
dà yì
  • general idea;main points;gist;tenor;careless


dà yi
  • careless;negligent;inattentive
大意 [dà yì]
  • [general idea] 大概的意思,基本的意义

  • [careless] 不经意、不仔细、疏忽

  • 千万不可粗心大意

大意[dà yì]
大意[dà yi]
  1. 你懂得了文章的大意了吗?

    Did you get the general idea of this article ?

  2. 现在我给你们讲一讲课文大意。

    Now I 'll give you the general idea of the text .

  3. 他留下一张字条,大意是他不回来了。

    He left a note to the effect that he would not be coming back .

  4. 你明白我的大意吗?

    Do you catch my drift ?

  5. 他可能一时大意说漏了嘴。

    He might have let something slip in a moment of weakness .

  6. 接下来的几周内将发布一份大意如此的通告。

    A circular to this effect will be issued in the next few weeks

  7. 任何一个在专心听的人都会领悟他所说的大意。

    Anybody who 's listening will get the drift of what he was saying

  8. 我明白她谈话的大意。

    I follow the drift of her conversation .

  9. 他引用了一个中国谚语,大意是不应对邻居心存恶念之类的。

    He cited a Chinese proverb to the effect that you should never wish ill on your neighbour .

  10. 美国按照惯例在对以色列的援助中提出了附加条款,大意是该援助不能用于被占领地区。

    America conventionally attaches a rider to Israeli aid , to the effect that it must not be used in the occupied territories .

  11. 他认为这些想法有很多根本就不会奏效。但是他说话的大意却是“好极了!请告诉我们怎么让它们见效”。

    He suggested that many of the ideas just would not work . But the tenor of his input was ' Right on ! Please show us how to make them work ' .

  12. 请把这篇文章的大意归纳一下。

    Will you please sum up the main ideas of this article ?

  13. 把他讲话的大意记下来就行了。

    Just jot down the main ideas [ points ] of what he says .

  14. 他真大意,竟把她的地址给丢了。

    He was so careless that he lost her address .

  15. 委员会只提供了改组计划的大意,没有细加说明。

    The committee drew out a plan for the reorganization , without showing any details .

  16. 疏忽大意就可能引起事故。

    Carelessness often causes accidents .

  17. 他引用了谷歌的共同创始人拉里·佩奇的话,大意是“完美的搜索引频”会“正确理解我的意思,而且反馈给我的也正是我想要的。

    He quotes Google co-founder Larry Page to the effect that the " perfect search engine " will " understand exactly what I mean and give me back exactly what I want . "

  18. 母鸡看着远去的乌鸦,悔恨自己由于大意竟然将它欺骗,心中十分懊恼。

    Looking at ongoing that she had been so reckless to be deceived by the crow .

  19. 大意:NBA官方正在酝酿一个大煞风景的计划&把广告标志绣上球服!

    The NBA is mulling the prospect of stitching advertising logos onto jerseys .

  20. 虽然今年开始CPI有回落迹象,但仍不可大意,治理本轮通货膨胀,需要时间和科学、适当的政策。

    Although at the beginning of this year , there is a fall CPI signs , we still should not overlook .

  21. 芝加哥商品交易所集团(CMEGroup)正在调查本月的一起案例,迷你标普指数期货合约的一名交易员因疏忽大意,同时以买家和卖家的身份交易了近20万份合约。

    CME Group , the Chicago-based futures exchange , is investigating a case this month where a trader in mini SP Index futures contracts inadvertently traded approximately 200,000 contracts as both buyer and seller .

  22. 这种警告表明,用户正在疏忽大意地与攻击者而非iCloud交流。

    That indicated that users were inadvertently communicating with the attackers , rather than iCloud .

  23. 指示可能由一些业务策略和业务规则组合组成,OMG文档对比了策略和规则,大意如下

    Directives might consist of some combination of Business policies and business rules and the OMG documents compare and contrast the two which we summarize as follows

  24. 要想不对i进行初始化,你需要额外的输入“inti=void;”来表示你是有意不对i进行初始化而不是因为疏忽大意。

    To make it uninitialized you have to spend extra effort and type " int I = void ;" expressing that the uninitialized variable is intentional and not due to laziness .

  25. 中国新年开始于1月23日,假期持续2周的时间,到处都是Gunghayfatchoy(恭喜发财)的祝福声,我们外国人也听不懂,反正大意就是新年快乐吧。

    The Chinese New Year began Jan. 23 and festivities continue for two weeks . So Gung hay fat choy ! ( Loosely translated , that 's happy new year . )

  26. 韩语中甚至有个词来形容用完这些产品后所期待的饱满水润的感觉:chokchok(大意是水灵灵的)。

    There is even a term for the desired plump and sticky feeling after application of these products : chok chok .

  27. 大意是,如果泰克愿意的话,它十年前就可以成为主要的MSO供应商。

    If Tektronix wanted to , it could make the case that it was the first major oscilloscope manufacturer to offer an MSO ( mixed-signal oscilloscope ) .

  28. 此前,Uber一直在印度大力推销自己,并承诺将提供安全廉价的运输服务。如今,该公司可能因与上述袭击事件有关的疏忽大意面临严厉的法律制裁。

    The company , which had been aggressively promoting itself in India with the promise of safe and affordable transportation , is now facing the prospect of serious legal action for negligence in connection with the alleged attack .

  29. 所以加快研究OFDM信号识别系统理论,研制具有自主知识产权的关键设备和系统,无疑对增强国家信息高科技创新能力,推动军队信息化建设,促进综合国力和竞争力的进一步提高都具有重大意义。

    To speed up the theory research of OFDM signal recognition system , develope the key equipment and systems with independent intellectual property rights , will undoubtedly enhance the national hi-tech innovation and promote the construction of military information , improve the national comprehensive strength and competitiveness further .

  30. 当时油画还属新兴事物,但拉斐尔对绘画掌握已十分纯熟,以至于他的技巧被称为sprezzatura,大意是作画过程被技巧准确地掩盖。

    Raphael got so good with the then new medium of oil paint that his technique became known as sprezzatura , meaning , roughly , to hide with technical facility exactly how anything is done .