”等美学思想。

    It proposes that the deconstruction of design technique has been used in the Chinese traditional folk raiment .

  3. 本文中,笔者围绕老子关于无为的管理原则、以人为本的管理观、以弱胜强的管理策略、大音希声;大象无形的管理艺术等几个方面,对老子管理哲学的当代价值,进行了粗浅的分析和论述。

    The paper , from the management principle , management concept and management tactics , analyzes and discusses Current value of Laozi 's management philosophy .

  4. 而老子提出的大象无形,是中国几千年以来的传统景观特色,实际上也是一种对于天人合一理念的认识。

    Lao-tzu made the " The Great Form is without shape " is thousands of years of Chinese traditional landscape features , actually a kind of understanding to the concept of " harmony between man and nature " .